Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Free your breasts

There's been some movements going on to get equal upper body freedom regardless of gender. Personally, I think it's a fine idea. I'm not at all sure I would personally bare myself, but I would definitely support it. This would save women from the bullshit accusations and charges of indecency for feeding their babies in public. I may very well one day need to feed my child and not have a bottle (I would be the first one in my family to breastfeed in years, but....), and it would be quite a relief to be able to do so.

I think it's very interesting that while women looked merely bemused, the guys seemed to alternate between "Is this Christmas?!" elation and vague disgust (because they're culturized to believe it's vulgar). There's the occasional ones that I personally think of as Alecky that also look bemused like the females, but in general the ones that are stooped down taking as many pictures as they can are males.

I'm honest enough to admit I'd likely be covering myself because baring myself is nothing like making a breast mold that you then paint to look realistic (I'm one of the few that did that). ...I still don't remember what happened to that breast mold.



april said...

titties and kitties

Caitlin said...

^^ Haha.

Yeah, our culture is pretty messed up in this respect. I liked how open people were about breastfeeding when I was in Japan, even though it is a country known for being prudish. I think the ol' US of A only approves of nakedness when it's being used to make money.