Friday, August 2, 2019

Updates, I suppose?

Hm. I haven’t updated since January. That’s a full six months. I’ve probably lost anyone that did regularly follow me, but oh well. Summary:

My older brother is dying of stage four colon cancer. He may not be able to get any life extending treatment soon. Then he’ll likely rapidly decline.
My daughter has done great since school got out. She went to Drivers Ed classes, and now isn’t sure she wants to drive. I’m okay with that.
Animazement wasn’t as fun this year, partially because I was pregnant, and walking in heels and eating pizza were terrible ideas while in that condition.
My baby self-terminated and I had to have an abortion. It was scary, but my husband was as supportive as he could be.
I’ve been reaching out (slowly) to friends from high school. Some are less interested in renewing friendship than others.
I’m trying to be more social, inviting friends for dinner, trying to attend events I think I’ll enjoy, etc. I do better some days than others.
I’m trying to seek therapy, as I’ve noticed a rise in self destructive behaviors. I have a list, and I’m planning to call on Monday.
Hubby is still the best person in the world to me.
I’m sure there’s a lot more, but I’m tired.
