Thursday, November 17, 2016

Mjs getting an assessment right now

Some things have come to light that I didn't know, such as her scratching herself with a sharp pencil 'to make the pain go away for a few seconds' because she doesn't like being left out from her friends. I guess they don't realize how easily I can hear them, as they're not moderating their voices at all. I'd feel guilty but I feel I should know what's bothering her. She's back to saying how she doesn't trust anyone, and doesn't tell us things because we're only going to punish her. For the most part, we've moved away from punishments, so I'm a little confused how she can say we're just gonna punish her. I'm seriously thinkning we should get a fidget cube for MJ, as she couldn't stop messing with things while she was sitting at the table.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Facebook, and how it keeps us connected

I've heard a lot of bad about FB, and I also have some complaints about it, but I also think its a very useful tool. Perfect example is this flooding. As soon as people are able to get online, they logged into fb and confirmed they were safe. When I have photos to share with family of our child, I post it to our family's group to keep it private. Of COURSE my sisters don't respect that though, and they post my photos all over the internet when the whim strikes them. They're especially fond of saying ''Look at my cute niece!/daughter!" That pisses me off to no end, which is why I very rarely post photos now. If I wanted everyone's friends to see them, I wouldn't have posted them in the family group. Anyway! It's very helpful though, in that I didn't really even have a face to put with the name of a cousin of mine, and we're now fb friends. This has really helped me to get to know her, and for the most part, I like what I know now. That's kinda rare with any cousins I know. Actually I have two cousins pending because I refuse to friend them again. They had their chance and blew it. Something I really don't like though, is the ads that are now showing up on my feed all the time. I don't always realize it's an ad until I get to the page and it looks like a scam, or I get inundated with emails about stuff I only took out of curiosity. I also don't like the Friend Trolls that scan your page, and complain about what they see. There's an easy option of 'Hiding' me for a while if it gets too much and you want a break. I don't want to hear how it's a waste of your feed space to have a picture with just text. That's exactly what the hell a status message is, it just takes up a little more room. If you need a background of an unrelated flower to confirm to yourself that it's worth reading the message I posted because I found it interesting, you need to go for a walk outside, and appreciate life instead. Hubby says I could just unfriend them, but that feels like losing for one thing, and running away from a challenge for another. Hubby took a shot at shooting down the troll once, and argued back and forth with him about THE PICTURE for far longer than the Troll was worth spending time on. If they really piss me off, I'll just delete their message. Maybe they'll get pissed in return and unfriend me. Sounds like a winning strategy to me! I like being able to watch videos without clicking on them, but it does it silently that way, so I appreciate subtitles even more now. I don't like when the video buffers a lot while I'm basically just mildly curious, so if it takes too long, I'm skipping it. And now, for a long awaited quote: "I prefer the term 'Trumpkin' thank you very much."