Monday, January 21, 2013

Enmity.... I'm sick.

I hate being sick. Sniffles, runny nose, clogged throat, coughs, and sore, aching body all combine to make me irritated at the best of times, and quite irascible at the worst. I bet all of you look up that word and then commit it to memory. heh.
Poor hubby. We went shopping last night after I got off work, and I was actually in a good mood. I put on cute clothes, changed my hairstyle (somehow that means I went all out minus make up and jewelry), and was in a good enough mood to hum, sing along, dance around and smile. Considering I'm sick, that's near miraculous. But the opposite side: It was well after midnight (because I get off work at midnight), and hubby was tired. He knows I don't like shopping alone, though goodness knows it's more expedient, and so despite being very tired, he tagged along. I told him, and meant it, that I was okay with shopping by myself this time. It was only four days worth of food, after all. *shrug* But he didn't relent, and so he drooped through the entire experience. After we paid, I danced out of the building and asked him if he was unhappy. He didn't respond, so I asked him if he was tired. He said he was. And the whole good mood I had fostered and reveled in disappeared. Normally, if I dress cute, he notices. Normally, if I'm in a really good mood, he gets this wonderful indulgent smile and starts smiling the whole time with me. But due to his tiredness (completely understandable) last night he didn't. And it UTTERLY ruined the entire night for me. Now, even without looking up 'irascible' you know what it means. I wanted him to go away, get in bed, and go to his damned forsaken sleep and leave me alone with the damage he'd wrought on my happiness. ....Eventually, he did.
Normally, after I sleep on something that made me angry, I wake up in a much better mood, and that's the end of it. Occasionally, like today, I wake up remembering I'm pissed (though admittedly not always remembering WHY as I wake) and unwilling to deal with the person that made me angry. Once again I state: Poor hubby. I was uncommunicative, uncooperative, and unhappy to see him. I didn't want to deal with the person I was thinking had ruined my day. So I didn't. I didn't even text him like I normally do throughout the work hours. The only texts we sent related to dinner and what we were doing about lunch tomorrow. All the way until I got home and he came out of the bathroom looking adorable and sleepy with his Mr. Owl glasses on, I was still pissed at him. For not leaving me alone, for leaving me alone, for not indulging me, for reading his books, goodness, logically it really doesn't make much sense. But I was. And then he came out of the bathroom and he hugged me tight and I could feel how glad he was to hug me, and it felt like he had missed me, and even though we couldn't kiss (I'm sick, and he's terrified of getting sick because of me), I felt the lurve. And my irritation with him went away. I even made him a decent lunch for tomorrow. This just goes to show: Hugs make life so much sweeter.

On a different note: When I sit in Reb's computer chair, I sit at the edge. That leaves.... I don't know, an area of 6 inches by 15 inches of space between my toosh and the back of the chair. Guess who fills that spot? You guessed it! The kitty cat! She's resting her head on my booty as I type, and snoring. It's a somewhat awkward feeling.

On a further different note: If you had the choice to spend $30 more on a romantic get-away hotel that's 50 minutes away from your mid-destination, or a hotel that's decent and not expensive but also 50 minutes away, or a hotel that's cheaper by $5 but only 5 minutes away from your destination, which would you pick? My preference is the romantic getaway (obvious because I listed it first), but I don't think it's necessarily practical. Here's the options (because I believe the options are interesting, if nothing else). Tell me what you think.

50 minutes from the destination, $135

50 minutes from the destination, $101

5 minutes away, $131

I like this song, and I also really like this anime/manga.