Friday, March 25, 2011

Addictions and Complaints

My title is kinda epic, if I do say so myself.

First off,

My ankle is swollen. Walking hurts. I have reached my 'silent staring ahead and daydreaming in order to make it where I'm going' stage of pain. What am I daydreaming of? It's best you don't know. They aren't meant for anyone that's not middle aged, on the verge of death, or extremely deranged. Yes, they're THAT strange. And awkward to explain. I have overworked my ankle a little too much, apparently. I would apologize to it, but a small part of my brain is still thinking "Quit being a sissy and man up already you damn appendage!" And trying to sincerely apologize when you're not sorry isn't one of the things I do. I just don't.

 Now, on to things that aren't me bitching.

I have new addictions. One day I WILL take revenge on this woman for always finding things that interest me on fb. Until then, like an addict I will keep looking at what she posts. My recommendations? and
They're really interesting. I really like them. I would recommend '' but it makes me cry. I don't like things that make me cry. ....Apparently they don't make rozfire cry though! I've made my voice hoarse trying to make her cry with them. Grar!!!!

My birthday is coming up on Wednesday. I'm having a party. :) We will play games and eat snacks and I'm going to the Aquarium that day. The day before, we'll be going for a flower-viewing party.

Reading things out loud with a British Accent makes story-time SO much more fun. And reading out loud is actually easier, as well. I begin to understand why I chose a British accent when I was so little. My teachers thought I was from England or something. They were wrong, but hey, it's amusing, right? ^.^

Alright, I'm out of juice. Enjoy the song I was humming in the shower this morning. :D

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


To every single person that said I would miss my long hair:

Besides some minor habits, such as arranging my hair when I go to sleep (Which I've only done for about ten years), I have NO signs of missing my hair, mentally, physically or emotionally. (Or any other -lly that I'm forgetting)

My mother is showing signs of being more attached to my hair than to me....I can't say I'm surprised. She says my bangs are throwing her off, and she looked close to a break-down by the middle of the conversation. I feel a little bad. But damn it, it's my hair, my life, and I'm the one that has to DO the damn hair. I couldn't even get someone to help me BRUSH my hair without puppy dog eyes and pouting half the time. Forget actually STYLING it. In essence: A PAIN!!!!!

I've been so bored lately, what with always sitting, and sometimes walking, but mostly sitting. *eyebrow twitches* I can't handle the not-moving!!! ....Which is why tonight we all danced together: Sarah taught Ikuchin and I two new dances, and then I taught Sarah the Danca De Manivela. Yes, I know the whole thing. And do it.

....Which is why my ankle is sawing away at a knife that it will plunge into my body at some point (i.e. IT HURRRRRTS).

Anyway, I went to a Ryokan where there are 7 different Onsen in the same area with rozfire recently (as in, we came home today). The food was....too much quantity!! It was delicious, but I swear, they must have served us a good 7 crabs at least! In more than 2 ways. ...Three, since we had it raw too. It's good to know you CAN eat it raw....I hope to never need to use that knowledge.

I'll eventually post more about the Ryokan on the other blog. Now on to FUN stuff!

I have found a new life goal, and it was inspired by something from I will paste:
Today I read a post on that said, "Dear store employees, If you don't want us to joust, stop having electric carts and Nerf swords in the same store. Sincerely, immature". I think I have a new life goal, find a store with both of these. MLIA
--Therefore: If you ever find such a store. Please, let me know post haste. :)

Holy cow....When I type my real name in Google and click "I'm feeling Lucky" it goes straight to my open profile on facebook....O_O I'm somewhat worried and seriously considering making my account private now.
Maybe having the same username for a few sites isn't the best idea....But damnit, my name is MY name! I'm attached! *pout* When I type in my entire, correctly spelled name, it pops up with a document of my graduation from my high school. Google is getting smarter.....And I'm scared.

I bet more than half of you will be trying variations of my names that you know of in an attempt to see what pops up, if not your own names. :)

It's a little awkward when someone asks if you've googled them and you

I was watching my high school's air bands on youtube, and only now realized: We were high schoolers. It was okay to be immature. Why couldn't I have REALLY accepted that all those years ago?