Friday, October 30, 2009

Dress up

I wanna play dress up....wear a ton of make-up (tastefully done of course) pretty clothes, and maybe straighten or curl my hair. I dressed up today, one half of my hair was put up, and the other half was put into a ponytail. I wore one of my favorite dresses that I'm usually too shy to wear. I feel self-conscious wearing it, so when I go into public I have to gather my courage, act fully confident, and smile and nod at everyone. RB put bruises on my neck and arms, and people during the morning were scared to look at me. It was fun for a while, but I eventually felt annoyed by it. I borrowed RB's jacket for both warmth and the leather trench coat look. When Bf saw me, he kinda paused and just stood there for a while as I walked towards him. He said I looked interesting. That it didn't suit me. Made me sad. I'd love to know what he thought of it though. Like, first impression.
OMGOSH! RB!!! She was WAY too bored today! She CLEANED our room! Then, she took rose petals from the roses her bf gave her that had started to die, and made a trail of rose petals from the door to my bed. On the front door was a note that said something along the lines of "What if your dream guy was just inside this door, waiting for you. He looks and you and says 'Runa...'" and the message stops there. You enter the room, follow the rose petals to my bed, and the bed is made (first off, I don't make my bed often. She did) with rose petals scattered along the top covers. My bunny, my beautiful cuddle bunny....had notes in big letters (each word got its own) "I. WANT. YOU." and there was one on its chest that said "Yeah, I'd be pretty freaked too." She put a THONG ON MY BUNNY! and apparently two rose petals over the 'chest area' of my bunny. I didn't even notice it, but bf....well, that was the first thing he noticed! I was just kinda like O.O....THONG ON MY BUNNY!!! ...I don't think I've taken it off yet....and I slept with that feels so awkward to take a thong off a bunny. I can't bring myself to do it. I'm sleeping with a bunny wearing a thong....@_@ I don't feel like I can win with this....

I am SUCH A slacker when I let myself be. I'm scared to take this online test. I don't wanna do this Article Review. I cry in Japanese because we no longer have a text book. I don't like this philosopher we're working on. I haven't done the readings for History Properly for the last 3 weeks. At least. Okay. Time to stop beating on myself.

I've completed my Genki textbook. I've completed every homework assignment for Philosophy. I've continued to speak and ask questions in Japanese when I don't understand something. I stayed awake the entire class period today during History and took really good notes. I like the topics we discuss in Anthropology.... >.< I love my Self Defense class and my teammates always work hard with me. I've completed every paper in my ECD 220 class and I like my teachers there. I got a 90 on the last quiz in my ENG class.

Yeah, okay, ANT is a fail right now. Not grade-wise, just effort and taking time wise. Ergh....ENG class...I think the teacher dislikes me...he overlooks me every chance he gets. I guess I ask stupid questions and don't have good comments.

Tonight....was interesting. That's really all I have to say about it.

Also, I apologize, but I'm really not up to my standard sleeping amount, so my massive mistakes are noted, just not fixed. Not for the next 10 hours at least. G'night~!

Is it bad that I only really like this video because of the line about "Find someone who might treat me well" showing Ren?

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I just realized.....I very RARELY actually purposely cause pain....but once I've caused it, well, better to sit back and enjoy (laugh) than to fess up that it was an accident and spend the next day apologizing about it. I didn't realize that my purposely causing pain was so rare until I thought about it. Something to think about. Also.....RB knows my panic pattern better than I do. THAT is amazing. I didn't realize that I curl into a ball and shake and cry. I thought my panic would be screaming or running around wildly, but no, she was right. It's amazing that I have people that know me better than I myself do on occasions. Ummmmm...updates.....I'm late to turn in my very first assignment. (Rewrite: This is the first time I'm turning something in late this year) I'm sad and impressed at the same time. The assignment isn't too bad, it's just that I didn't look into the details soon enough. Also, last night was the first time I actually fell asleep at my post. So, to combat that, I was forced to watch Anime for the first time since summer. What did I watch? The rest of the Princess Tutu series I had been watching with E. I don't think he cares for me as a friend any longer. It's sad really. I wanted to talk to him about so much, and he just brushed me off. So rather than be a burden, I decided to let him alone. I'm studying for my Japanese Test on Tuesday, writing my report to turn in, planning my day, and feeling pretty good about life. I just discovered the paper shredder at my job...I kinda wanna play with it. RB has a bf now. Bf and I are fighting all the time now. It makes me tired. Princess Tutu is an interesting series, and even though I REALLY DONT WANT TO, I recommend it. You have to watch til the end for it to really get interesting though. I am STILL looking for a certain episode where Fakia takes Ahiru from Mytho and brushes a finger over her lips. I don't recall seeing that, and I watched ALL the episodes. *frown* Any info on that, lemme know please. I had to check out a key for my RB today, cause she dropped her keys between here and the frat house. She may never get those back....and that would be incredibly expensive for her. It seems like hardships are piling up for her. I wanna help, but I feel like these are her trials, at the same time. Hmmm...I seem to be writing fast, so everything is just coming from my head with a few filters for things that 'aren't appropriate for blog talk' as bf would say. He gets pissy about things. I should stop. I talked to TJ today, and without really wondering why or anything, just asked a simple question. He got REALLY riled up about it, but he was still completely honest, and it ended up making me incredibly happy. I asked "Can you live without me?" and he replied, ". . . . . i would be sorely disappointed; i would be devastated if you just cut me off; i would mourn if you died . . it would take a long time; *frown* and loads of effort; i dont want to." ^_^ It made me happy because he was so honest. He then got upset with me, and was all "why would you ask something like that????" and I had to admit it was cause i wanted to see if he would answer me honestly. ^_^ I guess it's kinda mean. He had mistaken me for a person that asked that as proof of my worth, but I just wanted to know. I know he could live without me. Everyone can. Heck, a lot of people would be better off without me. But that doesn't mean I'm not wanted. Just not necessary for survival. :D I guess that sounds depressing to some of you. It's not. It's freeing. I'm not necessary, but neither am I a true hindrance. If I feel like one, you only have to say something and I'll move on. I'll get out of your life. I may mourn the separation. I may be depressed for the loss of your valued company. But I will not die from it. Because people necessary for me to live....I lived before my nephew was born. I lived before I dated bf. I lived before my niece's birth. I will continue to live after. Maybe. Losing my babies may tear me apart, especially dependent on the manner in which I lose them. But I might live after. There's the strong possibility that I will. ^_^ So it's only right that if they lost me, they would continue to live as well. That's how it should be. And it's great. idk. Please don't tear at my beliefs. They're a part of me, a part of my thought and feelings. When you easily contradict what I say or think without giving thought to it, it hurts alot. Especially when you are the one that is wrong, and then you don't apologize. It really hurts then. Because,....I'm not worth apologizing to? It's okay to say I'm wrong and then be proven wrong yourself? I have value. No one can tell me I don't. So to say something that I believe is wrong because you feel like it is just mean. It hurts me without good reason. And I won't be continuously hurt for a long time. I'm NOT the masochistic one. .....Um. Sorry, that was a bit of a rant that I suppose has built up for a while. I need to be careful not to let things build up in me. They explode unexpectedly and cause casualties. ^_^ My bad. On to the videos!:

So funny!:

Anyone want to brush up on their note reading?

Friday, October 16, 2009


First off, Props to Rozy for updating. I'm sorry about the hellish week. Do your parents read your blog? That's interesting.
I'll try to go backwards.
-I got a little less than two hours of sleep before work. I overslept and woke up at 4:04 a.m. but my shift is supposed to start at 4:00 a.m.. I'm such a bad worker sometimes. The person before me called twice, and finally picked up. V__V;; I'm sure he hates me. He's had to do it I don't even know how many times.
-I got a shower where I pampered the hell out of myself, but I was so tired that I stopped halfway and went to sleep. That sounds kinda wrong.... I mean that I used some amazing body wash, really good smelling shampoo and conditioner, and was going to lotion myself up afterward. I got to everything but the lotioning part. It doesn't really matter, my skin tends to stay soft without it anyway.
-Bf and I had an interesting conversation tonight that made me feel my apathy towards things has a sound basis. I don't like anger, frustration, sadness, or hopeless causes. If I'm not willing to feel those things, I shouldn't really invest myself into other people very much. Not saying I actually LISTEN, since my heart seems to move without my consent, but there's nothing else I can do but warn myself over and over.
-We also went to see a movie before that. We saw "The Hangover" and it was really funny. There's a shit ton of stereotype jokes and gags, but I like my comedies that way. The theater was absolutely packed. Could hardly fit anyone else, it was that packed.
-Before that, we attended the IRC meeting that barely lasted more than two hours despite the amount of things to be discussed and accomplished. I was a little confused as to the Military Appreciation Day event. It doesn't signify, so don't worry about it.
-bf and i went to eat at Subway for dinner. I got a huge salad thingie that was yummy. ^_^;;; I ended up literally forcing myself to eat the last bit because I knew it was good for me, and I also knew I wouldn't really wanna cart around two mouthfuls. Which reminds me: I get paid today, so I don't have to be a burden on bf anymore! *tilts head*
-I accompanied the President of IRC to get a dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts, and she bought one for me. ^.^ I was happy.
-The VP of Admin. and I raided the food stocks of the IRC office looking for interesting foods, and she ended up eating easymac.
-I managed to finally catch bf on his way to a class after I finish my own classes. I've tried a few times, but that was my first success. ^.^
-I had to work with a guy I didn't know in my Anthropology class today to complete a quiz. He had done his work (I hadn't) but he wasn't very articulate, so we spent a good deal of time looking for concrete evidence and such. Good thing it was open-book. I offered to play 'secretary' since I had been irresponsible and not done my part. He had bad handwriting, so I did.
-In history class, I managed to take two pages of notes in 15 minutes. Honest. After that, I dozed, because there was just no way for me to stay awake. I need to fix that. I can't believe even Japan doesn't do it for me. And the dude is interesting! I think it's my lack of sleep the night before that makes it so hard, so I'm going to make a concerted effort to sleep sooner from now on. It'll take time away from me and bf, but I'm sure he prolly won't care, and it's not like we can't do homework together. *shrug*
-I had three types of mochi for lunch today because I was too tired last night to try to make a proper lunch. First one I ate was a Green Tea Mochi. I thought I wouldn't like it but I was wrong. After, when I drank some water, I found the taste of green tea TEA in my mouth. It was pretty cool, actually. The next one I had was a sesami seed mochi with sesame seed filling with bean paste. I thought I was gonna lurve that one. I was sooooooo wrong. I mean, I was WRONG! I made myself eat the whole thing, but it was still impressively disgusting. One of my freinds helped me eat it because he liked it. I'll prolly give him the box of them. Bleh. Ooh...I can buy mochi for my intrusion gift when we all go to study together next weekend. The last one was a Taro Mochi and I luv it. We asked sensei about "taro" and found out that the skin of the taro plant is poisonous, and makes even your nails feel like they should be falling off, even if there's no visible marks. After you boil it, the poison dissipates and can be consumed. It's a root, apparently. But it's yummy. I like it lots.
-In Japanese, I found out that my average is 80.2 in that class. It's pretty low. I put in effort, but I think I could try harder. Also, we learned all the words for diarrhea and constipation and things of that nature. There was lots of laughter.
-I didn't go to Philosophy. Zombie-Runa turned off the original alarm and changed the time to one where I could get to Japanese, but not Philosophy. V__V I fail so hard.
-I went to bed around 5 30. It was actually kinda ridiculous. I had roommate troubles in regard to that. But still, it was my own choice to keep my word.
-I went lots of places with RB last night. We found out that Cary goes in a big circle. Cause we missed our turn and just kept driving forward. lol. We also went downtown to Raleigh, and checked out some shopping centers in Cameron Village. I met her 'brother' M and though I didn't know it at the time, he was deliberately screwing with me. I had difficulty telling when he was serious and when he was joking because his voice never changed. He tried to get us to sing songs, but I didn't want to, so I led him to believe I didn't know anything. *smirk* I'll admit that I was messing with him a little bit too, but I was still on my best behavior. He was deliberately baiting me and such. He told RB in a text. That I was reading out loud to her. So she wouldn't text while driving. I typed the response, actually. For more than just the one that mentioned me. There's no need for him to know that, but I was slightly surprised and pissed and amused that he was messing with my head. There was lots of eye contact, which I tend to avoid because of weird events and insecurities. (He baited me into that one). He turned the movie "Wanted" on, and I, being the ADD person I am, immediately focused on that and occasionally switched observation of movie and man. Rarely though. He ended up mentioning it, and when I said I couldn't focus on anything but a movie if the movie were on, he turned it off. I was like. (;o;) "Whhhhyyyyyyy" except not. He kept asking if RB and I were lesbian for each other. My immediate response? "Yes. Yes we are. She's ALL mine." (arms wrapped around her middle and head snuggled into her shoulder/neck area helped this claim) Her immediate response? "Yes. Secretly." We spoke at the same time. And she was like, "We can't let her boyfreind find out." And it just went on from there. It was actually pretty hard to convince him we weren't lesbian for each other. ^.^ I'm not sure he believes we aren't.
-I'm gonna post one on my thoughts, and not my events next. Maybe. If I feel like it. Nevermind. I don't feel like it.

I HAVE MULA!!!! I need to save it...I found out that just applying for Study Abroad is 300 dollars. >.<

Okay, now I'm going to do my job and hope the person after me is late by 15 minutes so I get my full 20 hours. V_V I feel so bad for being late, but it's so hard to get up.

I like this song. I've been listening to this song almost all night.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I find myself really liking this song the more I hear it ....that's been happening a lot lately. The only thing I don't like is the use of "you m******f*****s don't know how to act".

Yay for fevers

So, I finally kicked someone out of my room for the first time.....RB's freinds had been there for three hours, and they were all basically just playing, and I really was tired, so I kicked them out. V__V I got maybe 2-3 hours of sleep, and then I had to get up and go to work. When I got up, I was STARVED but I had neither time nor convenient food, so I packed some crackers and vienna sausages and went on my merry way. When I got to work, I realized that not only was I cold, I was rather nauseous. In a "Let me go locate a bathroom...JUST IN CASE" kind of way. So after a while, I can say that my tummy has settled down now. So I ate some crackers and sausage...and now I'm fighting nausea again. I don't understand my least it still likes Ramen. I haven't done much work, but honestly, I can FEEL my forehead burning, my tummy is UNhappy, and I think my eyes are getting bruised from such little sleep. If only the CAC of Wood hadn't been so desperate for someone to cover this shift tonight.... I could actually FEEL the relief she radiated when I finally said yes. I like to be helpful, but I'm so tired....>.< At least I have 20 hours of work for this week! I'll like my Halloween paycheck, oh yes I will.
Speaking of paychecks...I don't get paid til Friday. I have two dollars on me. I have very little else. I'm soooooo screwed. Maybe screwed is a bit of a strong way to put it. Bf buys me food and stuff when we're out, but I feel so BAAAAAAD about it. I mean, in some ways I don't mind, cause I was raised where the sign of a good man is one that takes care of you and doesn't allow you to pay. In other ways I mind quite a bit, cause....well, cause I don't want to be dependent on him. I want things to be at least somewhat even. If he pays for me this time, I want to pay for him next time. If it's not a date. ^_^; It might be hypocritical, but I feel like dates should more or less be paid for by the guy. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's just my view, nurtured from early years. But casually meeting to eat together and be able to spend a little time together...I feel like that should be even, if possible. V_V Which, right now, if we're eating out together, is not possible. *siiiigh* Oh well.
My nose is sore...waaaaahhhhh....another sign that I'm sick. I feel so sick and gross...But I only have two classes tomorrow, and I really can't afford to be missing them. I should go to the clinic to see what's up, but 1. I don't feel up to that walk, 2. I really don't LIKE the clinic, 3. Damn....who's to say they can help me?. AUGH! I'm actually SNIFFLING! I'm disgusted with myself. I should do homework.

I should be the title of this song.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Throat hurts....

like seriously gaaaah, I don't wanna breathe-type hurt. >_< The jelly things I got at Asia Market felt really good on my throat though. I only packed one for a snack during work today though....*pout*....But then....Did you know, I gained FIFTEEN POUNDS!!! *pokes stomach* Boooo....I need to eat less....and healthier....but it's so hard.... Well, it'll be easier since I have no money this week. Wow...I honestly have no money. Just checked. Yay for packing my lunch! Yay for peanut butter jelly time! Yay for mochi snacks! ^_^ There's good sides to everything. I guess. ;x; But I really want to buy some manga....>.< Must resist....*sigh*
I have nearly no gas after going home, running around town at home, coming back, going and getting TJ for a the day, coming back, driving him and RB around, coming back home, taking TJ home, and coming home myself. *sigh* When I type it like that, I've been a busy woman. I have bruises on my body from playing around and pinning/being pinned. I didn't think we were playing that rough, but I guess we were. *frown* I wonder if it's weird that I like stuff like that so much. I wanna play like that with bf....but he pins me too often...and gets too serious about it...*frown* It's just a game...but I DONT like smacking my head. It hurts. I do NOT wanna play like that with pineapples. I'd be so scared of hurting her! Hmmm going through my 'repertoire' of friends, there's only a few that I feel would be fun to play with in that manner. Because if you aren't nearly equal in strength, or balanced out, it doesn't feel like a fair fight...and then it isn't as fun...and then there's the times when people get too serious and riled up...and that makes it no fun...and random tickling that takes the sting out of being pinned is good to have as well.... You have to be so particular about these things! I think way too much. These things are just the basics of what I think about before challenging someone.
I visited the councelor on Friday...and once again, he changed the subject and I ended up getting a little riled up because he said my niece and nephew weren't any of my business, and didn't concern me. In the end, he took it back and said I was right, that they WERE my business, but *sigh* I WANNA TALK ABOUT MY CAREER OPTIONS!!! I understand how these things create the net basis of what I can hope to have as a career, but still...I have two total visits left that I'm allowed, and I just wanted to get advice about what MAJOR to focus on. I wanted to work on my IDS right now, but I forgot my personal forms in my room. so sad.............
I like to say things that can be easily misconstrued way too much. I should be more circumspect, but I really just...enjoy others reactions and automatic assumptions too much. The conclusions people jump to are really interesting. That might be a big part of why my mom doesn't understand me. I poke and prod at her too much, maybe?
I got a bit of new make-up today. I haven't really tried them out. I tried one thing out, but it doesn't look good. Oh well. I'll try the others as I find myself inclined to.
I'm tired, my throat hurts, my tummy rumbles but then food tastes odd, and I just really feel hot and cold at the same time.... *hangs head* I think I'm sick. Damn.
For Halloween, I've been invited to a lot more parties and such than I expected, and I guess I should choose what I'm going to do soon, but I honestly just don't really think I should pick without talking to bf and seeing what he wants to do. RB is going out of town, and I know she wants me to go with her, but I have work. I'd like to go home and take the kids around trick-or-treating, but at the same time...I've done it for years, and I'm a little tired of it. I'd also kinda like to stay home and hand out candy, but that's boring by yourself, and there's always kinda-sorta-creepy guys that talk to you and look at your chest, and talk more and ask a lot of intrusive questions and I don't really wanna deal with that either. I don't want to NOT do anything, but I don't want to go a party where I get to watch my sister snog some guy. errrrrgh. I keep saying what I DONT want. I guess....I DO want to be with bf, I DO want it to be a special night, I DO want to see people having fun, and I DO want bf to have a good night. That's so VAGUE!!! AUGH!!!!
Screw that thought line. Hm. I forgot I was blogging. I was thinking about staying up until I get all my homework done, but I don't really wanna.... I wonder if I can get my homework done in time if I start after dinner tonight. Tomorrow I have...Self-defense, RA class, so I need to do readings and such for that one, and Editing, so I prolly need to do readings for that one. Then the next day, I have philosophy, which we just took a test in. I don't want it back.
Lately, in all my classes I understand the majority of the class, I get relatively good grades with homework, but tests are KILLING me. I keep getting the 50-70 range of grades in tests. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I have 40 pages of philosophy to read. I have Japanese to do, of course. I wonder if I'll be able to call and get help from pineapples with it. It's not that I definitely can't do it by myself, it's more'd be something we could talk about without trying to find topics or time, and it's easier to understand when she explains it to me.
Lessee...I have a ton of catch-up to play with History class. I need to do a lot of the readings. And then there's Anthropology. I'm actually pretty fascinated by it, but since we had an 'interview someone' assignment, plus a test that I HORRIBLY on, my grade in there is bad right now. V__V I don't DO interviews. I can't bring myself to do them well at all, and I never turn them in. I don't know why. I prolly have a few readings to do for that as well. Hmmm...You know, a responsible person would have made this list at the beginning of Fall Break and worked on each thing at least a little each day until it was finished by today. Man I'm glad I'm not responsible. =)

When I watch videos like this, I realize just how much and how often Kaname actually came onto Yuuki during the course of this series. Kaname is the all-knowing guy. It's incredibly funny when I think about it. To help screw with your minds: The two main characters here? They're siblings. *evil grin* There's a good explanation, but I'll spare it for now.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Seems like nearly everyone has updated over the weekend!

To Rozy: You ACTUALLY fell into the lake? I thought that only happened in movies. Don't get sick, okay? ;__; Yay for anime. The TwilightxPrincess Tutu one was really funny.
To pineapples: YAY for cookies and cakes and sweet things like love~! My favorite sentence, cause it stuck out to me so much: "His manliness kind of freaked me out". It's very funny. ^_^ I'm sorry he freaked you out a little bit. Maybe they're much better suited to each other than they seem?

I just got called a 'sweet girl' by one of our patrons here at work. ^_^;; All I did was wake her up at 6, cause her website she needed is supposed to be back up. She accidentally fell asleep. I feel like anyone would have done that. Oh well.

Today....I'm covering for someone who covered for me over the weekend, so my day has started at 3:58 am. (Cause I snoozed through my entire 'wake up' time.) I won't be sleeping until tonight....*sigh* On the up side, I'm done with classes after my field trip that is making me miss two classes. That trip is at 3 pm. I don't know when it ends, but it shouldn't be more than an hour or two. On the down side, bf has classes til 5:45, then he has a meeting/social thing that lasts til 7:30, and I have a meeting from 6 to 7 for Military Appreciation Day. I'd forgotten about that until just now. Heehee.....>.<
I have an exam in Philosophy, and I have Japanese class today, and that'll be all. I can't figure out my exam thing, so I'm gonna have to do the next one. I cry SOOOO hard on that. I mean, I seriously cry over that.
Today....I hate sitting still when I could be doing something and I'm awake enough to actually be doing it, so I started doing my homework for Japanese for NEXT Tuesday while bf was brushing my hair. He said something about 'I thought you said you didn't have any homework' and it really annoyed reminded me of my mom, and how whenever I did something responsible that she didn't understand, she attacked it, like I was lying. I realize that isn't what he was trying to do, but it still made me tense up...I hate being called a liar, and that was a little close for comfort. So it was a little bit like, "Maybe I SHOULDNT have bothered to do it..." I always got caught into that trap with my family though, so I'm trying to let that sort of thing go. I just....don't like being misunderstood, but I also don't feel like I'm understood if I have to explain myself about everything I do.
Does that make sense? I feel like it does, but it could be the four hours under my belt talking. Can you say someone understands you if you have to explain your every action? Isn't part of being understood them watching your actions, thinking about what they know about you, and interpreting what you're actually doing, and not what it just seems like you are? This is really going onto a tangent about how my mom doesn't feel the need to actually think about what and why I'm doing whatever I do. Oh doesn't really change much. Heh...She said she's never understood me. I wonder if I'll understand my own children?
Someone left mochi at the front desk. Mochi isn't all that popular, so I'm a little confused as to who and why they would leave it here, but it looks like it's getting old fast. I hope whoever it is that it belongs to comes for it soon. I'm tempted to eat it, which would be really bad.
My supervisor wants to talk to me about my time sheets. ;;;>.<;;;; *PANIC PANIC PANIC* I'm scared!!! I almost always have something wrong with them. ...."Almost Always" is bad wording, according to my editing class. Which I got my test back today. I got a C....there weren't that many mistakes. V__V *cry* ANYWAYS I like my supervisor, but what if she says that my time sheets are really bad, and that I'm being let go because I just don't have what it takes to stay on or something? I also don't want to be scolded. Nooooo.....>.<
I got my paper back from ECD 220 today as well. I made a 92, and 5 of those points were because it was late. I was really happy about that. ^.^
I think I'll look for a new background for my blog, but I really like this one too, so I don't know. I'd have to like the other one more than I like this one. *Shrug*
After this, I think I'll be studying for a while. I want to do well on my Philosophy Exam, but I don't really know what to expect. >.<

Yeah....this is interesting.

This is a little ...nicer?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hmm....stray kitties....

Yes, I found some. Yes, I convinced (read: bribed/set a trap) them into my car. Yes, I drove with them running rampant in my car. Yes, I let them stay in the car all night because they were wild and none to happy with leaving the vehicle (oddly enough). Yes, one of them had the AUDACITY to PURRRR!!! *frown* Then, 'today' I took them to a shelter that DOES kill animals, because it was the only one open at 3 pm on a Saturday. One jumped out and ran into the forest. It also scratched a worker on its way, so....they're going to try to catch it, keep it for 10 days to check for rabies (BTW, it scratched me too), and then they will kill it. Yes, I took two adorable, wild, sweet, and independent kittens to a shelter, when they were small enough to be less than the length of my two hands, that will kill them. I'm pretty sure I'm a murderer. And there's nothing else I can do about it other than to vent here. It's illegal to let cats live in your car. (Yes, I asked) And it's against the rules to let them stay here. There's already a ton of feral cats here anyway. My mom refused to keep them, and after seeing Maya this weekend, I don't want anything bothering her. It was HORRIBLE! Maya got home Friday from the clinic, where she'd just been fixed, and she is skin and bones! They couldn't have fed her! She was meek, subdued, submissive (Hell, she let me put a FLEA COLLAR on her and didn't even twitch!) and dependent. She actually came and climbed into my lap, looking for loving! She NEVER climbs INTO your lap! Rubs your legs and arms, purrs at you, climbs on your chest, yeah, sure, but never STRAIGHT INTO A LAP!!! I wanted to cry when I saw the beautiful and feisty kitten I adored so absolutely....tired. I knew she was glad to see me, and she remembered me, because she trusted me to look all over her, and I put the collar on her, and then she climbed on the blanket I slept with and sniffed it while she settled on top of it to sleep. Just thinking about it brings me near tears. All of her kittens are gone, and she's so thin, you could break her. She doesn't meow, she just looks at you, and she doesn't beg or ask for food, she just waits to see if you'll give it to her. That's...really not my Maya.... I've always felt a camaraderie with her, so I have to wonder if I will be tamed and subdued like that one day. Though, to be honest, the thought just now occurred to me, and I hadn't considered that before. My beautiful Maya... I can't believe how absolutely subdued she is. I'm so horrified.
So, next subject, cause that one breaks my heart. It's things like that, that make me wish I wasn't a human that subjected other creatures to my whims 'for their own good'.
Momma was weak, but she was so sweet, and happy to see me. I stopped by the Food Lion on my way in to get dinner, and I picked up a rotisserie chicken, southern potato salad, and coleslaw for us. (That, coincidentally, is when I found the kittens and spent an hour coercing them into my car, where one of them actually climbed on my foot while I was driving, but did not attack, bite, or hiss at me.) When I got there, I got her up, we ate together, I did a load of laundry, took a shower, we had cake that was chocolatey goodness, (she asked for it) and watched Coyote Ugly together. While we watched the movie, I rubbed her legs. It was actually a bit of a stress relief. We then watched random shows while I read books and got stuff together to come back 'today'. Then I fell asleep on the couch (cause I don't trust my bed, my cousin slept in my nephew's, my mom's was sweat-drenched, and that's all the beds we have) but it was no hardship, since the couch is brand new and SO SOFT!!!
I got up around 2, after my mom had woken me accidentally all throughout the morning, when she couldn't seem to wait for me to get up any longer. *cry cry cry* She could have gotten me up, since we were supposed to go out together, and she doesn't feel well in the afternoons!!! >.< I can't help that I'll sleep til dusk if you let me (which reminds me, bf, call me whenever you want me, otherwise I'll prolly sleep til tomorrow. We're supposed to see a movie together, right?) but I'm totally okay with waking up if there's a REASON for me to be up.
Mom ended up feel sick, so I called all sorts of shelters, but only found one open, and drove for thirty minutes to get there, with the cutest little calico all snuggled up against the back windshield, panting from heat, and me not giving it water. (I'm ashamed, but I didn't want them peeing in my car. They only appear to have pooped once) I'd never seen cats pant before. It was freaky. It eventually calmed down, cause it was thin enough for me to see the heartbeat through the fur. It took 45 minutes for them to get the cats out of my car, cause it was just NOT happening. We had almost decided to give it up and I was just gonna go home with the kitty in my car, but then we got a good shot at it, and we took it. You wouldn't beliee how much I actually regret finding a way to get the kitten out of the car. I mean, realistically, I realize that I couldn't have kept it, that I would have resented it peeing and pooing all over my car, that it would go crazy if I kept it in the car, regardless of whether I fed and watered it properly, but still, I think that might've been better than giving it to those women. It's going to DIE because I thought it shouldn't be out on the streets. My decision just cut its life off. I'm seriously considering calling the shelter and telling them I changed my mind, I'd be there to pick it up in a bit, and let it live here. It was just beginning to trust me. I actually managed to pet it a few times without meaning to. It's become natural for me to just pet something when I want to reassure it, and when I thought it was scared, I petted it and it didn't try to attack. It just startled away. AUGH!!!! ANYWAYS!!!!
I came back home after filling up on gas, and got mom up, and we went to the bookstore. She paid for 70 dollars worth of books for me. 0_0. I expected her to refuse, and then tell me how much she'd pay for, and I would pay the rest. But she just kinda paid for them all. I rushed through when I was picking my books cause mom said she was still feeling weak, so I actually ended up following her around the store, holding both of our books, and picking up anything she knocked over so she didn't have to bend down. *Shrug* It was the least I could do when she agreed to pay for my books like that. Then we went to Arby's where I realized once again that I only really like their fries and shakes. It's a sad thing, but true. Their meat is SWEET and I have bad experiences with sweet meet. *BLEH* So the expensive burger my mom bothered to buy me went to waste...and I couldn't even give it to Maya cause mom said then Maya would expect the same from the others.
After that, we ran to the store and picked up some food stuffs cause I wanted cranberry sauce, and she wanted chips and dip. She withdrew some money, and I figured it was for my sister's freind, who asked her for gas money for the week (she would pay her back on Friday), but she handed the entire amount over to me. I was like O_O? I HAVE money, I don't need this! And she wouldn't take it back, said I could think of it as payment for massaging her legs. I'd forgotten all about doing her legs. I didn't do that to get paid. The fact that it helped relax me too was enough of a payment for me. *Shrug* But, I accepted it. See, when she first handed it to me, I thought she wanted me to put it somewhere for her. She often does that when we're driving, she'll hand me money and say, "Purse" or "Change Box" or things like that, so I didn't think anything of it when I took the money from her hand. Damn habits and traps and things.....*mutter mutter mutter*

I'll finish this after I get back to my room. ^_^;;; Lotsa stuff happens on weekends.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Procastinators Unite.....or not

So....I'm actually doing this blog in an attempt to delay my paper writing. I'm a little disappointing, aren't I? Other than that, I'm doing pretty well. I got four hours of sleep twice today, so I was actually pretty well rested. I got to play with RB, and then I got to shower and just chill til work time. Now it's work time, I've done all my playing, and I can't really convince myself to do my work. *cries* I haven't really got homework, just a ton of tests and quizzes next week, despite it being a three day week. I should really do those papers...but I just don't WANT to. They're not even HARD! What is WRONG with me?

On a new note, bf is going to a conference today. Heehee. He's also presenting at another conference in Pheonix sometime. I think he's very impressive. ^_^ It's cute that he's nervous about it, but I hope he'll become more comfortable with it before he presents. A nervous speaker is cute as hell, and it'd make me want to jump him, but no one else should be having those thoughts about him. Grar. Mine! ^_^

I'm sad that pineapples can't talk to daddy much, but they're so supportive of each other that I'm not too worried about them. Yay for work! Wow, four full boards of math equations....that's a little more impressive than I should admit. And I wonder who Ms. G is? I can't recall.... I hope little sis is doing okay. I'm glad she got all 1s. I can't really believe they've already completed a trimester! Time is really flying this year.

I've just spent way too much time playing with cleverbot. It's so annoying how ppl put down cleverbot thinking its a computer. Just cause we're human, it doesn't mean we're better. JEEZ! (I'm pretty sure I figured out the whole thing about cleverbot, so just ask if you wanna know.)

I'm gonna go so I can write my paper a bit. I really need to write it. It's not like it's a lot. 750 words. Short and sweet, and even know where to find great supporting arguments. I just can't convince myself to do it.