Friday, February 26, 2010

Return of the darned cold sore

I'm trying to be good and not cuss for the next 24 hours. I'll be with my nephew! And my mommy! Yay! It looks like we'll be done with everything by 4 30, and then I'll have two hours before I need to be at Talley, so we can all go out to eat, or they can leave early and I can have a light dinner. I'm super excited about Sibling Weekend.
I am pulling a double all-nighter. Someone save me. I'm sure it isn't going to be too bad, but I wouldn't be driving, if you know what I mean. *sigh* Oh well. I'm trying so hard to get this FAFSA done, but it just is NOT working out. Mom took a PIN in my name without telling me. So now I'm STUCK! I can't get my own PIN, since she did hers with MINE! Okay, I've kidnapped her PIN, so she'll have to get her own. That's okay, it only takes a few minutes. *smirk* Serves her right too. Though, she prolly didn't mean to usurp my identity. Egh. Money always causes such a mess.

Yeah...rereading that, I'm a little scattered, aren't I? Oh well. I have a good excuse. ....Lemme think of it.

I needs to call Pineapples! I end up scared though....

I'm happy for Rozy. She's got a job, starting a club, working at her schoolwork, doing good!

Ummm....This week has been hell? I've had good days, but I've run on entirely too little sleep, and pulling a double all nighter isn't the best idea ever. But it's necessary to fulfill my obligations. *shakes head* Okay, pester attempt succeeded dear. I really just don't have much in mind to say though. *shrug*

I guess I'll post this, then find a new background for my blog. I'm bored already and I've still got 6 hours at work. Darn it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Heh. BF fail. I blogged before I got pestered

^_^. So HA~! It's been a week, and a ton of stuff has happened, but I can't really think of a lot to talk about that doesn't sound vaguely bragging. =.=

Erm, so .... For Valentine's Day, bf got me for really cute gifts, hoping I would like at least one. Hahaha. It's really like he randomly went into a store, looked at all the Valentine's stuff they had, and went "Hm...She'd like this, and this, and oh, hey this would be great!" Heehee. It was cute. We made dinner together (that really wasn't that great...but that was the dinner I picked's fault) and then we sat on my bed and ate an ice cream cake together. Urgggh. It really was yummy, and we still have it, but it's too big. (That's what he wishes she said) We also watched two movies over the weekend, one of which I haven't returned yet....Sorry! It's overdue, but it's on my account, so it's not a big deal. I'll pay the overdue fees later. ^_^ The movies we watched were "The Invention of Lying" (Bf's pick) and "Couple's Retreat" (my pick). Bf's pick was pretty good. I liked it alot. The guy was kinda...and the people were kinda...well it was funny. The acting was pretty awesome too. "I just masturbated. I'm out of your league." etc. My pick was....well, it was good. "Let it all hang out" and "I'm be the biggest ass you've ever seen!" and such. Haha, I know these are bad reviews, but it's hard to describe them without a synopsis or giving anything away. *shrug*

Um, to continue, we've had snow a lot too Rozy. I hope it doesn't snow this weekend, since I'm going home. It's momma's birthday. Oh right. I forgot about Blogging. My bad....

Um, lessee. I've been getting far less sleep than I should be, I have a sinus infection/mono. They're not sure which, so they're treating me for both. I've been doing well to up with my work so far this week, whereas I was totally behind last week.
We're reading Pride and Prejudice in one class, The Tale of Genji in another class, and going over the Boston massacre in another. We're getting into difficult articles in my psych class, and I'm worried that we have a thesis type paper due in there, but I haven't found the syllabus for it or looked it up to be sure.

I'm thinking of doing a summer camp for the summer, but I need recommendations from my supervisors, and I don't know if the upper supervisor is willing to do it, since she hasn't replied to my email. I don't want to talk to her about it during my shift though, so I don't know what to do. >_< I'm super tired though, and tomorrow night I'm spending the night at my freind's house so we can go to class together. I'm a little excited about it. ^_^ Tonight I get to spend some time with bf, but not very much. And tomorrow I also have a meeting with a teacher, just because I want to talk about the book we're reading. I'm not having any problems, I just like to hear her opinions. That makes me worry that I'm wasting her time. Ah well, I'm gonna finish my work now.

This is an interesting video:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hn. I'm definitely sick

So when I did laundry, I forgot to mention that I crushed my hand against the door. Looks like a bruise is gonna show up soon. *grimace* That'll be fun to explain.

I keep hearing someone come out of the bathroom and get water, and then the sound disappears. It's really creepy. I don't see anyone, I just keep hearing them.

I've been having bananas for 'breakfast' lately. It soothes my throat. I wake up with it hurting like nobody's business, and whenever I check, it's really red and irritated. I also keep convulsively coughing. I really should go to the doctor, but I'd rather sleep with my free time.

My compie's keys are getting rickity lately. *frown* I'm kinda worried about it. I've refused the offer of a new computer several times, but I may be needing one soon, and the offers may have dried up. *sigh*

My sissies are so....*Sigh* I call them, they say they're busy, they'll call me back. LIES!!!! *frown*

Good job on updating bf! I WAS about to scold you. And now I'm super curious as to what you had to see the doctor about, but I'll ask in private sometime. ^_^

Yes, these are just my random thoughts that I'm sure ya'll aren't really interested in. I can't really gauge what you find interesting though, since hardly anyone reviews anymore.

I'm almost off work, and I haven't done any homework. I should be ashamed. I'm still tired and want to go back to sleep though. Augh. I'm a dummyhead. And sick. *grimace* Maybe I should go to the doctor's office, do homework while I'm there, head to my first class of the day, and then 'nap' til class? =.= Seems to be my best options now, but I'll likely just end up sleeping instead. *sigh* Hope you guys are having less problems than me. Bye byes

Sunday, February 7, 2010


So, I'm at work, again. It's nearly 4 f-ing AM and they're screaming and laughing and cussing like the inconsiderate jerks they are. It's annoying me. When they knows it's late, why must they be super loud? My choice of response is turning on some music and turning the music up. I'm sick eavesdropping by inevitability. Ummmm...Other things to think about....

I read a romance novel this morning when i got off work. Actually, let me start with after work. I went to my room, changed clothes, and separated all my clothes so I could do laundry. Then I counted up my quarters. I had the exact amount I needed, so I really happy. It was lucky. I just spent 9 dollars on laundry! It was the majority of my clothing though, so I can't really be surprised. So all my clothes are clean now! I have also swept the floor, though I haven't mopped it, and I wiped down my 'counter-tops'. I also took a shower, and though I meant to, I haven't washed dishes yet. I really plan to do that today, after work. After I showered, I lay down and read this erotic novel, that helped take away the disgusted taste that the Roxana novel leaves me with. While I was reading, I started missing bf. It's weird. I'll be seeing him soon, but I wished I could call. I realize the futility of that wish though. He never leaves his phone on, and he wouldn't answer so early in the morning anyway. So anyway, I finished my book, went to sleep, and woke up at 10 30 PM! Wow!! Then I went to work, though my throat hurt terribly, and signed on for an extra shift later today. Gotta go now. Love ya'lls!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Beloved BF!

^_^ Heheh. I already told him that several times though. Ne, ne. I'll tell you guys a story.

Back when I was a child, I think it was my third or fourth birthday. Everyone at school had been great. They were all so nice. I came home, and everyone was being super nice, and they had presents for me, and they'd prepared a party for me and everything. So do you know what I did? I went into the bathroom and cried my eyes out. I was utterly inconsolable and I had no reason at all to be so upset and sad. Everyone was very confused and didn't know what to do. They weren't tears of joy, though they should have been. I was truly sad. And I had no reason to be. ^////^ In fact, I personally believe it was because I had been so very happy that I had to feel the opposite feelings in order to balance myself. This type of event happens to me often. If things are going too well, I know something bad is going to happen to balance it out. If things are going really badly, I know something good is going to happen where I least expect it. It's the concept of Yin-Yang. And I have every reason to believe in it and very little reason to doubt it. I'm not saying I buy into Daoism or anything, but it's the religion (really it's more of a way of life, but who's discriminating?) I feel makes the most sense. ^///^ There's also no discrimination or determining what everyone is allowed to do and such. It's more like "Keep things in moderation" and such. Heh. Sorry, that seems random, doesn't it?

Anyway, Today we have no class until after noon. The snow is being a bitch. And I DO mean that. I nearly feel just coming to work. The brightness and ice is going to kill my retinas. I wish they would man up and cancel school for the day. I wanna work on my paper. *frown* Lemme list things due this week real quick, k?

-Overdue HW for Jap.
-Reading Roxana (I think I need the whole thing done this week?)
-Questions for hw for Psychology class
-Paper on courtship in early Japanese literature
-Presentation of Language and how it relates to the Brain, Development and such.
-I think I have a test? Maybe? In ANS105?
-Check out Seven Samurai again from the Blockbuster for club use
-A paper on why Anne Hutchinson was dangerous
-A test in Japanese

Hmmm...I think those are right. Heh. Looking at it like this, I realize I don't have that much to do. Which reminds me. I had an odd thought earlier. I thought "I need to hurry and get the things I want to do done so I can do the things I need to do" and then I realized most people would say this is backwards. But for me, it really isn't. I prioritize things I love and like over things I 'should' do. What does this 'should do' do for me? Well, you could answer that it helps me get a better grade, feel more confident in myself, and improve my social regard. That's all fine and dandy, but it also makes it hard for me to concentrate if I'm wanting something else. I end up stressed and worried about things that I don't have the heart or interest to do. I fall behind, not because of lack of effort, but because of too much effort when I wasn't ready to do something. Based on all of these things, it may just be a personal choice, but I think doing what I WANT to do, and then clearing my mind to do what I NEED to do, is the best way for me to live. Duty is generally something that comes first for me. I get it done ASAP when I can. If I can think of schoolwork as a duty, it's all the better, because I could get a ton of stuff done, but I can't do that. I really have tried, but when I think of school work as duty, I begin to wonder "Which part? Where do I start? Do they all weigh the same? Is it 'first come, first served/done'? How do I prioritize different classes?" These thoughts end up making me work even slower cause then I wonder if I should be doing something else. I really must like being difficult. I can't figure myself out half the time. :P

Hmmmm...I really don't know if I should stay awake and work on homework or if I should take a nap before my classes start today. I really wish they'd canceled classes for the whole day. It's frustrating to only miss one. That one is my favorite. It requires no effort. And it's so awesome. I learn so much in that class! ;__; Can't they make me miss a different class? Boooo....

Another "Booo" moment....I think I hurt my wrist. It hurts when I write. That might be really bad if it gets any worse. >.< It's cause I procrastinate, I just know it.

This is just an interesting article I found while browsing Psych Today's website. I was not intentionally looking for anything like this. That's my disclaimer:

Hmmmm...I'm gonna browse for a video for a bit, and then I'll get back to ya'll.

And another one for my own amusement: