Friday, October 16, 2009


First off, Props to Rozy for updating. I'm sorry about the hellish week. Do your parents read your blog? That's interesting.
I'll try to go backwards.
-I got a little less than two hours of sleep before work. I overslept and woke up at 4:04 a.m. but my shift is supposed to start at 4:00 a.m.. I'm such a bad worker sometimes. The person before me called twice, and finally picked up. V__V;; I'm sure he hates me. He's had to do it I don't even know how many times.
-I got a shower where I pampered the hell out of myself, but I was so tired that I stopped halfway and went to sleep. That sounds kinda wrong.... I mean that I used some amazing body wash, really good smelling shampoo and conditioner, and was going to lotion myself up afterward. I got to everything but the lotioning part. It doesn't really matter, my skin tends to stay soft without it anyway.
-Bf and I had an interesting conversation tonight that made me feel my apathy towards things has a sound basis. I don't like anger, frustration, sadness, or hopeless causes. If I'm not willing to feel those things, I shouldn't really invest myself into other people very much. Not saying I actually LISTEN, since my heart seems to move without my consent, but there's nothing else I can do but warn myself over and over.
-We also went to see a movie before that. We saw "The Hangover" and it was really funny. There's a shit ton of stereotype jokes and gags, but I like my comedies that way. The theater was absolutely packed. Could hardly fit anyone else, it was that packed.
-Before that, we attended the IRC meeting that barely lasted more than two hours despite the amount of things to be discussed and accomplished. I was a little confused as to the Military Appreciation Day event. It doesn't signify, so don't worry about it.
-bf and i went to eat at Subway for dinner. I got a huge salad thingie that was yummy. ^_^;;; I ended up literally forcing myself to eat the last bit because I knew it was good for me, and I also knew I wouldn't really wanna cart around two mouthfuls. Which reminds me: I get paid today, so I don't have to be a burden on bf anymore! *tilts head*
-I accompanied the President of IRC to get a dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts, and she bought one for me. ^.^ I was happy.
-The VP of Admin. and I raided the food stocks of the IRC office looking for interesting foods, and she ended up eating easymac.
-I managed to finally catch bf on his way to a class after I finish my own classes. I've tried a few times, but that was my first success. ^.^
-I had to work with a guy I didn't know in my Anthropology class today to complete a quiz. He had done his work (I hadn't) but he wasn't very articulate, so we spent a good deal of time looking for concrete evidence and such. Good thing it was open-book. I offered to play 'secretary' since I had been irresponsible and not done my part. He had bad handwriting, so I did.
-In history class, I managed to take two pages of notes in 15 minutes. Honest. After that, I dozed, because there was just no way for me to stay awake. I need to fix that. I can't believe even Japan doesn't do it for me. And the dude is interesting! I think it's my lack of sleep the night before that makes it so hard, so I'm going to make a concerted effort to sleep sooner from now on. It'll take time away from me and bf, but I'm sure he prolly won't care, and it's not like we can't do homework together. *shrug*
-I had three types of mochi for lunch today because I was too tired last night to try to make a proper lunch. First one I ate was a Green Tea Mochi. I thought I wouldn't like it but I was wrong. After, when I drank some water, I found the taste of green tea TEA in my mouth. It was pretty cool, actually. The next one I had was a sesami seed mochi with sesame seed filling with bean paste. I thought I was gonna lurve that one. I was sooooooo wrong. I mean, I was WRONG! I made myself eat the whole thing, but it was still impressively disgusting. One of my freinds helped me eat it because he liked it. I'll prolly give him the box of them. Bleh. Ooh...I can buy mochi for my intrusion gift when we all go to study together next weekend. The last one was a Taro Mochi and I luv it. We asked sensei about "taro" and found out that the skin of the taro plant is poisonous, and makes even your nails feel like they should be falling off, even if there's no visible marks. After you boil it, the poison dissipates and can be consumed. It's a root, apparently. But it's yummy. I like it lots.
-In Japanese, I found out that my average is 80.2 in that class. It's pretty low. I put in effort, but I think I could try harder. Also, we learned all the words for diarrhea and constipation and things of that nature. There was lots of laughter.
-I didn't go to Philosophy. Zombie-Runa turned off the original alarm and changed the time to one where I could get to Japanese, but not Philosophy. V__V I fail so hard.
-I went to bed around 5 30. It was actually kinda ridiculous. I had roommate troubles in regard to that. But still, it was my own choice to keep my word.
-I went lots of places with RB last night. We found out that Cary goes in a big circle. Cause we missed our turn and just kept driving forward. lol. We also went downtown to Raleigh, and checked out some shopping centers in Cameron Village. I met her 'brother' M and though I didn't know it at the time, he was deliberately screwing with me. I had difficulty telling when he was serious and when he was joking because his voice never changed. He tried to get us to sing songs, but I didn't want to, so I led him to believe I didn't know anything. *smirk* I'll admit that I was messing with him a little bit too, but I was still on my best behavior. He was deliberately baiting me and such. He told RB in a text. That I was reading out loud to her. So she wouldn't text while driving. I typed the response, actually. For more than just the one that mentioned me. There's no need for him to know that, but I was slightly surprised and pissed and amused that he was messing with my head. There was lots of eye contact, which I tend to avoid because of weird events and insecurities. (He baited me into that one). He turned the movie "Wanted" on, and I, being the ADD person I am, immediately focused on that and occasionally switched observation of movie and man. Rarely though. He ended up mentioning it, and when I said I couldn't focus on anything but a movie if the movie were on, he turned it off. I was like. (;o;) "Whhhhyyyyyyy" except not. He kept asking if RB and I were lesbian for each other. My immediate response? "Yes. Yes we are. She's ALL mine." (arms wrapped around her middle and head snuggled into her shoulder/neck area helped this claim) Her immediate response? "Yes. Secretly." We spoke at the same time. And she was like, "We can't let her boyfreind find out." And it just went on from there. It was actually pretty hard to convince him we weren't lesbian for each other. ^.^ I'm not sure he believes we aren't.
-I'm gonna post one on my thoughts, and not my events next. Maybe. If I feel like it. Nevermind. I don't feel like it.

I HAVE MULA!!!! I need to save it...I found out that just applying for Study Abroad is 300 dollars. >.<

Okay, now I'm going to do my job and hope the person after me is late by 15 minutes so I get my full 20 hours. V_V I feel so bad for being late, but it's so hard to get up.

I like this song. I've been listening to this song almost all night.

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