Monday, February 28, 2011

Quick Post


It's been awhile. ;) So sorry.

I actually meant to post this by mid-afternoon for me, but I didn't count on coming home, dropping for a quick nap and sleeping for 4 straights hours instead. This means sleeping tonight might be a little harder than I planned for it to be. Damnit.

I really wish I would quit dreaming about people being killed or in the process of being killed. It's not pleasant. I actually wake up fairly shocked, even when it's people I don't know in real life that I'm dreaming about. But damn if my dreams wouldn't make for good movies. I'm near tears thinking of where my dream last night ended up this morning. :( 

This weekend, though I only had plans for after 3 or 4 in the afternoon, I still ended up worn out. Last night Hanna stayed the night and we ended up (like girls are bound to do) talking about tons of different things for over an hour. Though it ended up revolving around our boyfriends. Guys are surprisingly similar sometimes....

Yes, I'm rocking out to music while typing this. Wahahaha. I miss being able to turn on a radio and just rock out. Radios here have so much talking, and the song stations aren't in the range of the radio I've got right now, so I have to go buy one.

I have unofficially arranged my living arrangements for next year. Now I can look forward to going home and knowing I'll have a place to stay. :) AND that my parents are willing to pay for it. That's called : NO WORRIES!!! I just have to pay for my own food. Even just paying the bills, my parents save a total of 1,540 by letting me live with Kellie and I DONT have required 'Go home' holidays. SCORE!

I appreciate that ATC has dancing in their music videos that they do themselves. *nods* Their songs are okay, but I like their dancing more. And there's no slouching against a wall while gesturing with their arms to emulate 'dancing' or 'entertainment'. C'mon rapper boys. You're entertainment right? Dance rapper boys, dance!! *Insert evil cackle here*

Homework is nearly overwhelming, the material is mostly easy, and the teachers are interesting. There's one teacher I adore messing with, but I've been a good girl and not played with her too much. Though she scares the crap out of one of my cutest, sweetest freinds, and apparently has even deliberately been mean to her, which pisses me off. But since I heard that from a biased source, I'm holding back judgment until I see it for myself.

So I'm thinking to do a Sailor Moon cosplay before I cut off my hair. It'd be such a waste to not do it when I actually have the hair for it. =) I'll take pictures. Though I won't be posting it on this blog. Sorry. For those that don't actually know me in person, I have really long blonde hair that reaches my pants and further. It settles on my thighs when I sit. And I'm about to cut it ALL OFF WAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! I've picked out a hair style, set the date, arranged to sell my hair, and begun planning hair styles for short hair. I am SO ready. And just a little nervous. :)

I wonder if cutting your hair is like cutting your nails. You get used to the length and the things you can do with it, and so there's this ghostly feeling of 'Oh, I can still do it' before you remember, 'oh, no I can't...'. And I wonder if there's an equal chaffing like I get on my fingers after cutting my nails. You know, because my nails normally protect my finger pads from too much use, so when they're short they end up incredibly sensitive and overused. They end up chafed and hurting.

It's been raining here for two days now. Yes, I'm ecstatic. Let's see if I can explain my view of rain:

There's a comforting patter of sound gently lulling you into security. When you step outside, you see beautiful temporary threads of silver that shoot toward the ground, kissing it with all the strength gravity can give it. Reaching out a hand, you feel those pin-prickling kisses for yourself and they tickle just enough to make you want to smile. Stepping into the shower of moisture, you feel kisses landing with abandon, no plan or organization to the touches of nurture from the atmosphere and it's a peaceful, gentle display of affection. You find a puddle of this water that has been generously given to you, and as you begin kicking the water up, trying to help it reach the sky once more, you have to laugh because it feels so cold and you feel so childish and happy to be able to play in such a simple way, no matter your age, sex or busyness.

That is my view of the rain. *nods* I hope I have inspired you to the dark side. We have soup and hot cocoa for when you eventually get sick because no one drew a bath for you while you were out playing and you got a cold from a lowered immune system.

What Red Carpet happened over the weekend? I'm out of the loop apparently. Crest has been connections than I do. Yes, I have Crest as a 'friend' on Facebook. You can never have too much toothpaste. Now if only I could get it for free.

Alright. I've been typing on and off for an hour. I think I've done pretty well. *nods* ....If not, well, I DID try....

I'd like to learn this dance. It helps that the guys are really cute and the girls are really fit.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Can you spot all the mistakes?

Or alternatively titled: I'm tired, irritated, watching a really annoying drama with my host family grandma, and essentially wishing I was in bed right now.
Or, "I have NINE followers?!?!?!" (O_O) Why?! Well, I don't understand, but um, welcome to my mind?

Celsius is actually surprisingly difficult to spell. I was trying to figure out how warm the room actually is. Oops. Ikuchin is out of the bath. Be right back.

Why is it that out of every 5 commercials, there is at least 2 foreigners. And out of 5 commercials, the background music English 3/4 times? I don't understand, but oh well.

Uh....I'd really planned to write a lot more, but Desperate Housewives has utterly caught my attention. You wouldn't believe the idiocy of some of these scenarios. The actors and actresses are really good though. I rarely have any kind of "Wait....that wasn't believable acting at all..." reactions. In fact, their roles are very well done. The scenarios however, leave me gaping on occasion. There's even one character I just really don't like, and one character I love to watch mainly cause she's ridiculous. But despite this (out of character) praise for a drama, I still want to roll my eyes, bang my head, and break the DVDs when Ikuchin pulls them out. I feel like reading a synopsis of the whole thing just to avoid having to actually WATCH these idiocies happen.

I'm trying something new here: I had a question, so if you have an opinion on it/answer, please let me know. When a person calls you on bad behavior (on your part), or on a fault with yourself, what kind of attitude makes it easiest for you to accept the criticisms? That's a really convoluted question, so I'm sorry. I'll give you an example.

Example: There's a hair on your wrist. The person next to you that you know, but not very well, reaches over, gently takes your hand and pulls the hair off, before returning to their original position and acting as though nothing had happened at all. What kind of response would have been best to set you at ease, if acting as though nothing had happened wasn't the best?
Example 2: You just commented on how a teacher will do nothing but criticize you. A friend turns on you and points out that the only time you talk to that teacher is when they call on you and you cannot avoid answering. When they call on you, you are never paying attention, and do not even know the question, let alone the answer, so of course you wouldn't be praised. The friend then politely suggests volunteering to answer questions and attempting to pay attention during class. What kind of attitude should the friend use to get the best, most accepting response from you?

Epiphany: (This should be obvious, but) Popularity is not satisfying. Touching other people's lives and having something good to say about anyone is satisfying.

Pretty sure I've posted this one before, but oh well.

Monday, February 14, 2011

This will be short

Mainly because my energy is rapidly failing me.

!. Love you dears.
@. Cats are very strange. If you're nonchalant with them, they sit in your lap and let you pet them until a random stranger suddenly sits near you. Then they waltz away. Happy and sad about that. :)
#. I made cookies! Peanut Butter cookies and regular cookies with a light vanilla flavor to them. I made a lot, and they all got eated (written that way on purpose) so I so happy! My classmates, teachers, friends, AND the CIEC staff all got to have some, and everyone complimented them. It makes me wonder about that saying that your feelings are conveyed in your food's taste....Everyone said they were super delicious, so they obviously didn't taste the frustration, hate, and pissiness I poured into it. Or else they like the taste of angst.
$. Papa is now officially at home. Yay? I haven't talked to him yet. *shrug*
%. I have a new reader? Welcome, Woe. Heh. I feel oddly as though I'm welcoming the emotion, and not the person. :)
^. Yes, I've been doing these symbols on purpose. Who says I have to follow a trend?
&. FREEDOM! ...Kinda. I feel pretty free, so that's all that matters.
*. It snowed a LOT today. At school. I was really glad I'd taken the train, since...well, a girl fell and slipped right behind me and Tami-chan today on our way home. The poor girl was obviously embarrassed and it looked like it hurt. :(
(. It took me an hour and a half to get home today because I walked my bike home. There was nothing else to do, since the snow NEVER STOPPED! And it was super icy, and we still slipped and slid. *shudders* That was really impressive.
!). I just wanted to make a '10' symbol.

I'm done. :) Happy Valentine's Day! (Everyone here is sick but me....)

I think I've posted this one before....

So here's a new one? Sorry it's not romantic.....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Let's see what I can write about this time....

I'm still not sleeping well.

I've gotten to be rather awkward at making friends in my class. I have a few 'friends' in my class, a few people I don't really know, and and a few people I know well enough, but haven't built connections with. So I have to try to be approachable and not offensive. Which is so HARD for me! I'm not good at holding my tongue and playing nice...*sigh* But I *am* a nice I should be able to make good friends, right? The answer is 'maybe'. At best. *sigh*

I have found miniature Ritz crackers that are so very delicious, and not too high in calories. Can you say 'score' ?

I have plans with Rozfire! She's coming to Tokyo, and I'm super excited! It looks like we'll be able to meet up with a Finland friend and her family, as well as Aki-san, if we want. *dances around* Things are looking up on that front!

Which reminds me. I signed for my scholarship money today, and I'll receive (I think) 2/3s of it tomorrow. I'm both excited and scared. I feel like it'll be taken away at the last minute, but if not, I'll have little to no worries for the rest of my stay here. Well, besides classes, but I've been rather diligent on that front.

I've decided on my hair style for when I cut my hair off. It's finding out if Daisuke can cut my hair on a full moon that I'm not sure of. But hey, I'll even get money for my hair. *dances around* Though admittedly, I'm thinking of donating the money, since I can't donate the hair. I'm nearly counting the days with both excitement and trepidation.

You know, looking at all these changes and interesting things, I think I might understand why I can't sleep for shit these days. I'm never normally this excited for more than a few hours in a week at most.

We have free tickets to go ice skating and I wanted to go with my host family, but Ikuchin told me to take my friends instead if I could. It looks like it'll be snowing/raining for the next few days at least.

Valentine's Day is coming up. I'm thinking of making sweets, but, to stay true to my dear, *flutters lashes* I won't make chocolate sweets. I'm thinking of short cakes and/or peanut butter cookies and/or sugar cookies. Depends on what I feel like doing.

We're trying out all sorts of bath recipes lately, and I'm rather happy about it. Last night I bathed with oatmeal and baby milk with a touch of chamomile. We were supposed to use lavender, but we didn't have that handy, so we went with chamomile. I'm beginning to look around for other possible sources of fun bath times, because that was fairly awesome. :)

I've been on a Sailor Moon bend for a while now. Makes me want to hear all the soundtracks. I've also been planning a nice little lesson about Thumbelina and showing my students the video after we read the book. I'm nearly wiggling from hoping they'll like it, but I feel like if I get too excited, they'll actually have little to no interest in it. It may just be my mental state, but it's never been wrong. If I'm too excited, no one else is interested. *sigh*

It was only last night, as I was gulping down my lukewarm green tea that I realized how used to it I've gotten. Unlike so many others who either take to the damn stuff or don't, I didn't particularly like it, but I didn't have a lot of trouble drinking it. I mentally grimaced, but no one besides myself had to know. Last night I was drinking it down with absolutely no problem. No grimacing, no mental *ugh*, nothing. Which made me realize exactly how used to it I've gotten. I've also gotten used to taking baths in addition to taking my shower, which may not be a good thing for my return trip. It really, honestly, makes me wonder what I'll have to get adjusted to when I return to America.

Epiphany: Things are never as great as when you first open/start them. True for chips, crackers, zippers after a meal, and doomed relationships.