Thursday, November 17, 2016

Mjs getting an assessment right now

Some things have come to light that I didn't know, such as her scratching herself with a sharp pencil 'to make the pain go away for a few seconds' because she doesn't like being left out from her friends. I guess they don't realize how easily I can hear them, as they're not moderating their voices at all. I'd feel guilty but I feel I should know what's bothering her. She's back to saying how she doesn't trust anyone, and doesn't tell us things because we're only going to punish her. For the most part, we've moved away from punishments, so I'm a little confused how she can say we're just gonna punish her. I'm seriously thinkning we should get a fidget cube for MJ, as she couldn't stop messing with things while she was sitting at the table.


college kid said...

*shrug* her perception is that we punish her alot. I think its partially true, but usually only when we catch her doing things she knows she shouldn't be doing. And frankly, just because she admits to something doesn't mean she gets to not face consequences for it. I think we do a good job of lightening the punishment when she does admit things to us, but even then we have to ask her, which I think is a bit ridiculous. I'm done with asking; if I catch her doing something she shouldn't, I'm just going to punish her.

That being said, I don't think we've ever punished her for things she tells us about school, or about how she feels, or even stuff she says/does at school that she knows wouldn't be ok at home (or at least I haven't). So I am equally confused about what exactly she thinks she can admit to or share that we will punish her for.

I'd be inclined to get her a fidget cube if I didn't think she would break it or lose it within a few weeks if not a few days.

Caitlin said...

With a therapist?

college kid said...

To Caitlin:
Our child has been (within the past couple weeks) been to the nurse's office at school complaining about headaches, feeling depressed, and generally whining alot. On the third time, I got a call from the nurse and she recommended what every other school so far has recommended, which is that she sees a therapist. She also recently has been asking us to see a therapist again (though she seems to think she can get a friend out of it rather than a professional doing it as a job). Jme and I have had enough of that, and called the alliance behavioral health ppl that the school in Austin recommended. Jme's post refers to an in-home assessment by a woman who came by and asked Mia a bunch of questions for about 2 hours and said she would recommend individual and family therapy (because Mia has trust issues).

Mia likes to paint herself as a "bad girl" or "depressed girl" and I'm not really sure why. She can never really give a definitive reason for why she's sad. Of course, she's been through alot in the past. But really, I think she just does it for attention. She says herself that her life now is a pretty good one.

But just this morning she told me about how she scratches herself (I pretended to not know anything since I wasn't even in the house when she said these things to the case worker) because she thinks she's part of a trio of "dark girls" but that they sometimes exclude her from things and won't tell her why or her friends won't tell her why they won't talk to her. She felt the need to make clear that she would never actually go as far as kill herself though.

So there might be something going on psychologically with her, but really I think it might just be hormones or some other thing that isn't really that serious. Nonetheless, we are setting her up with therapy just in case.