Friday, October 2, 2015

Hurricane Joaquin and Shania Twain.

Her dresses are so gorgeous in this video that I'm in awe.

Apparently there's a lot of flood watches and warnings in NC all over. We're having tons of storms, and on top of that, there's a Level 4 hurricane on its way. The Hurricane's name is Joaquin, but it's pronounced like 'Wa' so when I first heard it on the radio, I was like 'Are we SERIOUSLY in the Ws already???? How is that possible???' I felt very lied to when I finally saw it in print, though that made more sense.

MJ has been fluctuating between very bad mouthy behavior and very good 'Gimme the good stuff back' good behavior. At one point she broke down enough to accuse me of only taking her in so I would look good. *deadpan stare* Look good to who? To everyone! They're always saying you're so great for taking me in! I wish they wouldn't say shit like that, really. We had to take you in. Anyone else would have done the same. And I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks of me as long as no one in power tries to take you away from me. *throws hands in air* She wanted me to prove that I don't care what people think, and that I love her. I told her that she doesn't really love me if she dares to ask me to prove it. She said she tries to hide that she loves me, which IS proof that she loves me. That's some fucked up thoughts, that is.

She's been trying to weasel out of punishments, and she's been talking more and more like a street thug. She's also been asking for cuddles, and I've been saying no because she annoys me so much, but I should really start accepting again. I'm sure she's lonely and unsure of herself. Maybe cuddles would help that. I just get bored and irritated cuddling her because she elbows me and kicks me and breathes on me and it's gross.

Still nothing on the job front. Mom says I should apply to banks, but I feel at a disadvantage because I only know anything about Wells Fargo and they keep rejecting me. Huh. Who does everyone use for their banking needs? That's something we haven't talked about before. Who do you use, and how do you feel about them?

Love you, miss you, hope to see you all soon!!!