Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Let's see how bad my grammar can get when using a school computer.

And how long I can last before I get too bored to write anymore. (Spoiler: I got bored pretty quick)

I overslept today so I skipped my first class with Hat Lady, and only had Ahiru-sensei. I adore him; he's got this pace to him, and he knows how to teach very well. My day is always better for having him, even though he teaches kanji.

I've been on a Reba roll. She's really got a good voice and her songs have meaning, which kind of turns my :song listening: into story time.

I got an 80 on my last kanji test!!! It's not the best in the world, but its a huge improvement over what I've been getting.

I'm dying to do a movie day, and I think I'll do it on Friday. Maybe go kimono shopping as well. I don't need one, but my friend wants to get one cheap, and you know I know where to get those. :)

NEWS ALERT: I just managed to spell 'friend' correctly my first time! (I confirmed it by remembering that friends end. Take that, optimism!)

The computer room is actually a pretty good place to make friends. "Hey, could you help me with this paper...?" and it usually works! :D Not that I do that.... Heehee

I keep finding reasons to tell myself how awesome I am. I think this is a good thing so long as I also see my silly/worrisome points as well. :)

Okay, I'm hungry again....I just ate three hours ago! I'm gonna go scrounge some food up from the コンビニ (convenience store).

Ah, right* about my previous blog post: I will continue to write mostly about myself. I realized when I was reading Pineapple's blog, that I'm very happy to hear about her, so I believe you guys when you say that you like hearing about me now. :P Thanks for the comments!

I really like this video/song:

This one is good too. I had it stuck in my head all day yesterday:

And this one just surprised the hell out of me when I actually started paying attention to what I was listening to. It's also very good:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just a quick snippet

I should really be doing my kanji homework....But it's tedious....

It's rained the last two days, so I've enjoyed ridiculously crowded trains. I'm not being sarcastic, I actually really enjoy crowded trains. I think it's my appreciation for awkwardness that makes it so easy to enjoy though. When I explained to my friend how you don't have to stand on your own, that others support you, we then got on a train that was fairly crowded. After we got off, she said she understood why I like them so much. ^.^ <3 <3 <3 I don't know how to adequately express my love for uber crowded trains. It's the companionship and support (quite literally) that clinches it for me, I think. ....Yeah, I can't even fully understand it.

I should really go to school by bike, but I've been so lazy....and it really has been raining. I'm hoping it rains tomorrow too so I can take the train guilt-free, but I don't think it'll happen. It's been beautiful in the morning, then rainy during the afternoon/evening, and beautiful again at night. It supports my belief that nature is a woman.

My weekend is looking busy, but Rozy is gonna come stay with us while she enjoys a Takarazuka performance. So I'll at the very least get to see her at night. <3

On Friday I have a tentative date with a friend to look at kimono at the shops where I usually get mine cheap. I have work on Saturday, and a date at the zoo with my usually busy host sister on Sunday, so I hope my ankle can bear with the work I'm gonna be forcing on it.

I haven't wanted to wear pants lately. They feel so cumbersome....So I think I'll wear skirts more. They're embarrassing, but it's not too bad if I wear some shorts or something underneath, so I'll do my best to bear with it. I just got a hole in one of the two pairs of pants I've managed to keep through the winter (yes, I'm disappointed), so I don't really have the pants to spare/wear anyway..... *sigh*

Is it weird that when I'm missing home I end up eating Oreos?

So I know this is a blog, for me, about my daily life, epiphanies, and quotes that are awesome. But don't I talk about myself too much? I get tired of writing 'I'. (Yes, the irony does not escape me) *tilts head* Should that be a double negative?

I've made plenty of acquaintances lately, but am unsure as to how to proceed to make them into friends. Any suggestions? It's a little lonely here sometimes. I may get a cell phone for my remaining months, but I don't know that I really want to. I enjoy not being able to be contacted until I get home. Call it a lack of restrictions/responsibility.

On the topics of the point of this blog, as well as skirts, a quote for you:

"Today in class, someone asked how long our essays needed be. My teacher replied "essays are like a woman's skirt, they need to be long enough to cover everything but short enough to keep it interesting". Favourite teacher? I think so MLIA" --Obviously from the mylifeisaverage.com site

"Essays are like a woman's skirt"....."short enough to keep it interesting"....I'm both amused and frightened.

Aw ducklings. I just impulsively commented on a friend from elementary school's facebook status. I'm an idiot...See, she's always posting about 'heartbreak' and 'playing the playa' and 'I won't be defeated by one heartbreak!'....The girl is whiter than me, her family is as redneck as mine is, and she's living the life, drinking underage ( think she might be legal), going to college, living with her best friends in a flat. I just get sick of her posts that sound nothing like the girl I was friends with. V.V So when she said 'ya gotta play them before they play you', I had to comment on how it takes all meaning out of any relationship when you assume everyone is playing.....Ducklings! 5 people were liking that status. I wonder how hard they're gonna jump my apricot. ....And she said 'Exactly' to my post...I'm not sure she understands what I was trying to say....

I think I'll try to replace all cuss words with cute, inconspicuous words in an attempt to stop cussing so much. Can you figure out what I was trying to say before I censured myself? :)

Epiphany: I have friends, and I have friends that I want to be REALLY GOOD friends with. I just have no idea how to go about making them that. :(

I wonder if I've posted this one already? It's rather hypnotic to me.....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Woman I want to be

I've been thinking about it, but since I don't know what I want, taking steps in the right direction to become that person is really hard. I could use some input. Here's where I stand now:

-I'm capable of anything and everything. My morals, preferences, and choices are my limiting factors. I can be a goddess, a wrestler, or a murderer if I so choose, and honestly, I'm the only one that can decide it. I realize that.
-I also realize that I don't know what I want to choose. There's no limit, so there's no problem will asking for input to help me decide what to keep and work out. For example: -I'm shy, but I act confident. I'm fine with this. Friends that know I'm actually quite shy are the ones that are the 'keepers' for me. If you can't figure out when I'm nervous, you might want to work on getting to know me.
-I want Japanese to be involved in my future. Preferably Japan itself being involved in my future, but I haven't decided how badly I want that yet.
-I'd like a job that doesn't have normal hours. To do that, I have to be really awesome at whatever I choose to do. I can do that.
-Whoever I am, has to be able to show they care.
-They also have to be kick-ass and able to protect those I care about.
-I'd kind of appreciate having a 'fuck off' part of myself. I'm usually a little more mellow than I should be (on the outside).

....Yeah, that's about where I stand right now. What things about me do you love/hate/love to hate? Remember, if you don't mention it, I might think it's a bad thing and decide to twist it around. ;)