Monday, February 14, 2011

This will be short

Mainly because my energy is rapidly failing me.

!. Love you dears.
@. Cats are very strange. If you're nonchalant with them, they sit in your lap and let you pet them until a random stranger suddenly sits near you. Then they waltz away. Happy and sad about that. :)
#. I made cookies! Peanut Butter cookies and regular cookies with a light vanilla flavor to them. I made a lot, and they all got eated (written that way on purpose) so I so happy! My classmates, teachers, friends, AND the CIEC staff all got to have some, and everyone complimented them. It makes me wonder about that saying that your feelings are conveyed in your food's taste....Everyone said they were super delicious, so they obviously didn't taste the frustration, hate, and pissiness I poured into it. Or else they like the taste of angst.
$. Papa is now officially at home. Yay? I haven't talked to him yet. *shrug*
%. I have a new reader? Welcome, Woe. Heh. I feel oddly as though I'm welcoming the emotion, and not the person. :)
^. Yes, I've been doing these symbols on purpose. Who says I have to follow a trend?
&. FREEDOM! ...Kinda. I feel pretty free, so that's all that matters.
*. It snowed a LOT today. At school. I was really glad I'd taken the train, since...well, a girl fell and slipped right behind me and Tami-chan today on our way home. The poor girl was obviously embarrassed and it looked like it hurt. :(
(. It took me an hour and a half to get home today because I walked my bike home. There was nothing else to do, since the snow NEVER STOPPED! And it was super icy, and we still slipped and slid. *shudders* That was really impressive.
!). I just wanted to make a '10' symbol.

I'm done. :) Happy Valentine's Day! (Everyone here is sick but me....)

I think I've posted this one before....

So here's a new one? Sorry it's not romantic.....

1 comment:

college kid said...

I'm actually subscribed to this guy's youtube channel.