Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Working out again

So for the past few months, I've been focusing quite heavily on getting our nutrition to the point it should be. This includes contacting a nutritionist weekly to check our menu, making said menu every week, and sticking to it as much as possible. Breakfasts have also been altered to be more nutritionally balanced for me and MJ (Hubby eats fairly well anyway, but MJ has portion control issues). In addition, I have to check MJ's lunch choices for allergies, and to make sure he's adding the appropriate amount of protein, healthy carbs, and not too much sugar. This also means I've been getting up with childling every morning (some mornings I'm more awake than others) since he's started school. Its exhausting.

This week we had alumni weekend at S&M. This included a lot of walking that I don't usually do. I was surprised at how tired I was (and sore!) when I remember how much more walking I did daily when we lived there. So I felt a little embarrassed about my lack of exercise. We've been struggling with MJ's attempts to harm himself, and haven't put in the effort to attend physical activity.

So this Monday, I rearranged our schedule (finally, I've been trying to for weeks!) so we could attend the gym as a family. We did running, games, volleyball, and stretching. Hubby broke my glasses when I tried to prevent him from undoing my work during a game. I was angry, mostly because I like these glasses, and he scratched my face when he broke them. I know he didn't mean to hurt me, but I still felt like it was unfair.

Volleyball was frustrating because the kids playing it weren't good at it, and a couple of them kept flirting and fighting, causing the ball to go everywhere. It wasn't even a real volleyball game, just everyone in a circle passing the ball (badly). So I was sad it wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be.

At some point, I appear to have injured my ankle, since it was throbbing afterward, when I took my shower and laid down. I ended up going to bed around 10 or so, since I was so tired. I slept pretty well, but I woke up often once Hubby came to bed. My ankle still hurts, and I have five massages today, so I'm not looking forward to how sore I'm going to be at the end of the day today.

I know there's probably some confusion as to why I've been using 'he' and 'his' for MJ. MJ has decided he is transgender, and would like to be referred to as a guy from this point forward. I'm making the effort (though I didn't this weekend, as there wasn't anyone I planned to keep in touch with, and didn't feel like having that conversation multiple times) to use the pronouns he prefers. I don't always, but it works.

He's decided he's a feminine male, so he still likes to wear dresses and such. He's also bought a binder recently, and decided he needs a smaller one, because this one doesn't hurt him. *Rolls eyes* He can barely get it closed, but yeah, he totally needs a smaller one (This is sarcasm, ok?).

I'm surprised at how many people just take his announcement in stride. I know our families won't, and I'm not looking forward to the inevitable explosion. Personally, I'm not sure I believe that he's truly a male at heart, but it's easier to go along with his whims. It's likely to be transient anyway.

We're not allowing any permanent alterations (He asked for his breasts to be removed, same day he announced he would be male) until he's an adult and old enough to pay for the changes himself.  Yeah there's the cost factor, but also, I don't feel comfortable allowing someone to alter their body in an irreversible way when they're on psychotropics.

So I think we're fairly caught up now. Oh, we saw C! Hubby's old roommate came to see us a week ago (he got the date of the alumni weekend mixed up), and we got to hang out. We all went to the Pride Parade together. We didn't get to do much more, and I'm really disappointed about that. I wanted to spend a lot of time with him, since it's been years since we've been together. He's just as easy-going as he used to be.

Okay, I have work to do, so I'm going to go now. Have a good week everyone!