Boy this has been a sucky week on the health front. On the food front, pretty good. On the sex front, great! But the health front, just... damn.
I'll start on Sunday night, when we went out to see Catching Fire. When we got home, I didn't feel well but I chalked it up to loud sounds and too much popcorn. Monday morning however, was a totally different story. I was in agony, all over. I was too hot, then too cold, my head hurt, my teeth kept clenching, my stomach felt like it was going to come out of my too small throat, and my throat felt like it was going to close on me. I think I mentioned this, but it deserves a repeat. I. Was. Miserable. Then hubby came home and made me feel better with lots of crying, medicine, some crackers, and some restorative sleeping.
Tuesday, I still felt bad, but I took some Allegra-D and while it didn't cover all the yucky feelings inside, it was good enough to get me through the day and into Wednesday.
Wednesday, we had some errands to run, one of which was finally picking up the first Harry Potter novel from the library so I can reread the series. Afterward we went out to eat at a pretty awesome Sandwich place because I didn't want to cook the day before Thanksgiving. I was still nauseous at the drop of a hat, so I only got to eat half my sandwich though it was yummy. And I think I read something or other. I'm not too clear on it, but Hubby pissed me off because he kept tickling me, so I tried to kick him and ended up bruising my ankle on his elbow. Yeahhhhh not our best moment.
Thursday, I woke up pissed off. I think I'll explain later, but essentially, I knew I wasn't feeling well, I slept late, I knew it was *the* day for cooking, and I got up pissed. Poor hubby helped me cook for two and a half hours, after which dinner was ready, but I wasn't really able or willing to eat much. We had ham, mac'n'cheese, garlic mashed potatoes, honey crescent rolls, sweet cornbread, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie (made with kabocha because we went to three stores and none of them had pie pumpkins), and little one-serving sweet potato casseroles. Not bad, right?
Then today I woke up and just knew it sucked to be me. My throat once again felt like it was closing, my head still hurt, my stomach still didn't like me, and it had been FIVE DAYS since it started. I couldn't even talk. Whispering hurt like a freakin' acid. So hubby got out the computer and I typed to him, asking him to call my doctor and arrange for me to come in if they were open. The first time, we got a message talking about them being closed on Thanksgiving but in business on Friday, so I thought maybe they hadn't changed their message, and asked him to call back after 1. Well, I was right, and they told us to come on in. We did, and Hubby handled all the talking, then sat down in the waiting room with me and the laptop where I continued to talk to him. Then we went to the back, where I had my temperature and blood pressure taken and the nurse went away. While we were waiting, I heard the nurses/receptionists talking about how one of them called the doctor and asked if she was coming back, because they had a patient. So I was like O_O); Really? ..... =.=); We might be waiting a while.
But she came in within ten minutes, so it wasn't nearly as bad as I'd been expecting. ....But it wasn't my doctor. Then she didn't even introduce herself. I still don't know her name. She looked at the stats the nurse had taken, and was like "99? Well, you don't have a fever...So what other symptoms do you have?" and Hubby explained, then mentioned (I was very glad he remembered) that my normal temperature is actually 96.8 so yes, 99 was a fever for me. She looked in my ears, checked down my throat, listened to my heart beat, and felt my throat. Yes, that was it. Then she said "So do you want the shot or the pills?"
We were so confused. I asked "What is it?" but no one understood me, so she took that to be, what are the shots and pills. She said they were antibiotics, and that with my throat that bad, I probably couldn't swallow pills, so it would have to be the shot. I asked which one took effect sooner, and she said the shot. I cannot, repeat CANNOT attend classes with a communicable disease, so I immediately chose the shot. THEN she said, "I have to warn you, the antibodies are a very viscous, cold liquid that either gets injected into your thigh or your buttock, so you'll definitely feel it." I got tears in my eyes (I don't like needles) but was still committed to the shot. So she said she would send the nurse in, but before she escaped, I or hubby asked her what was wrong, and she simply said 'throat infection'. Then she left.
I was going to continue the story, but I want to take a moment here to expand on my growing lack of confidence in this woman. The difference between a viral infection and a bacterial infection are not that big, except for treatment. IF you treat a viral infection as a bacterial one, it can backfire on you. Badly. So the simplest way to test whether it's bacterial or not is to do a swab. ....She did not do one. Here's a simple explanation of the differences between the two, as well as the symptoms: My symptoms clearly match a viral infection, and I've had strep throat more times than I have fingers on one hand. She could have asked, or mentioned what she thought it was, or SOMETHING, but she did not. I'll resume my story now.
So, we're waiting, and then she comes back in, and hands me a prescription. She also mentions I might want to pick up Mucinex to go with it, to help with the congestion and cough. Hubby asked if that meant I wasn't going to get the shot, and she said no, the nurse would be in shortly. I asked what happened to Doctor Wendy, and she simply said that Wendy no longer works in that office. I asked if Allegra-D would work just as well, and she said something about if it was helpful so far, why not and left again, without explaining what exactly she'd given me. We kinda looked at each other with this 'The fuck? Do we really wanna do what this woman says?' face, but then the nurse came and told me to sit down. Hubby stood by me while we let a woman with bloodshot eyes stick a two inch long needle in my right thigh and then press it deeper and deeper. I didn't cry, and I didn't make a sound. The fact that I couldn't make a sound does not lessen my pride in not having whimpered. It was indeed painful. I was very happy to have her go. But then we had to go too and they were asking about a followup appointment I had scheduled with Doctor Wendy about my hypothyroidism, and frankly I'm not sure I ever want to see them again. But for now, I went with it (not like I could have argued), and when we got out, we saw the Doctor. Hubby (thank goodness for smart men) immediately got her attention and asked about the prescription.
She said the top one was antibiotics (so why did I get a shot?? We both thought one meant you didn't need the other, but apparently we were wrong), and the bottom one was for the inflammation and itching. That's all she said.
Well, we left and went to get our prescription filled. :( At Walmart. On Black Friday. It actually wasn't too bad, but we got another shock at the counter. The price was decent, but the shock actually came when the pharmacist explained what the pills were for, and how many I'm taking. She said "The first one is an antibiotic, you take one every twelve hours, and if you're on any birth control, you should know this medicine reduces the effectiveness of it, and should take secondary precautions." That floored us. Well, that and the size of the pills she showed us. Who the hell makes pills half an inch thick and over an inch long for people with throat problems??? But we got over the size, and Hubby asked for clarification. She said yes, any hormonal birth control will definitely be affected. Well. We're gonna be taking extra precautions this week!
And then. She explained the second set of pills. Oh. my. goodness. She said "And these are steroids. For the first 4 days, you'll be taking 6 pills every 12 hours, and for the last 2 days, you'll be taking 4 pills every 12 hours. Make sure you take all of these medicines with food, or it could make you sick." Back up. The chick gave me STEROIDS??? And didn't mention it? Go a little forward: SIX PILLS? Every 12 hours, I'm supposed to swallow seven-five pills, for a week or so? You want me on antibiotics and steroids that mess with my birth control (which often causes tubal pregnancy, which is a danger to you and the infant) and you didn't say anything to me about any of it? REALLY???
So yes, I'm pretty damn happy to change my doctor to one of Hubby's free school clinic doctors, assuming I can get all my paperwork transferred over. This chick explained nothing without our asking, and the bare minimum when we asked. On top of that, antibiotics frequently cause yeast infections (and my family is surprisingly susceptible to them) and as a doctor, she should have at least mentioned it or asked if that would be a problem for me. I'm really hesitant to actually take this medicine when I don't know that my infection is actually bacterial at all. But then I tell myself that I'm already filled with antibiotics from the shot and I should just take it all, since I accepted from the start. But I'm slack-jawed at the sloppiness of this woman, and I really miss my doctor. ;___;
Now here's my possibility section. The things I think it could be, but didn't get to ask about, and don't feel confident asking her. I could be allergic to mold, ants, or some tree in T that isn't in NC. This is getting less and less likely as the allergy medicine didn't clear everything up. Another thing is, I've had strep and mono, and/or some combination of the two several times. They usually aren't this severe, but in general, strep and mono are also very contagious. Hubby has been fine, despite all the lip-locks we've done this week. So maybe my body has twisted those bacteria into a recurring plague that comes for me whenever I get weak or stressed or the weather changes too suddenly. That's also possible, and could explain why it's just me on the damn sickbed. Don't get me wrong, I'm overjoyed that Hubby doesn't have to suffer this with me. I just always want to know the whys of everything, and this bothers me. What is this? Why doesn't anyone else seem to be getting this??
And there you have my week. There was other stuff, but I'm pretty much only posting on what I'm focusing on at the moment. :P Good night!
This is very nice. I liked this. Please listen to it.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
We bought Chestnuts!
They were so much cheaper at Sprouts than at Walmart! It was $3 something a pound, instead of $5 a pound. So I got 6 dollars worth of chestnuts (they're huge, succulent, and bound to be good) and looked up how to roast them. Apparently you have to cut Xs in them to keep them from exploding. It may be mean, but I kinda wanna make them explode and play a practical joke on someone. It's possibly dangerous though, so I'm going to refrain. Instead, a Turkish neighbor was roasting eggplants when I was swimming (in the hot tub. Cold weather + hot tub outside? AWESOME!!) so when I got out, I cut some chestnuts and sent Hubby out with them to him (since I'm wet and my feetsies would get cold).
I read this article last night ( and thought it was interesting. Hubby and I are planning essentially for the exact situation they're suggesting people head for. I do agree that for me, it's a preferred way of life. I talked with Hubby about it, but it was mostly me talking and so it's not a very interesting convo to repeat. Essentially, if I work 25 hours a week, and charge 80 or so dollars a session (make that much), I would be in the $100,000 annual salary range. However, my goal in being a therapist is making enough to support us, but also make it affordable enough that anyone can get one (I also eventually want to expand into animals, children, and the ill but that's years down the road) while also working a schedule that won't really wear me out or keep me from my family. So my goal range is actually about 20 hours a week at $40 a session. That puts me around the $40,000 income range, which is a little more than I feel I need to bring in. Hubby expects to make around $70,000 annually, so that puts us in the $110,000 range and I feel that's a little too much money for us to make and raise children with.
Let me explain that a little further (since Hubby's response was 'Money money money!'). There's a point where you make too much money to fully commit to raising your child in a healthy, happy environment without spoiling them. I truly believe that. It's one thing to make that much money and only spend a bit of it, but hoarding money is also not good for the economy, and you should also teach your child about giving back to those around you (this is different from charity). It's another thing if you're raising 3-7 kids on that much money. Because the more bodies you have, the more expenses. But since we're only planning to two children (three when you include Mimi, and I agree that maybe making that much will help us pay for her college later, but I want her to put in the extra effort and work while in college so she doesn't lose sight of her abilities, her ability to depend on herself, and her independence), that's a higher income than we really need, so it makes me uncomfortable. Admittedly, I'm not going to turn it down.... Do you know how many books that means I can buy????
Another good thing about my income is that it will be so versatile. If something happens and Hubby ends up out of work, I can step up my hours (as little as 5 hours a week), add a few extra clients, increase my session price a little bit (as little as $5) and jump up to $30,000 extra a year. I don't want to do that because it could endanger my body, and I could find myself approaching burnout, but I could do it. And to me, that's what counts.
It's also a little worrisome that if my family knows I'm doing well, I might end up with them constantly asking me for money. I may just say that since Hubby makes more than I do, they have to ask him for money. I'm too quick to hand it over, but I also don't want to push them on him if he doesn't want that burden. Hm. Something to talk about.
I think that's about it for tonight. I'm posting regularly, but I'm not getting much blog love.... *pout* I wish I could comment on peep's blogs but my account doesn't allow it for some reason. :/
I'll posted this before, but I really do like Maksim Mrvica. I might even buy some of his CDs to play for my massage clients. The only problem is that I've become able to hear when he makes mistakes (as all people do) and am worried that it'll be distracting to me or my clients.
I read this article last night ( and thought it was interesting. Hubby and I are planning essentially for the exact situation they're suggesting people head for. I do agree that for me, it's a preferred way of life. I talked with Hubby about it, but it was mostly me talking and so it's not a very interesting convo to repeat. Essentially, if I work 25 hours a week, and charge 80 or so dollars a session (make that much), I would be in the $100,000 annual salary range. However, my goal in being a therapist is making enough to support us, but also make it affordable enough that anyone can get one (I also eventually want to expand into animals, children, and the ill but that's years down the road) while also working a schedule that won't really wear me out or keep me from my family. So my goal range is actually about 20 hours a week at $40 a session. That puts me around the $40,000 income range, which is a little more than I feel I need to bring in. Hubby expects to make around $70,000 annually, so that puts us in the $110,000 range and I feel that's a little too much money for us to make and raise children with.
Let me explain that a little further (since Hubby's response was 'Money money money!'). There's a point where you make too much money to fully commit to raising your child in a healthy, happy environment without spoiling them. I truly believe that. It's one thing to make that much money and only spend a bit of it, but hoarding money is also not good for the economy, and you should also teach your child about giving back to those around you (this is different from charity). It's another thing if you're raising 3-7 kids on that much money. Because the more bodies you have, the more expenses. But since we're only planning to two children (three when you include Mimi, and I agree that maybe making that much will help us pay for her college later, but I want her to put in the extra effort and work while in college so she doesn't lose sight of her abilities, her ability to depend on herself, and her independence), that's a higher income than we really need, so it makes me uncomfortable. Admittedly, I'm not going to turn it down.... Do you know how many books that means I can buy????
Another good thing about my income is that it will be so versatile. If something happens and Hubby ends up out of work, I can step up my hours (as little as 5 hours a week), add a few extra clients, increase my session price a little bit (as little as $5) and jump up to $30,000 extra a year. I don't want to do that because it could endanger my body, and I could find myself approaching burnout, but I could do it. And to me, that's what counts.
It's also a little worrisome that if my family knows I'm doing well, I might end up with them constantly asking me for money. I may just say that since Hubby makes more than I do, they have to ask him for money. I'm too quick to hand it over, but I also don't want to push them on him if he doesn't want that burden. Hm. Something to talk about.
I think that's about it for tonight. I'm posting regularly, but I'm not getting much blog love.... *pout* I wish I could comment on peep's blogs but my account doesn't allow it for some reason. :/
I'll posted this before, but I really do like Maksim Mrvica. I might even buy some of his CDs to play for my massage clients. The only problem is that I've become able to hear when he makes mistakes (as all people do) and am worried that it'll be distracting to me or my clients.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Today, a week and four days after I got the chapter and the go-ahead, I sat down and translated the entire 40 page chapter. I'd already done the first 5 pages as a test to see if they wanted me as their translator, (I didn't know it was a test) and they said I passed. So today, I woke up around 11 and just didn't want to go back to sleep, so I got up, found myself with nothing to do, and started translating. Then, before I knew it, it was 1pm and Hubby came home. I was only on the 20th page or so. And so then, around 4:30, I was done. I think that means it took me about 5 hours to translate 35 pages. So 7 pages an hour? That's a little slow, but I think as I get used to it, I can improve my time. I also had three lines that just utterly confounded me, so I have to ask for help with them. But it was an interesting exercise, especially when I tried to explain my frustration to Hubby and just ended up jabbering on in Japanese. Some of those lines are total tongue-twisters though!!
I do feel a little accomplished, and a little more happy with myself. It's good review to read these things, and damn if they don't have some complicated kanji.
We also went to see Catching Fire on Sunday. It was really good, and I didn't even notice most of the stuff they left out until after we'd left the theatre and I was thinking back on it. I really liked it, both as a movie, and as a representation of the book. I really didn't enjoy the first movie, and felt like it was a stifled film overall, but this one was good. I want to see it again, which is something I never said about the first one. When I thought about it, they really did leave a lot out, and put in a few things that totally make sense/could work in the book and the flow was overall really good.
Yesterday (Monday), I got EXTREMELY sick. I believe it was allergies, because I took allergy medicine and it made it a lot better. But boy... moving hurt, I couldn't breath, I couldn't sleep, I was too hot, then too cold, my head hurt, my stomach felt super nauseous, and I was on the verge of tears when hubby came home. So of course as soon as he touched me, I started crying. *rolls eyes* I really need to learn what it is about him that makes my emotions just pour out of me every time he touches me. And then I was nonsensical, telling him to go buy me medicine, but don't leave me. Then, I can't move, but I want to go with him. Then, I need this, but I don't want him to leave me. Even I can admit I was ridiculously contradictory. But hubby persevered, and finally convinced me I should stay home and study while he bought my medicine (I had a test yesterday). So he bought medicine and ginger ale (I always drink it when I'm sick because it settles my stomach, and isn't particularly taste-filled), came home, and found my curled up asleep. I studied for a while, but crying wore me out and I fell asleep. Maya kept me company pretty much the entire day in bed. And once hubby came back with medicine for me, he also joined me and we studied together.
Then I went to class (had hubby drive me) and took my test. It took me 15 minutes to take a 40 question test, and I got 6 wrong, but I got 5 of the bonus questions right, so I ended up with a 90. I wish I had done a little better, but I don't think 90 is bad. I studied a lot of stuff I didn't need to, apparently.
Then I managed to hang in there, and stayed for the whole class, where we learned about a few pressure points, and meditation. We all went around and shared our experience with meditation, and I thought about how I actually do 'meditation' several times in a day. When I'm contemplating what to make for dinner, my mind focuses but wanders, and it's like meditation (making dinner is different. I have to pay too much attention to outside factors for that to be meditation). When I swim, it's like water meditation. When I jog, it used to be like meditation. Now it's just "Ouch, ow, ow, ow, oh, oh, it's going numb, is that good? is that bad? which which which?" But essentially, you can do it anywhere and that really came home to me, listening to everyone elses' experiences with it.
I really should get in contact with my school's finance office and find out about the scholarship I earned. I still haven't heard from him, but I think I'll draft an email over our Thanksgiving break. :/ I called once and left my number, but phoning makes me so shy, I don't wanna do it again.
Hubby's been on the phone for over an hour with somebody asking for his help. *pout* I want his attention on me! Especially since I'm leaving for school soon. *pout pout* Damnit! .....Yes, I'm totally spoiled.
Maya has been crying too much lately, so I lost my temper with her. I looked at her, narrowed my eyes, growled, and held her stare until she looked away twice. She hasn't made a sound since. I feel a little bad, but I was really tired of her crying. I've already picked her up, petted her, fed her, and watered her. I do need to do her litter box, but since my head still feels like it could explode if I move too much, I'm putting it off for a little bit. :/
Have a good one~! I'll try to post again soon. :)
I think this song is very good. This cover is pretty good too.
I do feel a little accomplished, and a little more happy with myself. It's good review to read these things, and damn if they don't have some complicated kanji.
We also went to see Catching Fire on Sunday. It was really good, and I didn't even notice most of the stuff they left out until after we'd left the theatre and I was thinking back on it. I really liked it, both as a movie, and as a representation of the book. I really didn't enjoy the first movie, and felt like it was a stifled film overall, but this one was good. I want to see it again, which is something I never said about the first one. When I thought about it, they really did leave a lot out, and put in a few things that totally make sense/could work in the book and the flow was overall really good.
Yesterday (Monday), I got EXTREMELY sick. I believe it was allergies, because I took allergy medicine and it made it a lot better. But boy... moving hurt, I couldn't breath, I couldn't sleep, I was too hot, then too cold, my head hurt, my stomach felt super nauseous, and I was on the verge of tears when hubby came home. So of course as soon as he touched me, I started crying. *rolls eyes* I really need to learn what it is about him that makes my emotions just pour out of me every time he touches me. And then I was nonsensical, telling him to go buy me medicine, but don't leave me. Then, I can't move, but I want to go with him. Then, I need this, but I don't want him to leave me. Even I can admit I was ridiculously contradictory. But hubby persevered, and finally convinced me I should stay home and study while he bought my medicine (I had a test yesterday). So he bought medicine and ginger ale (I always drink it when I'm sick because it settles my stomach, and isn't particularly taste-filled), came home, and found my curled up asleep. I studied for a while, but crying wore me out and I fell asleep. Maya kept me company pretty much the entire day in bed. And once hubby came back with medicine for me, he also joined me and we studied together.
Then I went to class (had hubby drive me) and took my test. It took me 15 minutes to take a 40 question test, and I got 6 wrong, but I got 5 of the bonus questions right, so I ended up with a 90. I wish I had done a little better, but I don't think 90 is bad. I studied a lot of stuff I didn't need to, apparently.
Then I managed to hang in there, and stayed for the whole class, where we learned about a few pressure points, and meditation. We all went around and shared our experience with meditation, and I thought about how I actually do 'meditation' several times in a day. When I'm contemplating what to make for dinner, my mind focuses but wanders, and it's like meditation (making dinner is different. I have to pay too much attention to outside factors for that to be meditation). When I swim, it's like water meditation. When I jog, it used to be like meditation. Now it's just "Ouch, ow, ow, ow, oh, oh, it's going numb, is that good? is that bad? which which which?" But essentially, you can do it anywhere and that really came home to me, listening to everyone elses' experiences with it.
I really should get in contact with my school's finance office and find out about the scholarship I earned. I still haven't heard from him, but I think I'll draft an email over our Thanksgiving break. :/ I called once and left my number, but phoning makes me so shy, I don't wanna do it again.
Hubby's been on the phone for over an hour with somebody asking for his help. *pout* I want his attention on me! Especially since I'm leaving for school soon. *pout pout* Damnit! .....Yes, I'm totally spoiled.
Maya has been crying too much lately, so I lost my temper with her. I looked at her, narrowed my eyes, growled, and held her stare until she looked away twice. She hasn't made a sound since. I feel a little bad, but I was really tired of her crying. I've already picked her up, petted her, fed her, and watered her. I do need to do her litter box, but since my head still feels like it could explode if I move too much, I'm putting it off for a little bit. :/
Have a good one~! I'll try to post again soon. :)
I think this song is very good. This cover is pretty good too.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Light and fluffy post
Since College kid said that my last post was rather heavy, I'll see about being lovey-dovey on this one.
Hubby and I have gotten rather lovey dovey lately(last few months). When he comes home, I usually run to the door to give him a hug and an 'Okaeri'. When we're in bed, we usually cuddle one or the other (I'm a big spoon! Wahaha!) while going to sleep. Sometimes we have mock fights where one of us chases the other, and the usual 'safe place' becomes the bed, where the chased snuggles under the covers and 'hides'. And is usually poked or tickled as payment for using the bed. When Hubby comes home from work, if I'm not up already, he'll usually come and climb back in bed for anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. It depends on if he falls back asleep, and if I'm too sleepy to notice he's there (I usually notice, but sometimes think I'm dreaming). When he joins me in bed, I often wrap my feet around his, since he usually has cold feet when he comes home, and mine are super warm from sleeping. We try to text each other pretty often, but that doesn't always work, since he doesn't check his phone very much, and so it dies on him more than anyone else I've ever seen.
We went and bought a shirt so we could have contrasting clothes for our Christmas photos this year (yes, we're trying to do it every year). I really wanted tacky-couply-Christmas sweatshirts or vests, and we FINALLY FOUND THEM!! But he didn't want to pay for clothes we would only ever wear one time. So hopefully they'll be on sale after Christmas and we can buy some for next year. But next year we'll likely have Mimi with us, so we might need to buy a third one.
In general, I think we're just steadily finding each other more and more adorable, and hence the 'Cute Aggression' video makes sense. We squeeze and hug and coo at each other. We pout and poke and laugh at each other. And life is pretty good. Even when we're annoyed with each other, it isn't so bad. :D Yay fluffy post!
Here's another Downtown Episode, this time in a Silent Library. It kinda feels like jackass when they do it this way. It's an hour long, but you can just skip around.
Here's a bit of Fluffy for you. :)
Hubby and I have gotten rather lovey dovey lately(last few months). When he comes home, I usually run to the door to give him a hug and an 'Okaeri'. When we're in bed, we usually cuddle one or the other (I'm a big spoon! Wahaha!) while going to sleep. Sometimes we have mock fights where one of us chases the other, and the usual 'safe place' becomes the bed, where the chased snuggles under the covers and 'hides'. And is usually poked or tickled as payment for using the bed. When Hubby comes home from work, if I'm not up already, he'll usually come and climb back in bed for anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. It depends on if he falls back asleep, and if I'm too sleepy to notice he's there (I usually notice, but sometimes think I'm dreaming). When he joins me in bed, I often wrap my feet around his, since he usually has cold feet when he comes home, and mine are super warm from sleeping. We try to text each other pretty often, but that doesn't always work, since he doesn't check his phone very much, and so it dies on him more than anyone else I've ever seen.
We went and bought a shirt so we could have contrasting clothes for our Christmas photos this year (yes, we're trying to do it every year). I really wanted tacky-couply-Christmas sweatshirts or vests, and we FINALLY FOUND THEM!! But he didn't want to pay for clothes we would only ever wear one time. So hopefully they'll be on sale after Christmas and we can buy some for next year. But next year we'll likely have Mimi with us, so we might need to buy a third one.
In general, I think we're just steadily finding each other more and more adorable, and hence the 'Cute Aggression' video makes sense. We squeeze and hug and coo at each other. We pout and poke and laugh at each other. And life is pretty good. Even when we're annoyed with each other, it isn't so bad. :D Yay fluffy post!
Here's another Downtown Episode, this time in a Silent Library. It kinda feels like jackass when they do it this way. It's an hour long, but you can just skip around.
Here's a bit of Fluffy for you. :)
Friday, November 22, 2013
I tried to set up a study group
and one person said she would come. But she hasn't called, texted, or messaged me yet. :( I even tidied up a little bit.
So, for the 'bad' news: My sister went to court on Wednesday about her baby boy Max (who I've never met), and the judge's first decision was to give him to his father's family. But C's father stood up and said he wanted a paternity test done, and everyone got mad, and the judge said to forget it, all their rights were terminated, and Max is being put up for adoption. It turns out that his foster mother wants to adopt him, and he's always been happy and clean and well-dressed (according to Cin), so I think he's going to a good home.
Then the next day, Mimi called Nana and asked her to come eat lunch with her. The foster mother had said that she didn't see a problem with it, but the social worker said no when the school called her about mom coming in. Mom showed up and signed in and saw Mimi as she went to lunch, but the office ladies told Mimi to keep walking and told Nana that SS had said she wasn't on the allowed list to see Mimi, and she had to leave. Mom called SS about it, and got into an argument with the social worker, so my visit in December might be in jeopardy. *sigh* Plus, Mimi was left disappointed because they wouldn't let Nana explain to her why she couldn't eat with her.
Mimi called Cin that night, and Cin explained what happened, and Mimi said it was fine, and they got to talking. Mimi told Cin that she had lied about Chay touching her sexually, but that R (Cin's then-boyfriend) HAD touched her, just like she told Nana he had. Cin asked why Mimi had lied to her for so long (it's been years now. I was a senior in high school when this happened), and Mimi said she'd been scared. Cin still won't admit she was wrong to go back to R after Mimi said that. She said she hadn't believed that he would do that, and she regrets the arguments, but there hadn't been a doubt in her mind that he hadn't done it because Mimi told her it was Chay and not R. She doesn't seem to understand THAT's why Mimi changed her story. Kids are sensitive to adult's moods and beliefs, and it was better to change the story and still believe her mommy loved her, than to tell about the guy she loved and see if her mommy would choose the guy over her or not. I can't explain it without getting perilously angry, because if there's the slightest doubt about a man, I would give him up before I would risk my kids, and I would never go back to him. I believe hubby would never, ever do such a thing, especially since he doesn't even like kids. But I also can't imagine being in that situation because it's hubby I married. At least she wasn't married to the bastard, though I can't forgive her for going back to him like she did.
After she got off the phone with Mimi, Cin called the police, and they said it wasn't too late to charge R, now that Mimi was admitting it. What bothers me is the story Mimi told. She said Cin was at work, and they were at a hotel they were living in, and Mimi told R her 'monkey' was hurting (Bubble baths bother her genitals, so that was probably what made her all raw), and he told her to take off her pants, and when she did, he stuck a finger in her. Knowing Mimi as I do, I'm now doubtful there was anything sexual about it. I'm not sure, and for me, that's enough to continue hating him, but I know Cin and R had sex with Mimi in the room while they thought she was sleeping. A lot. And Mimi has a very active imagination, and could construe his looking at her monkey to see what's wrong, as being sexual, especially if he moved her 'lips' around to see if there were any bumps or anything. She would easily construe it that way, and so I'm unsure if anything really happened. But it bothers me to know the full story now, and still have so many questions. If it was innocent, then when he was accused all those years ago, wouldn't he have told about the same story? And I know his penis was tiny, like, finger size or smaller, so he could have been having sex with Mimi, rubbing her raw (like we thought the bubble bath was doing) and we would never have really known it until Mimi said. The ambiguity of having an idea of what happened, and still not knowing, bothers me. :/ I don't know.
Anyway, Cin is now staying with Bubba through the holidays. She admitted that she tried to commit suicide a month and half ago, that she felt like everything was hopeless, and that C stopped her from doing it. I owe him some thanks. Maybe I'll get him a Christmas present for saving my sister's life. I still hate him intensly, but I would like to show my gratitude. I love my sister too much to ignore that help. So I finally have a way to get in touch with her!
She told me that she hated calling me anymore because she never got to talk to me without having to admit to x number of screw-ups that she's done. I told her that's life, and that everyone makes mistakes and things happen to everyone. She sounded disbelieving, so I asked if I'd told her about hitting a car on Valentine's Day. I hadn't, so I told her that. Then I mentioned that office job letting me go, and how I haven't heard from her since I told her I'd gotten the job, so I hadn't been able to tell her about them deciding I wasn't a good fit. How, because she doesn't talk to me, she doesn't know about my screw-ups, but that everyone does mess up, and it's a part of life, and she should be able to see that.
We ended on a good note, and I realized I hadn't gotten to ask her for her lawyer's contact info. *siiiiiigh* She said that she wants to be with Bubba because she knows that he and I care about her and wouldn't turn our backs on her. *tilts head* I don't know. If she screws up much more, I won't be able to help it. She's got an apartment ready for that is income-based, so as soon as she starts making an income, she'll be able to move into it, and next week she has someone coming to help her find a job. I think Cin would make a great secretary or assistant. She's very sociable and can hold her own in a confrontation. But she has so much bad background, and her credit is so very bad, that I don't see anyone hiring her in that capacity. It's sad.
I'm wracking my brain trying to think of something to make for dinner and not coming up with much of anything. *sigh* I don't necessarily want to eat out, but I certainly don't have anything I want to make. I think I'm a little depressed that I tried to do a study group and no one showed.
We have our first written exam on Monday and I think if I just read through my notes, I'll be prepared enough. We have forty minutes, and forty six questions, so it shouldn't be too bad. It'll be a good indicator of how well we'll test.
It's certainly getting cold now. I'm covered with a blanket and I'm still cold. That could be contributing to my languid mood.
I still need to call Mom, so I'll go ahead and get off. Love you guys. Sorry my post is so full of crap. But that's life, right?
So, for the 'bad' news: My sister went to court on Wednesday about her baby boy Max (who I've never met), and the judge's first decision was to give him to his father's family. But C's father stood up and said he wanted a paternity test done, and everyone got mad, and the judge said to forget it, all their rights were terminated, and Max is being put up for adoption. It turns out that his foster mother wants to adopt him, and he's always been happy and clean and well-dressed (according to Cin), so I think he's going to a good home.
Then the next day, Mimi called Nana and asked her to come eat lunch with her. The foster mother had said that she didn't see a problem with it, but the social worker said no when the school called her about mom coming in. Mom showed up and signed in and saw Mimi as she went to lunch, but the office ladies told Mimi to keep walking and told Nana that SS had said she wasn't on the allowed list to see Mimi, and she had to leave. Mom called SS about it, and got into an argument with the social worker, so my visit in December might be in jeopardy. *sigh* Plus, Mimi was left disappointed because they wouldn't let Nana explain to her why she couldn't eat with her.
Mimi called Cin that night, and Cin explained what happened, and Mimi said it was fine, and they got to talking. Mimi told Cin that she had lied about Chay touching her sexually, but that R (Cin's then-boyfriend) HAD touched her, just like she told Nana he had. Cin asked why Mimi had lied to her for so long (it's been years now. I was a senior in high school when this happened), and Mimi said she'd been scared. Cin still won't admit she was wrong to go back to R after Mimi said that. She said she hadn't believed that he would do that, and she regrets the arguments, but there hadn't been a doubt in her mind that he hadn't done it because Mimi told her it was Chay and not R. She doesn't seem to understand THAT's why Mimi changed her story. Kids are sensitive to adult's moods and beliefs, and it was better to change the story and still believe her mommy loved her, than to tell about the guy she loved and see if her mommy would choose the guy over her or not. I can't explain it without getting perilously angry, because if there's the slightest doubt about a man, I would give him up before I would risk my kids, and I would never go back to him. I believe hubby would never, ever do such a thing, especially since he doesn't even like kids. But I also can't imagine being in that situation because it's hubby I married. At least she wasn't married to the bastard, though I can't forgive her for going back to him like she did.
After she got off the phone with Mimi, Cin called the police, and they said it wasn't too late to charge R, now that Mimi was admitting it. What bothers me is the story Mimi told. She said Cin was at work, and they were at a hotel they were living in, and Mimi told R her 'monkey' was hurting (Bubble baths bother her genitals, so that was probably what made her all raw), and he told her to take off her pants, and when she did, he stuck a finger in her. Knowing Mimi as I do, I'm now doubtful there was anything sexual about it. I'm not sure, and for me, that's enough to continue hating him, but I know Cin and R had sex with Mimi in the room while they thought she was sleeping. A lot. And Mimi has a very active imagination, and could construe his looking at her monkey to see what's wrong, as being sexual, especially if he moved her 'lips' around to see if there were any bumps or anything. She would easily construe it that way, and so I'm unsure if anything really happened. But it bothers me to know the full story now, and still have so many questions. If it was innocent, then when he was accused all those years ago, wouldn't he have told about the same story? And I know his penis was tiny, like, finger size or smaller, so he could have been having sex with Mimi, rubbing her raw (like we thought the bubble bath was doing) and we would never have really known it until Mimi said. The ambiguity of having an idea of what happened, and still not knowing, bothers me. :/ I don't know.
Anyway, Cin is now staying with Bubba through the holidays. She admitted that she tried to commit suicide a month and half ago, that she felt like everything was hopeless, and that C stopped her from doing it. I owe him some thanks. Maybe I'll get him a Christmas present for saving my sister's life. I still hate him intensly, but I would like to show my gratitude. I love my sister too much to ignore that help. So I finally have a way to get in touch with her!
She told me that she hated calling me anymore because she never got to talk to me without having to admit to x number of screw-ups that she's done. I told her that's life, and that everyone makes mistakes and things happen to everyone. She sounded disbelieving, so I asked if I'd told her about hitting a car on Valentine's Day. I hadn't, so I told her that. Then I mentioned that office job letting me go, and how I haven't heard from her since I told her I'd gotten the job, so I hadn't been able to tell her about them deciding I wasn't a good fit. How, because she doesn't talk to me, she doesn't know about my screw-ups, but that everyone does mess up, and it's a part of life, and she should be able to see that.
We ended on a good note, and I realized I hadn't gotten to ask her for her lawyer's contact info. *siiiiiigh* She said that she wants to be with Bubba because she knows that he and I care about her and wouldn't turn our backs on her. *tilts head* I don't know. If she screws up much more, I won't be able to help it. She's got an apartment ready for that is income-based, so as soon as she starts making an income, she'll be able to move into it, and next week she has someone coming to help her find a job. I think Cin would make a great secretary or assistant. She's very sociable and can hold her own in a confrontation. But she has so much bad background, and her credit is so very bad, that I don't see anyone hiring her in that capacity. It's sad.
I'm wracking my brain trying to think of something to make for dinner and not coming up with much of anything. *sigh* I don't necessarily want to eat out, but I certainly don't have anything I want to make. I think I'm a little depressed that I tried to do a study group and no one showed.
We have our first written exam on Monday and I think if I just read through my notes, I'll be prepared enough. We have forty minutes, and forty six questions, so it shouldn't be too bad. It'll be a good indicator of how well we'll test.
It's certainly getting cold now. I'm covered with a blanket and I'm still cold. That could be contributing to my languid mood.
I still need to call Mom, so I'll go ahead and get off. Love you guys. Sorry my post is so full of crap. But that's life, right?
Saturday, November 16, 2013
My battery isn't what it used to be
Right as I typed that, my computer died. I was waiting for the car to finish getting 'updated' at the repair shop. We needed to change the oil, rotate the tires, get state inspections done, and check the brakes. It took a full two hours, so I was rushing around yesterday.
Today was pretty good. I was running on a high of being able to see a movie that I've really liked since I first saw the advertisements in Japan. That's right, Hankyu Densha! I've made hubby watch it, and he really seemed to enjoy it. It's available online with english subtitles, so if you have the time, I really recommend you watch it. It's a feel-good film. Hmmm.... Here's a trailer:
As to what college kid said about telling his parents of our plans. I can't help agreeing. We discussed how it feels to talk to our moms and it was basically something like this: My mom is willing to listen to me when I have a problem, and help me work things out, but she's also kinda distant.... =.=;; Like, I'd better be dying if I call her at 2 a.m. and sometimes she won't give me advice because she doesn't want to make up my mind for me. On the other hand, if I've made a decision and it's clear that I'm not wavering, she falls behind me rather quickly and helps with advice and warnings that really do tend to be useful. My Step-dad is a little more strict with his views, but he also believes me to be level-headed, or else just really lucky.... I'm not sure what he thinks of me, to be honest. I do think he spoils me though. Like, just generally supports and indulges my attitudes because he thinks it's cute. .....Dunno. He's just generally lenient with me. I would like to lay the thanks for that at my own feet. I'm 23, married, and have no children. I've beat the hell out of my sister's examples, don't you think?
Collegekid's mom is easy to talk to, but I kind of feel like I have to treat her with kid gloves. I could never imagine talking to her about sex, for example, but I've always been comfortable talking to my mom about it. She's sweet and supportive, but naive and has warped views on things sometimes. At least she's willing to try to understand our sides of things. My father-in-law is very set in his ideas, and pushes his opinions because he believes they are right, and we are wrong, and we should always listen to him. Life doesn't work that way. I think Collegekid spoiled his parents too much growing up by not actively debating beliefs and opinions often enough. His dad isn't used to being opposed, and I'm worried he will quite readily blame me for his son's 'unusual rebelliousness'.... Admittedly, Collegekid would likely never have opposed his family in such dramatic ways if he hadn't dated and married me, but I like to think our relationship is worth at least that much. But because he isn't lenient and doesn't like to consider things from our side and beliefs, it makes talking about big decisions in our lives rather difficult to do with him.
I at least don't want to talk to him more than I have to. I like him, to be honest. But it's difficult to continue liking someone that seems to vaguely dislike me. :/ Also, its hard to talk to him because he's hard of hearing, and I'm naturally soft-spoken. I'm also not very willing to repeat myself more than twice, because my sisters had the habit of saying 'Huh?' to buy time when you talked to them. =.=;;
On a new note, I'm back to wondering if I'm scary and intimidating to people that don't know me very well. I seem to go through cycles of this. I know I can be charming and sweet, but since that isn't all I am, I find myself awkwardly trying to deal with new people in an honest manner. I'm beginning to think honesty is overrated. ;__; It is soooo troublesome. Have you noticed most of my issues stem from my dedication to being as honest as I can? I don't want to compromise my values but I also don't want to make people feel awkward and suspicious of me for the rest of my life.
I wonder if I'm turning into the female version of a creepy otaku. I feel like it. I should start working out. It's been nice and cool, and yet I can't seem to motivate myself to go out running. I'd like to start doing yoga again, but it's a little expensive, and the place I like is rather far away from where I live. Maybe I should look for closer places or ask my classmates if they have any recommendations. I already impressed them with my high karate kick. The teacher made me do it an extra time so everyone could admire how high it goes (to my opponent's head). Maybe I can impress them with my yoga awesomeness?
I like this song. It's vivid and interesting and the beat is very fun.
Today was pretty good. I was running on a high of being able to see a movie that I've really liked since I first saw the advertisements in Japan. That's right, Hankyu Densha! I've made hubby watch it, and he really seemed to enjoy it. It's available online with english subtitles, so if you have the time, I really recommend you watch it. It's a feel-good film. Hmmm.... Here's a trailer:
As to what college kid said about telling his parents of our plans. I can't help agreeing. We discussed how it feels to talk to our moms and it was basically something like this: My mom is willing to listen to me when I have a problem, and help me work things out, but she's also kinda distant.... =.=;; Like, I'd better be dying if I call her at 2 a.m. and sometimes she won't give me advice because she doesn't want to make up my mind for me. On the other hand, if I've made a decision and it's clear that I'm not wavering, she falls behind me rather quickly and helps with advice and warnings that really do tend to be useful. My Step-dad is a little more strict with his views, but he also believes me to be level-headed, or else just really lucky.... I'm not sure what he thinks of me, to be honest. I do think he spoils me though. Like, just generally supports and indulges my attitudes because he thinks it's cute. .....Dunno. He's just generally lenient with me. I would like to lay the thanks for that at my own feet. I'm 23, married, and have no children. I've beat the hell out of my sister's examples, don't you think?
Collegekid's mom is easy to talk to, but I kind of feel like I have to treat her with kid gloves. I could never imagine talking to her about sex, for example, but I've always been comfortable talking to my mom about it. She's sweet and supportive, but naive and has warped views on things sometimes. At least she's willing to try to understand our sides of things. My father-in-law is very set in his ideas, and pushes his opinions because he believes they are right, and we are wrong, and we should always listen to him. Life doesn't work that way. I think Collegekid spoiled his parents too much growing up by not actively debating beliefs and opinions often enough. His dad isn't used to being opposed, and I'm worried he will quite readily blame me for his son's 'unusual rebelliousness'.... Admittedly, Collegekid would likely never have opposed his family in such dramatic ways if he hadn't dated and married me, but I like to think our relationship is worth at least that much. But because he isn't lenient and doesn't like to consider things from our side and beliefs, it makes talking about big decisions in our lives rather difficult to do with him.
I at least don't want to talk to him more than I have to. I like him, to be honest. But it's difficult to continue liking someone that seems to vaguely dislike me. :/ Also, its hard to talk to him because he's hard of hearing, and I'm naturally soft-spoken. I'm also not very willing to repeat myself more than twice, because my sisters had the habit of saying 'Huh?' to buy time when you talked to them. =.=;;
On a new note, I'm back to wondering if I'm scary and intimidating to people that don't know me very well. I seem to go through cycles of this. I know I can be charming and sweet, but since that isn't all I am, I find myself awkwardly trying to deal with new people in an honest manner. I'm beginning to think honesty is overrated. ;__; It is soooo troublesome. Have you noticed most of my issues stem from my dedication to being as honest as I can? I don't want to compromise my values but I also don't want to make people feel awkward and suspicious of me for the rest of my life.
I wonder if I'm turning into the female version of a creepy otaku. I feel like it. I should start working out. It's been nice and cool, and yet I can't seem to motivate myself to go out running. I'd like to start doing yoga again, but it's a little expensive, and the place I like is rather far away from where I live. Maybe I should look for closer places or ask my classmates if they have any recommendations. I already impressed them with my high karate kick. The teacher made me do it an extra time so everyone could admire how high it goes (to my opponent's head). Maybe I can impress them with my yoga awesomeness?
I like this song. It's vivid and interesting and the beat is very fun.
Monday, November 11, 2013
S/S Scholarship/Sickness
It seems whenever something exciting happens to me, that I also inevitably end up sick as well. When I was accepted to S&M, I had strep throat and couldn't even tell anyone I'd been accepted. When I got my scholarship on Friday (yay!!) I could barely talk enough to make the calls I needed to, and then I kinda lost my voice all weekend. My tonsils were swollen and irritated, my voice was strange, and I generally ached, hurt, or just didn't feel well the whole weekend.
Hubby took good care of me, and didn't even try to stay away from my germs (that's a first). I'm surprised he didn't catch it, and can only conclude that it wasn't contagious.
So the scholarship is for $1000, divided into $250 for each quarter assuming my grades stay above 70%. I think I can manage that, so long as I keep calm and move on. We had our touch assessment tonight, where we worked on an instructor for 15 minutes and they gave us feedback on quality of touch, strokes, and any other feedback they had. Mine went well. The talking only took a minute or two at the beginning and the end, and I managed to finish everything without rushing too much. I should work on my pressure, but I can blame the table for being too high as well.
I finally remembered to take the suckers to school with me that were left over after Halloween. A lot of people liked them. I also took some rice krispie treats, and two had messages from hubby that he'd written months ago. It was sweet! I wrote new messages on the ones that didn't have one that said "You're awesome!" or "You go girl/guy!" I'm not sure if anyone really noticed the little messages, but they all got eaten.
I made a terrible mistake. When at Costco over the weekend, I bought a 56 oz. bag of m&ms. We have not stopped munching on them all weekend, and we're down to half the bag now. >.<
I got new underwear! I love Aerie's underwear options. They usually have one or two new styles, and new patterns, every time I go in as well as old ones that I found I liked. I got 8 new pairs for $21~! Finally threw away the old black and pink pairs that I didn't like and were worn away. Runa feels better!
Tomorrow we have a practical exam showing we know how to do the Swedish massage within an hour without many mistakes. I'm not all that worried about it. I do want to get my homework done though. I didn't do it over the weekend like I normally would have because I wasn't feeling well and didn't expect to be able to remember it.
I've heard this song on the radio lately and I rather like it. The video gets better over time. Damn, I really need to start reading/watching Naruto again. It looks like it's gotten even cooler.
Hubby took good care of me, and didn't even try to stay away from my germs (that's a first). I'm surprised he didn't catch it, and can only conclude that it wasn't contagious.
So the scholarship is for $1000, divided into $250 for each quarter assuming my grades stay above 70%. I think I can manage that, so long as I keep calm and move on. We had our touch assessment tonight, where we worked on an instructor for 15 minutes and they gave us feedback on quality of touch, strokes, and any other feedback they had. Mine went well. The talking only took a minute or two at the beginning and the end, and I managed to finish everything without rushing too much. I should work on my pressure, but I can blame the table for being too high as well.
I finally remembered to take the suckers to school with me that were left over after Halloween. A lot of people liked them. I also took some rice krispie treats, and two had messages from hubby that he'd written months ago. It was sweet! I wrote new messages on the ones that didn't have one that said "You're awesome!" or "You go girl/guy!" I'm not sure if anyone really noticed the little messages, but they all got eaten.
I made a terrible mistake. When at Costco over the weekend, I bought a 56 oz. bag of m&ms. We have not stopped munching on them all weekend, and we're down to half the bag now. >.<
I got new underwear! I love Aerie's underwear options. They usually have one or two new styles, and new patterns, every time I go in as well as old ones that I found I liked. I got 8 new pairs for $21~! Finally threw away the old black and pink pairs that I didn't like and were worn away. Runa feels better!
Tomorrow we have a practical exam showing we know how to do the Swedish massage within an hour without many mistakes. I'm not all that worried about it. I do want to get my homework done though. I didn't do it over the weekend like I normally would have because I wasn't feeling well and didn't expect to be able to remember it.
I've heard this song on the radio lately and I rather like it. The video gets better over time. Damn, I really need to start reading/watching Naruto again. It looks like it's gotten even cooler.
Friday, November 1, 2013
What would you do?
I really enjoy these videos. They show humanity as well as callousness. I appreciate the look into people's pysches that these videos offer. You should look through them.
Some made me cry. I know what I would do with most of them, but even I'm unsure of what I would do in some situations.
On another note, what do you think about public breastfeeding? When I was in Japan, it was actually quite common. So I'm totally fine with it, but I think I'd rather have my husband there with me to help mitigate onlookers from commenting. If you're going to breastfeed your child, it's going to require a bit of public feeding if you don't pump'n'store. I'm not certain of the safety of the milk once it's been pumped and left for any amount of time, either though. So what would you do? Will you breastfeed, and just hide at home for weeks until your baby can be brought out for a couple of hours without needing to feed?
Pineapples: I think this would be interesting for you. :)
What bothers me, is that when you're raised completely without meat, eating meat WILL make you sick. Your body is not longer adapted to eat it. So these people are trying to MAKE the child sick. I think it's really cool how they were at a barbeque restaurant and all the patrons stood up for the vegans though. ^.^
It's really heartening to see people respond without knowing they were being recorded. I've watched a LOT of them today (Feeling sick, so I'm basically just crying at the videos and smiling and wanting to share them all but settling for just a few) and actually seen a few real life instances of people being helped, without it being a WWYD. I've seen mothers get help with paying for groceries, and I've seen mothers that actually count on it, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get any food. There are good and bad things about these types of assistance, but ultimately, I think helping is never really a bad thing.
I really enjoy these videos. They show humanity as well as callousness. I appreciate the look into people's pysches that these videos offer. You should look through them.
Some made me cry. I know what I would do with most of them, but even I'm unsure of what I would do in some situations.
On another note, what do you think about public breastfeeding? When I was in Japan, it was actually quite common. So I'm totally fine with it, but I think I'd rather have my husband there with me to help mitigate onlookers from commenting. If you're going to breastfeed your child, it's going to require a bit of public feeding if you don't pump'n'store. I'm not certain of the safety of the milk once it's been pumped and left for any amount of time, either though. So what would you do? Will you breastfeed, and just hide at home for weeks until your baby can be brought out for a couple of hours without needing to feed?
Pineapples: I think this would be interesting for you. :)
What bothers me, is that when you're raised completely without meat, eating meat WILL make you sick. Your body is not longer adapted to eat it. So these people are trying to MAKE the child sick. I think it's really cool how they were at a barbeque restaurant and all the patrons stood up for the vegans though. ^.^
It's really heartening to see people respond without knowing they were being recorded. I've watched a LOT of them today (Feeling sick, so I'm basically just crying at the videos and smiling and wanting to share them all but settling for just a few) and actually seen a few real life instances of people being helped, without it being a WWYD. I've seen mothers get help with paying for groceries, and I've seen mothers that actually count on it, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get any food. There are good and bad things about these types of assistance, but ultimately, I think helping is never really a bad thing.
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