Monday, May 7, 2012

I'm kinda sorta back!

Welcome back, everyone!
....So I say, but I'm the one that's come back. Sort of. So, news!
-I'm engaged, and getting married in about a week! (more on that in a different post)
-I have one final exam left, and one final paper. Then I graduate!
-I got a job teaching Japanese over the summer! *squeeeee*
-My sister has finally been kicked out of my Mother's house.
-She and my other sister are now butting heads. It's ridiculous.
-My brother has retracted his approval of my marriage. Because my fiance is Catholic. It pleases me a little bit to have some disapproval of bf from my family, considering how much his family has disapproved of me, apparently.
     Actually, let me expound upon that statement a little bit. In two ways. First, the bf's family side: His father thinks I will be an unfaithful, two-timing, quick to abandon wanton so he doesn't want us to marry. OR else he just doesn't want us to live together before marriage, but if that's what he wanted, I really don't see why he had to malign my character like that. And he has yet to apologize, at least to me, and I'm not the quick-to-forgive sort. Hence, our hasty engagement, and why when we get married, neither of our families are going to be present.
Second, my brother's side. My brother, for as long as I have known him (there's a history to the way I phrased that, but I'm not explaining it), has been convinced our family is made up of witches and warlocks. He is without a doubt convinced I am a witch (The way black cats seem to bond to me does not help my case). He is also convinced he is a warlock, and that he caused my terrible accident years ago with a misfired spell. Since that makes him act nicer to me than anyone else in our family, I haven't disabused him of the notion. Now why does he disapprove of Catholics? Because they were the main instigators of the Witch Hunts! While I find this argument utterly ridiculous, and he admits if bf weren't catholic, he would have nothing against him, I can't convince him to change his mind. I'm not all that inclined to, actually. It gives me something to enjoy in this stressful (and sometimes joyful) time of change. Yes, yes, I'm a terrible person. Back to my list of events!
-bf keeps raising his arms and singing out "Marriage!"
-My roommate has sold almost all of her furniture, so I now do my studying/playing/working on a comfy little pallet on the floor. It's silly to move in furniture of mine when I'm moving out shortly myself.
-I get free Bread stuff! I have this awesome friend who gives me bread and stuff for free because they'll just throw it out if he doesn't take it home. ....I can't eat the amount he gives me though, so I usually end up giving it to my sister, who is jobless and can't afford food most of the time.
-I have sprained my ankle, and am in the midst of doing PT for it. Story short: I fell in a hole.
-Because of said ankle, I don't like standing for very long. Hence, I do not cook.
-Since I do not cook, I have not been eating healthy. Woe is me (and my waistline).

Yeah, I think that's good enough. I should get to bed if I plan to help mom take her car in to the shop tomorrow/today. Good night duckies!

Aw, poor chick: