Thursday, February 26, 2009

Phew, this is a load off my back

So, while I feel that going at my own pace is a very good idea indeed, I'm finding that my classes are easy to fail. Not that I'm completely failing, more like....I'm really sick of it already. I try, I think I do well, and I crash and burn. I'm dreading anything and everything I get back. I hand it in with medium or high hopes. I'm gonna take this break, and use it to get caught up or ahead of all my classes. If I can. My sister may be going insane (the dangerous kind) and I may be losing my stability. I have to give her something to hold onto, so I am, once again, going to go in ready for battle. But the best armor to have? The invisible kind. I have to stay 'open' and 'relaxed' until I get attacked. And I can be attacked by anyone when I go. That's the danger. I'm jumping into a den of wolves without remorse. I don't want to. And I don't know how tightly I can hold onto those I trust. I don't want to strangle them. I don't want to cause them problems. I want to bawl my eyes out and feel no guilt or remorse for doing it. Can I do that? -_- *Sigh* Not in me.
On a very different note: I GOT TO SEE ROZFIRE AND NO ONE ELSE DID! HA! TAKE THAT! WHOOOOO! TOTAL SCORE!!! It was too short...I got nervous in front of her group of ppl, like I was being stared at. It got to be where I was slightly afraid to look behind me. I really don't do well with ppl I don't know.....-_-;; Did I hide it well enough though? I got so excited to see Roz that I actually walked faster and faster til I was nearly running. lol. Then I did run when Roz came towards me! ^_^ It was AWESOME seeing her. The highlight to my day.
Then I handed off the Rape phone and took a test. The test made me feel rather...unprepared. It wasn't too difficult, there just...there wasn't alot on it, so every bit counted, you know? *sigh*
I got to eat a Root Beer Float for dinner and strawberry shortcake. Yum. I need to finish my soup that I opened the other night tonight before I leave for the week. Don't wanna deal with it when I get back, y'know?
Kpes, that's all for now. Comments would be nice though, since I slightly spilt my guts.

Rozfire is right, this is hilarious: (I certainly got a kick out of it)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Secretaries....somewhat frustrating, and not in the good way

So, I woke up and went to class. When I thought I'd be late to class and I should hurry up, I.....sorta kept walking at my pace. I basically did that the entire day. I went at my pace, didn't try to do anything that didn't fit with what I felt like, and just....was prepared for the consequences. I however, suffered none. It was odd. I kept expecting to be late, or in trouble, or something. And I wasn't. Very odd. But then my day of calmness died. It died, funnily enough, when the Secretary of my HC, who didn't show last week, didn't tell me why, and didn't even ask me anything before she tried to start doing shit(she had this attitude of 'SHE can't know what I want to know') began acting huffy and such before we EVER START!!! When I get the whole election process started, she interrupts me, talks over me, and contradicts me!! I'M THE ONE WHO DESIGNED THE ELECTION PROCESS DAMN YOUUUUUUUUU!!!! When she started with "Well in the email Paris sent, she said for us to..." I snapped a little. I cut her off, and said "Well, that's what I asked her to write, (I think I said that) and I'm changing it now to suit the new situation." I mean, I did my absolute best to deal with her, but she was so IMPATIENT! With EVERYONE but her friend. And it was so RUDE to EVERYONE! One person, who wasn't our resident, Ms. Secretary gave her a paper. Okay, that was SECRETARY's fault. Not that person! Secretary SNATCHES the paper back, when she was all "You aren't our resident?" and the poor girl turns to me. I was like "Ummm...." and she said "She's really freindly, isn't she?" and I wanted to laugh. I think i was like " could say that...." What was I supposed to say to that? It was true, the woman was amazingly assertive, and uncaring about anyone else.
Look, let me set you peeps straight. (You don't need it, but damn I wanna say it, and I may as well say it to my loved ones) JUST BECAUSE I DON'T COMPLAIN, IT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T HAVE JUST AS MUCH ON MY PLATE AS ANYONE ELSE!!!!!!!!! *Phew* Okay. Becaaaause, she was all "I have places to be. Let's get this done." URGH!!! We don't have places to be??? She just....she acts as though I don't have the capability to do anything, and like I'm a figurehead, not a capable person. Urgh. Oh well. I'm sure with time it'll get solved.
So, today I finished one of the pages for the YEARBOOK! TWO LEFT: WHOOOOOOOOT! I also got a box of skintimate shaving's awesome, really. Except it's for Rasberry Rain....*sigh* I wonder why I always receive Rasberry scented things. I really don't like them. Oh well. I needed it. Thanks to rozfire for listening to me rant and grunt and rave about that woman. Thanks to bf for showing up and making me happy at lunch. Thanks to the world for things still running smoothly even though there's someone really annoying around. ^_^ G'niiiiiight.

What I need to do:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Interesting what I find when I research my topic..

Passionate Love Scale Results:

Your scores are: 131

The total score can range from a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 135. The higher your score, the more your feelings for the person reflect passionate love; the items to which you gave a particularly high score reflect those components of passionate love that you experience

Extremely passionate = 106-135 points
When men and women are wildly in love, they can’t stop thinking about the other, their hearts pound, their pulses race, and they find it impossible to keep away from the objects of their desire—even when pursuit is dangerous or foolish.

Funny Movie:
*One robot is singing a song about having a heart and taps a smarter, more advanced robot that has emotions on the chest while singing that song from The Wizard of Oz. The smarter robot looks up and asks a question of the human mechanic he's working with.* "Do you have a drill?" "Yes, it's over on the shelf there." "Thank you. Excuse me." *Singing continues* *Drill starts up* *Dumb robot starts screaming* "HOLY MOTHER OF HELL!!!"

Signs of a Romantic Love's progression

It's some chewy words, but totally funny and typically accurate:

Romantic love begins as an individual starts to
regard another individual as special and unique. The
lover then focuses his/her attention on the beloved,
aggrandizing the beloved’s worthy traits and overlooking
or minimizing his/her flaws. The lover
expresses increased energy, ecstasy when the love affair
is going well and mood swings into despair during times
of adversity. Adversity and barriers heighten romantic
passion, what has been referred to as ‘frustration
attraction’ (Fisher 2004). The lover suffers ‘separation
anxiety’ when apart from the beloved and a host of
sympathetic nervous system reactions when with the
beloved, including sweating and a pounding heart.
Lovers are emotionally dependent; they change their
priorities and daily habits to remain in contact with
and/or impress the beloved. Smitten humans also
exhibit empathy for the beloved; many are willing to
sacrifice, even die for this ‘special’ other. The lover
expresses sexual desire for the beloved, as well as
intense sexual possessiveness, mate guarding. Yet the
lover’s craving for emotional union supersedes his/her
craving for sexual union with the beloved. Most
characteristic, the lover thinks obsessively about the
beloved, ‘intrusive thinking’. Rejected lovers first
experience a phase of protest, during which they try
to win back the beloved and often feel abandonment
rage; then they move into the second stage of rejection,
associated with resignation and despair. Romantic love
is also involuntary, difficult to control and generally

So did you understand it? ^_^

Quote of the Moment

"It's not fair. My tongue hurts and we didn't even do anything." -Boyfreind

Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's my mom's birthday.....she didn't get a call from me til 10 pm at night....

And boy was she pissed. Urrrgh. I thought about it all week, but I didn't anticipate that my 30 minute break (the only one I should have had since waking) would be taken in a new meeting. One that was not on the planner. I even forgot to get on duty. I need her to be more understanding, and it seems like she just wants to be bitter! I've had a hard day.
I had a meeting at 10. I woke up at 10 15. I was at my meeting at 10 40. My 'boss' called me twice. Y'know what I thought it was? My alarm clock. Sad, sad world. They all understood. But still...I held up the entire meeting.... Then we ate a weird place, and I ended up ordering something that was too spicy for me to stand. So I ate the delicious meat, and the okay salad, and everyone laughed at my face when i tried to eat it. I won't do that again. After we came back, I went right into another meeting. Then an unexpected one. Then another one. And then I had to help set up and judge the WWW events. Then the judging took an extra hour because no one knew the info had to be submitted BEFORE 5. So ppl came in at 7 30 and we had to judge them too! Urrrgh. Then we had pokey stixs and ice cream (which made me much better) along with karaoke and video veiwing while we passed out the prizes. Then on my way back, I got to walk with a freind, and then had to wait at a bus stop for a freind, (my hands went numb waiting, but i had a whole box of pokey stix) and while I was waiting, another freind drove up and asked if i wanted a ride back, since it was on his way. I had to decline, but that he cared enough to ask if i wanted his help really made me feel better. Then my friend showed, and we walked back to my place. He offered his sweatshirt, but it was just too cold to be outside in a T shirt! (I didn't dress appropriately for the weather due to my tardiness) Then of course, I realized my mom's birthday was today (after the appropriate time for calling was over) So I called my sis, who's friend died today by gunshot, (I didn't know) and her friend called mom, so mom called me and i tried to wish her a happy birthday. She wasn't very receptive though. Then I realized I hadn't activated my phone for duty at 7 like I was supposed to. So I did that, but it was like 10 30! Then we got back here, and I've just been bitching and procrastinating and not doing what i should be. I'll go do my hw now. Or watch anime. I'd prefer the anime.

Quote of the Day: "I can't believe I'm not turned on!" *referring to being logged on to blogger*

I'm tired, but sleep is long in coming

Sorry I haven't posted lately. I've been reading a bit of manga here, a bit of hw there, but I can't seem to go to sleep. Guess it's cause I slept til 6. Can you believe it? I slept til SIX PM!!! I really shoulda gotten up, but no one made me, and I didn't have anything I had to do, so it was still way too much though. I mean, I know i've had a lack of sleep lately, but that's no excuse.
Ahahahahaha. I just finished a manga about a lesbian and a playboy. It was awesome!! So, the guy had never fallen in love before, but then he meets a female that is in love with her straight female freind. It's so complicated, but it's so funny. So in the end, the straight woman ends up pregnant, and the lesbian is heartbroken. The playboy fell for her, and is trying to get her to slowly fall for him. Even the girl's DAD is telling him to just go for it!! And he's 'telling his mother' about it. And he's like, "Even though she may be over Rena(the pregnant woman) it doesn't mean she's lost interest in women. That, Mother, that is why I sigh." Ending scene: He's holding hands with her, and she's staring after a really pretty female, while he sighs. Hahahaha.
Oh, right, I stopped posting in the middle, didn't I? So, tomorrow is PACKED for me. *cry* I've just got so much to do.... I should really work on those things or sleep so I can wake up and work on those things. But I just don't have that self-control. Urgh...Now it's nearly 5 am....*sigh* I hope I can get a bit of sleep this time. Sorry, besides ordering pizza and hanging out with Firecrotch and bf, I haven't done anything today. Oddly enough, my rib cage feels rather painful...I haven't done anything to promote that
Random complaint/embarrassment: It's SUPER embarrassing when someone sits there and talks about your sterling qualities as a leader with you sitting there beside them. >.<
Quote of the Day: "If you don't move in five seconds, I'm going to jump you." "Really?" *Smug smirk* *counts down and the other one doesn't move* *runs* *jumps* *lands* "Oomph" "Didn't say what kind of jumping I'd do."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bit of Melodrama, but still normal

So, I'm not really gonna talk about my day. Basic summation of it: It was slow paced, and I presented myself well.

Now on to my real thoughts. So, I'm beginning to tire of having this persona of confidence around others. Honestly? Every time I'm uncomfortable, tears form in my eyes, and I have to struggle not to cry. I tremble for three-fourths of the day without explainable reason. My voice dries out and cracks when I try to talk to people I don't know well. I get nervous and attempt to jump into conversations but end up making a fool of myself. I sometimes just want hugs without anything else, but feel pressure from myself to take things further, and it's only my fault. I feel guilt and worry about my family, but am not brave enough to call and see how things are. I'm scared to death to go home for Spring Break because I don't want to meet Cin. I'm a meek, scared, shy and antisocial girl. And I'm trying to fit into the role of a real woman with a confident air and steady persona that invites others to come under her leadership. It's not me. And I don't know why I don't want it to be. Do I just want to remain a child a little longer? Or do I just feel like running away because it's in my DNA? Some of my family have never grown up. Maybe it's the genes.
Okay, that was my worry of the day. Now here's some funniness to make this worth reading:

"She reached for the closest, thickest, heaviest book she saw, stepped out from behind the bookshelf, and heaved it at his head.

And, to her own astonishment, she hit him.

He cried out in pain and ducked. The book landed on the floor, sprawled and face down.

The rushing, seething, spinning anger died immediately. No more red and white sparks. No more thrumming, swishing noises. No more clenching, trembling nerves. She just blinked, slack-jawed, at the cover of the book. It was one she had never read. It occurred to her, vaguely, that now she was going to have to read it."-To the Gentleman in the Back, by Alicia Blade

I thought it was amazingly funny. I'd prolly have the same thought she did.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So, I don't care who you are, all you have to know is this: Ren is a guy in love with Kyoko, Kyoko is scared of love, and Yashiro is Ren's best freind. (Not completely accurate, but close enough)

“But she’s natural celebrity material so being herself is more appropriate. And she doesn’t have to worry about her suit falling off at any second.”

Ren looked startled. “Is yours in danger of falling off? Do you need to call wardrobe?”

“No, it’s the nature of the suit…the ties,” Kyoko explained. “It’s not a very practical outfit. If there is one little tug on any of these ends, I’ll lose half of what I’m wearing on the spot.”

Yashiro held his breath, afraid that if he didn’t he would burst out in an unmanly fit of giggles that Ren would later kill him for...but Ren’s face was such a picture, it was hard to take. He looked pained; that was the only way Yashiro could think to describe it.

Kyoko saw Ren’s expression and exclaimed “Exactly!” as though she’d found an ally. “That’s just how I feel.”

'No, it’s not, Kyoko-chan,' Yashiro thought, feeling himself turning purple with the effort of holding his laughter in. 'It’s not the same at all.'


*blank stare*
-I was supposed to be able to relax in the morning, but that didn't happen. I woke up oddly zombied. Then I went (early) to Japanese class, where hw was due, and I realized I'd left my hw notebook in my room. whoops. Then I got out, and looked for bf, but he didn't come, so I left with some freinds. We went to eat, and bf caught up with us there. I bought a TON of bars that were yummy. (I only ate three though, and that was throughout the entire day) I then went to class where I tried to behave myself. We talked about being in the zone, or as I call it "Zoning out". It reminded me of when I play chess, and I now have a nearly overwhelming desire to play my teacher. After that, I had to run to my next meeting where I then spent an hour fiddling with Photoshop for a small result. After that, Publicity meeting had us go over a few things, and set up our date and such for our retreat this Sunday. After that, I messed with Photoshop a little more before going to a Free Talk thing, where I listened to alot of people and their opinions about things that have been bothering them about living here. Accidentally, I mentioned something about not knowing all the RAs in response to a question, and they all introduced themselves to me! >.< I just meant, that if I were a resident, I might not be comfortable taking orders when I don't know if they're really who they say they are. I didn't mean myself specifically. But I'm so bad at communicating myself....*sigh* Then we went over my Constitution with the rest of the Hall council (A total of four, including myself) and we made changes galore. My secretary is rather.....unhappy with me. She challenges me alot. I don't mind, might have to be addressed. *sigh* Then after that, it was 11 pm, and I was finally through! I went back to my room, took a shower after filling out a bit of an application to be a Japanese camp councelor with kk, and then got sick! It was out of the blue. Well, maybe not. You see, I ate an old taco, and then I felt sick. So I think I got food poisoning. But then I went to bed after trying something to stop the kibungawarui-feeling. I didn't even do my hw!

So, I feel I should address my lengthy posts. I'm sorry they're so long. I get into this 'place' where I just want to tell everything, spill it all, sorta like, I think of this as my diary. So it gets a little long, and I apologize for it. I try to keep it interesting, but ....My days are filled with meetings lately, so it's not very interesting. *shrug* Sorry...

Incident of the Day: -I mention not knowing everyone- They then begin introducing themselves. "No, I didn't mean...nice to meet you too...." >.< I felt like I was at Alcoholics Anonymous ^///^

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quick update....

You know you're too busy when you sit down to use the restroom and realize you've still got your underwear on!

Today.....what a doozie

So, I know in my previous post I told ya'll bout the running I had planned for today. Well, it went down just about seamlessly. I had just enough time between each task to relax and gather my 2-hour-sleep's-strength before I jumped back into the schedule and snickered while I thrashed it down. First off, I overslept. Bf came, picked me up, was upset with me for getting up late and thereby cutting our time to eat together short, and we went and ate (read: I scarfed down a biscuit, he ate his food in silence, I pecked him on the lips, and I went to class. I assume he did as well) In Spanish, the teacher almost deliberately skipped over me every time it was 'my turn' to answer something. Also, every time I said something, she'd say "What was that?" without looking even nearly in my direction, or she wouldn't acknowledge that I'd even said anything. I was soundly ignored, and it confused me. Over the weekend, I was told I was failing her class. Yes, I have a good accent, but I still need to PRACTICE MY VOCAB!!!! Vocab is the hardest part of any language that I've ever learned. If I don't practice it, I won't retain it. But when I told my freind B and bf at lunch, it seems that it upset the both of them even more than it upset me. Was it cause I got ignored? I didn't really understand, since it wasn't them that got dissed. But I was a little happy that they would be so soundly on my side, and do their best to help me. After Spanish, I went to Jap, where we had a Kanji quiz. DUDE! If she had given us ONE MORE MINUTE to study, I could have gotten a perfect score. As it is, I'll be lucky to get a 60. My freind E has an amazing calligraphy pen that makes it really fun to write kanji with it. Since I have to be so careful with how I shape the characters, I remember it. At least I have confidence in my translation abilities. Then I went to lunch after cheering Z on with his kanji studying. I found a new advertisement for condoms in the newspaper. They're so funny. Lunch was sorta funny. When bf and I got there, there weren't any four-ppl tables open, so we sat at a 2-ppl one, even though I wanted a four-ppl one so B could sit with us. Bf said B might not even be coming, so not to bother. When I went to get out drinks, I saw B on my way back, and he was all "ATTACK THAT TABLE!" So we claimed a four-ppl table and made bf and myself and B move our stuff to that one. lol. Mmm, after that I went to badminton, where at first it was rather interesting. I have more power now. But then I started feeling sick. Like, run away and hide from others sick. But I had another meeting after my class! So I stuck it out, and then bought something to drink, and went to my meeting. I also switched out my book bag. My meeting about my hall's constitution went really well. I got alot of compliments about how insightful I was, and things like that. We made a TON of changes. Then I told her I'd type up the thing tomorrow and send it to her so the rest of the board can revise it and we can finalize it. But actually, I typed it all the way up and sent it tonight~! ^//^ But after that meeting (which took a good 40 minutes-Our constitution was 3 1/2 pages. Now it's 6, thanks to me.) I went to an international foods meeting for our program in a month. We brainstormed like crazy, and I got picked on, but it was okay, because I was with a ton of ppl I liked. Then I went to class, where I got there a little early, and started typing the constitution. Then our teacher gave us a serious quiz, which I hope I passed (I read one assignment, skimmed another, and read the abstract+discussion+readers comments section of the third one.) Then she paired us up, and my person actually had done the assignment, and gave a bit of help. Not like, she was only a little helpful (though it felt like it.) but it was a difficult assignment, and I hadn't even done it and was doing most of the filling out. I think I'm too distrusting. I don't count on anyone I don't have prior experience with to know what they're doing until they prove themselves to me. Sad.... Then I went to dinner with bf, after arguing with firecrotch and losing. (I HAD A GREAT ARGUMENT AND HE STILL SAID NOOOOO) Bf and I ate, then we went to Sex in the Dark, which was different from the one in my hall. We wrote questions and random people read them. I read a few. Bf wrote some, and I wrote some. But bf did not say a word, and he was not near me, and he only laughed a few times, and I was lonely and he didn't contribute and it didn't feel like we were doing it 'together' at ALL! I ended up offering alot of my opinions (since I'm a know-it-all) and he offered none. I was really disappointed. I felt like I could have gone alone and gotten just as much from it, if not more. After the program, I was a little upset about that, so I worked on the Constitution in bf's room until time for me to go chalk the damned school. I was fighting the urge to cry the entire time, and scolding myself like crazy. I didn't really have a legitimate reason to be upset, but it just didn't feel happy for me. So then I went to chalk, and ended up being complimented again on my abilities. ^_^ The guy in charge of us, after seeing my work, said that I was in charge of all the important chalking. I bet it rains before tomorrow, and no one sees our hard work. We split into two teams (I was the only girl) and worked together to cover a large area of places where ppl might see it. It was great. I got back to my room around 12 15 though.... But my partner escorted me, so it was fine! When I got back, I was super sore and worn out. lol. But it felt sorta good. I enjoy working to the best of my abilities, even if it means my hands go numb, and I scrape the hell out of hands and nails. I always want to be able to contribute something worthwhile, so I keep trying.
Rozfire, I like that couple as well. Well, more like....I find them funny. I don't mind them. But I have to say, my FAVORITE couple is Tsubasa when she's got that split personality and Ryuuji. I laughed til I cried at that one. How nostalgic....I sorta wanna go read that now....

Quote of the Day: "It was so cold we had to cuddle!" -Jonas talking about how frickin cold it was when we were all chalking. It was amazing. Like, almost this excuse type voice and.....well darn, I guess you just had to be there.

If you understand Japanese, pay tons of attention to the lyrics. Otherwise, enjoy a interesting video with awesome music: Note: Very slight female nudity.


Saa wasuremashou sono mirai ga
Mata chi�@nurarete yuku nante
Namanurui kaze doguro wo maitara
Sore ga tabun aizu

Come, let's forget that future
that is becoming smeared with blood again.
If a warm wind curls into a spiral,
that is probably a sign.

Nukedashitette Nukedashitette
Kanashisugiru unmei kara
Anata wa naraku no hana ja nai
Sonna basho de
Sakanaide sakanaide
Karametorarete ikanaide

Escape, escape,
from this sorrowful fate.
You are not a flower of Naraku.
In that kind of place
Don't bloom there, don't bloom there
Don't let them ensnare you.

Oto mo naku tobikau toki no kakera

Shards of time fly by without a sound.

Dare ga kono te wo nigitteru no?
Dare ga kono kami wo nadeteiru no?
Ima naiteita moegi no naka de
Kanjiteru aizu

Who is grasping my hand?
Who is stroking my hair?
Now, in the crying sprouts,
I can feel the signal.

Tobikoetette tobikoetette
Unmei no haguruma kara
Anata wa naraku no hana ja nai
Sonna basho de
Chiranaide chiranaide
Soshite tane wo nokosanaide

Fly away, fly away,
from the wheels of fate.
You are not a flower of Naraku.
In that kind of place,
don't scatter your petals, don't scatter your petals,
and don't sow your seeds.

Me wo daseba futatabi mawaru karuma

Everchanging karma spreads its seeds once more.

Nukedashitette Nukedashitette
Kanashisugiru unmei kara
Anata wa naraku no hana ja nai
Sonna basho de
Sakanaide sakanaide
Karametorarete ikanaide

Escape, escape,
from this sorrowful fate.
You are not a flower of Naraku.
In that kind of place
Don't bloom there, don't bloom there
Don't let them ensnare you.

Oto mo naku tobikau toki no kakera

Shards of time fly by without a sound.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I can't compare to that (see video for reference)

>v< Hahaha. I love kk, she hasn't hardly changed at all. She's still so messy, it's so funny. Just think, if you did hw every Saturday, you'd always have the weeks free then, wouldn't you? But it would suck being busy on a Saturday.
Just a note: If you like my posting, comments are like my blog's air. It makes me happy to get responses, and it inspires me to write more. I really, REALLY wish I could comment on others' blogs, but my compie doesn't like that. So if you have that capability, don't take it for granted: Use it on MEEEEE~!
Okies, so today, I have actually been amazingly productive. I woke up to a freind asking how to submit a Jap paper that I had forgotten in the excitement of eating out on Friday. I turned it in late today. But we both panicked for a bit, and I nearly cried, just because it's been so damn frustrating to realize what my work load really is. I'm failing Spanish because I disregarded it for more interesting things. I refuse to drop it; I'll just work way harder on it. My jap has been a little on the bad side, since learning vocab is my worst ability. I can't do it unless I use it over, and over, and over again. (That's what he said) I've become rather sadistic towards E, but he's masochistic, so it works out.
After I got up, I went to my meeting that started at 5, but was only supposed to last an hour. After I finished that meeting, I was supposed to meet up with a freind and watch anime while doing hw. Yeah.....That meeting ran for two hours straight, and I STILL didn't get what I needed from it. So after that, I met up with three freinds, and we all ate together. Then I discovered yummy TV shows were on tonight, so we went to firecrotch's room and watched them. Around 10 30 I took bf and E back to my room with me, and we all buckled down with some hw except for E, who's compie I stole so I could write my paper. After that, bf left, and E and I settled down to watch some anime. WHOOT WHOOT! We followed the pattern of two episodes, then hw, finish that hw, then two more episodes, all the way til 4 30 am. I'm afraid I bored E out of his mind, but he swears it was relaxing, so I won't stress over it much. (I'll try) After he left, I took an awesome shower, and then buckled down for some serious English reading. It was amazingly interesting. Well, the first article was. The second article, I just read the abstract and the reader's comments. Which pretty much told me everything I wanted to know about the article. Then the third article showed it's ugly mug. That sucker....daaaaang, that sucker got me. I couldn't do it. I skimmed it (read:I scrolled down slowly and looked at the pictures) It was alot about the possible use of some cave in times long past, and how there were tons of things for turtles and phallic symbols. Why do the phallic symbols show up EVERY class almost? I mean really, how many fake penile objects do I have to look at before they'll be satisfied? Gosh.
On a new note, I'm proud of my lack of cussing today. I didn't even cuss in my head that much. Oh yeah, I called my mom, but she was ....odd, and the convo was awkward, and squirrels kept staring at me, so I hung up within 7 minutes. Then I saw a mouse/rat come out of a hole, then go in another one, then peek out of that one, stare at me, and jump into a different hole. O.O; So I promptly went inside and mentioned it to my committee members, who then all ran outside and wanted me to show them. lol. It gave me a few chills, to be honest.
Poor Rozfire, I wanna give her a huge hug! I love her quotes. ^o^ Though I think that she isn't leaning towards either end of the spectrum, that she has as much potential as a genius when she takes things seriously and puts in an amazing effort. (I might have potential as well, but you won't see me use mine like she does. I'm too lazy)
So, beyond that, today's schedule (It's 6 am here, and I haven't been to bed)
-Eat breakie with bf
-Spanish (Whose ENTIRE hw i did. FIRST TIME THIS SEMESTER)
-Japanese (Did hw for the next week already)
-Lunch with bf (I prolly won't be hungry if i eat too much for breakie)
-Badminton (Not good if i don't get some sleep)
-Meeting with P about Hall Council (Of which I am now president)
-International Food Day Committee Meeting ( I think there's 3 members)
-English Class (I did the hw, *Does the happy dance*)
-Dinner with bf, and maybe firecrotch?
-Sex In the Dark with bf (I've done it once, it makes me happy that I can do it with bf this time. I really, REALLY want him to ask questions.)
-Chalking for a program this weekend.
-Then I have to do hw hw hw so that I don't get behind. I like being ahead.
-Then I should seriously do my laundry. It's pretty bad when you're covering your laundry with like three shirts so your male freinds don't see your dirty underwear. Eeegh.

Heehee. So, now that you see my plan for today, I think we can all agree I need to be asleep now. Here's a song I keep listening to, though I don't know why: (Favorite lyric: "My reason can sometimes be misplaced,")

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Response to Baby Daddy's Post

(since it won't let me post comments, even when I'm dying to)

....Um, is your dad an alcoholic? Or a lay-aholic? Seriously, that's nothing to worry about. Everytime I mention my bf to my family, their first question is "Are you being safe?" They can't believe we're not having sex. It's just the differences in people's perspectives. They can't believe that you're not just like them. lol. That's a little harsh, maybe, but I really think you should laugh it off if you can. You've got an awesome girl, and you both understand each other, so there's nothing else you need to do as far as romance goes. But I WOULD suggest....playing? Like, with your freinds, or something.....I don't know, if you told him "I'm involved in ___" and "I'm doing ____(NOT A PERSON!!!)" that maybe he'll feel less worried for the state of your relationships. He's maybe worried about your being antisocial. I say maybe.


Okay, so first off, sorry Rozfire. lol. Props to you, since you're the reason I'm posting now. Okay, so things that have happened.....
Yesterday, I watched Twilight, and played tag in a field late at night with bf, but I lost my ID in said field. When I went today to retrieve it, the gates were locked and soccer and baseball peeps were playing on it. I wasn't sure I lost my card there, so we checked all over, but when we came back from searching, I had an email from a nice guy that drove all the way to Blockbuster(where we were when he called me) to return my ID to me. We rented Definitely, Maybe for our Valentine's movie. It was a great pick. Very...suitable, and funny. Oh, before that, went to a dining hall that was special for the evening, and basically had an AMAZING meal, where I got stuffed beyond imagining. Bf got me a pillow with our names on it for Valentines and I got him some cute love quote cards. Open one a day for happiness or some such. He's laying here watching me type and sorta trying to distract me when he gets bored.
Also, yesterday we also went out to Japanese food for dinner with some of my freinds, (bf didn't like it much) (YAAAAY, I got his miso soup) and after that we went to TWO used book stores. WHOOOO~! I also went for bubble tea with E before that, and I took two tests. (Both in languages) I got an email today suggesting I go to the tutorial center for help with Spanish, because my grade is currently a 69 there. I'm rather worried about it, but there's not much I can do about it right now, right? I'll work on that class more, and spend less time reading manga. (If I can make myself) If that doesn't help, I'll go to the tutorial center. But I'd rather not. They SAY things are straight-forward about alot of the programs here, but then you find out that you have to attend this workshop first, or that program, or you have to do this and that before they can help you. It makes me angry, so I'd rather not knowingly put myself in a position where I know I'll become upset. I also ran into J, a guy I went to Japan with. It was nice, except he was visiting our school with his father, and we didn't talk much. I've got alot of new books I need to read. Or not. They'll be there when I get to them eventually, right? >.<

I get the feeling I've put this one up for ya'll before....oh well.

Quote of the Day: "You've got to blow on it alot before you put it into your mouth." ......."Yeah, that's what he said." --Dinner conversation. Awesome, right?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is sooo funny. Sorry, the thingie that let me put it here was disabled, you'll have to follow the link. ^_^

today was pretty good, but I woke up sick. It was bad....but it was short. I managed to get up, go to class, eat with bf and AB, and then spend a bit of time with bf after my second class. (I skipped Spanish because I woke up too late and too sick) We met up coincidentally outside the library while thinking about each other. Isn't that amazing? We got yummies, sat outside on a bench (the weather was AMAZING) and then I went to a meeting with my teacher with bf as an escort. What should have taken 15 minutes took me 6, and two of those were me pulling up the links. She approved my first topic, so I didn't have to go over any other options I had prepared. After that, I found bf again, and we wandered outside again, and I laid my head in his lap until I decided to go find my Jap professor to explain the next chapter to me so I could do that homework ahead of time. (I'm an idiot) Then I went to see a Yakuza movie with bf and the Japan Club. I thought it was AWESOME!!! It was so cool, but the head dude needed slapping. Like, serious slapping. Not "Oh no you di'in" slappage, but "Aw hell NAW! Your ass is gonna be redder'n hotter'n hell is by the time I'm through with you" slappage. Sorry for the cussing. Then we went out to eat with a good portion of the people we watched the movie with. bf was laughing at two guys who were sharing our table and were talking in Walt Disney character voices, like Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. He was cute, laughing like that. Then he told me he was ready to leave, so we went back to my place where....I forgot what happened next. OH! I attacked his body. And I scored a LOT! This sounds totally wrong, but it was innocent. After that though, We were pushing each other off the bed, and trying to stay on at the same time. I pushed him off twice without me, and once with him pulling me down.(no order to the listing) Then he pushed me off twice, and I moved to the other bed. He followed and we cuddled. We talked about the kind of house we wanted and if our child would be homeschooled. I veto homeschooling, but bf agreed with me, so I don't really need to veto it. Then, after some delays, he went home, and here I am after showering, contemplating sleep that I know I won't be getting. Thanks to everyone that cheered me up today about yesterday's awfulness. I remember helping pineapple that time. It was SOOO cold, and I couldn't understand why she had been outside at that time of day, but it wasn't a problem. ^_^

"When a freind needs you, the time of day doesn't matter. Only how fast you need to be there." -Me, for all I know. If it's someone else, and I mentally snatched it, lemme know.


Update on my bad day

Now there's only the possibility of four hours of sleep, AND

THERE ARE 64+ VIRUS/MALWARE on my computer. It's a hard knock life....damnit, I'm just feeling crappy for little reason.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm horrible for being relieved I'm not the only one having a bad day....

List in chronological order of how things have gone:(*=Good events)
1.Mother called me at 7 40 this morning to ask for passwords, codes, etc. I was not coherent. She got nothing from me.
2.12:30 I got up and realized I fell asleep last night without showering, so I had to take one.
3.I then had to comb wet hair. Said event was highly painful. And literally gave me a headache.
4.I then read manga instead of doing hw. I didn't finish my homework for Jap as a result and did not turn it in.
5. I went out with a jacket. DAMN WEATHER!!!!
6. I got an IM from bf saying we likely couldn't meet today
7. I talked about my friends in jap class, but as soon as I started my 'talk' I forgot everything I wanted to say....
8. **I got to see bf after Jap class for a little while**
9. I went to Jap Rel. and then immersed myself in my laptop and didn't pay much attention to my defense, it was Buddhism, and I've taken two classes on that before....
10. I then felt 'in the way' when my male freind and my new female freind got a little 'freindly'. So much so that I had to help the female freind off the male freind. *Two of my guy freinds may be finding new ladyloves*
11. I was almost late for a Yearbook meeting that happened to ...take way too long, had too many people try to talk at once, and I didn't contribute much due to reading manga.
12. I then had to sit around for forever, waiting for my next meeting to start. I made my Valentine for my IRC meeting, but nearly got caught by said person twice.
13. My Publicity meeting went well until R and I wanted to do the same event, and R wouldn't back down. I then got stuck with the sustainability one (since I like to be helpful and no one really wanted to listen to us fight about it. It's too childish)....sigh
14. I hung around long enough to realize I could barely fit my valentine in the box we were sposed to put it in.
15. I called my mom on my way back to my room, and she was reading to Chay. I talked to Chris, and she reminded me of her having surgery tomorrow, and unloaded her problems onto me...
16. When mom got onto the phone she tore into me about calling after 9. Then got pissed when I answered things with "Yes ma'am" and "No ma'am". What the hell does she expect?
17. She told me my other sister had blabbed to everyone everything I had told her about bf and me. I don't care that much, but damn it ruins my trust in her.
18. Mom got mad at me for not being pliant enough to suit her. I wasn't rude, and I didn't say anything mean, but she still can't seem to stand me anymore....
19. After getting off the phone, I realized I still needed to turn in my movies, so I went and did that (had to cross the big street twice by myself. Always a bad thing)
20. Realized I forgot my pen, so I went back for it.
21. The person I had to meet to take to our meeting was late. Not too late, but just enough that I got rather nervous.
22. Out meeting started late because of another meeting that still needed to wrap up.
23. I got picked on (just a little) during the meeting by someone who was staying on as a member and prolly didn't think I should be President. (Because I want to be, if I can hold dual positions)
24. I came back and showered again, but felt really bad for my water usage, and the water was too hot most of the time, and too cold when I realized I didn't rinse my hair well enough and had to turn the water on again.
25. I still have to do my homework before I can sleep.
26. I felt relief when I found that rozfire had a bad day too. >.< IM SOOOO SORRY!!!
27. I don't get to see bf til later 'today' and he'll have just gotten out of a test.
28. I didn't get to talk to bf, he went to bed around 10. (I didn't get out of meetings til 10 15 at least.
29. (Though I shouldn't mention this, but it was a major annoyance of my day) I started the female cycle of torture, so YAY I'm not pregnant....

So, There are the current events of my day and it suuuuuucks.


Now I have my compie back, but guess what? I CANT POST COMMENTS TO ANYONES BLOGS ANYMORE!!!!! T_T.... *BURST OUT CRYING* Darn compie....I'm gonna go get you fixed in the most painful way possible! Why did I miss you????

To rozfire:
hahahah. I know what you mean. I stayed up til 6 am reading the series. I have the books all the way up to the 18th volume. But not the very last one!!! *Cries* I've tried lots of different tactics to get it, but I think I'll just have to wait til I go back to Japan to get it. They're in Japanese, but that shouldn't be much of a problem, right? *innocent smile* lol. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get yourself straightened out in no time. Have fun with the series. I laughed so hard I cried when she developed a split personality. ;)

to collegekid:
It'll be okay. Don't worry about it. Just study for your test.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


95 out of a 100 on my Relationship Satisfaction Test. Interesante:

Feeling Fulfilled, Appreciated and Loved:

Your results indicate that overall, you appear to feel very loved and appreciated by your partner. This is definitely very important, as it provides a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in a relationship. Even if you may feel slightly less cherished than usual, you seem to realize that this is a normal occurrence in most relationships. After all, our partners are only human and can’t give us undivided love and attention 24-hours-a-day!

I think I've become too childish

I'll have to work on it. I used to be too mature, but in such a way that people wouldn't get a full disgust of me. I also hated to be ordered around, or expected to do something just because someone said to. I was the type that would tell a person "No." to their face, and then, when I was confident they weren't looking, I'd do it and get it done. But then I would either say it wasn't me, or just not respond if they asked if I did it for them, because I felt it was too silly to ask for credit for things I did because I wanted or felt obligated to do it. Now I'm the type that would still do it, but I feel like I would wag my tail and pant, going "Thank me, thank me. Love me, Love me!" That's not what I want. Actually, I'm getting a little tired of myself. I've become too typical. I'm not mature enough. I don't have enough backbone to openly declare myself anymore. I worry for others and then get misunderstood. I do things for others that they didn't ask of me because I thought they wanted it, and find that they don't appreciate my doing it. Or misunderstand me. Or don't realize my intent at all.... Whelp, I feel like I've done enough. I want to work on myself, and make it easier to openly depend on me. But what I really want is to go home for a bit. I'll hate it, I'll get in trouble, I'll likely get yelled at and pushed around and ignored, but I'd like to go home. I've been away for a little too long. It's been over a month now. And my instinct to go home is getting weaker. It's not that I don't like it at college, it's that I like it too much. And my mom's birthday is in two weeks. I still need to get her a gift. I can't go this weekend, it's Valentines and I need to spend that with my beloved Valentine. I shouldn't go next weekend because it's an event that I'm on the committee of. And the next weekend, I'm sure, will be something else.
Ugh. I'd forgotten crying gives me headaches, and I forgot just how moved I become by seeing unity or hearing of self-sacrifice. I get my compie back tomorrow. Oh, I didn't blog yesterday, did i? I have been demoted to a back-up worker. Now I only work when they call and ask if I'm free because they're too busy. Lovely....I'll have to find another job. I hate the idea of it, but the store next door to my old job is hiring, and its close. I feel like I'll end up working the entire block eventually though, and I really don't like that idea.
I need to focus less on my happy times and social life and more on my school work and learning. I've really gotten rusty with my commitments to learning in the last 3 years. At least I've got the opportunity to learn more and fix what I've made of myself. Standing up for right probably means admitting when someone else was in the wrong, doesn't it? -_- I'm really bad at that. I feel they should confess, and I shouldn't interfere. Even if I end up blamed for things that weren't my fault. But isn't that making excuses, or pushing the blame on others? Or it seems that way. I'm really twisted in some ways, aren't i?
Also, I don't like begging or purposeful coercion, but I tried it out last night. And I still don't like it very much. I then feel like they aren't really wanting to do what I've asked, and then I feel guilty and self-hate sets in. I feel really low. uggggh. My thoughts are too heavy for my mind. Either way, I just wanted to try to work out some thoughts and even though there's even more questions than answers then there were when I started, I feel a bit better getting them out. I know my thought process is hard to follow, so I think I might ask that you not try to see connections too much. It'll hurt your brain if I explain it.
On a lighter note, I love when bf hugs me. I feel beautiful and comforted and truly cared for. Isn't that the greatest set of feelings that any simple act can inspire? ^_^

Quote of the day: I feel pretty, oh so pretty, so lovely, and shiny and gaaaaaaaaay. And I pity, any fool that isn't me, todaaaaay." -Anger Management-My own interpretation of it.

Funny video (To me, since it doesn't exactly suit the correct characters) but I don't like the screaming very much:

This one's pretty cool:

Friday, February 6, 2009

I have heartburn....and no Pepto

So sad.... so, I fell asleep twice today. And did other things that, honestly, surprised me. I got to eat out for lunch, and ate every meal with bf. Dinner was yummy enough with C and bf. Then bf and I went to the library for coffee and cookies and water. On our way back we sat out in the cold and listened to preacher that bf really agreed with. (I wanted to hear the mister) He was the nicest, most effective one I've heard to date. Then we finally returned to C's room, and commenced to read Post Secrets (I posted some comments under Craig's name, but I think he'll delete them) and do homework. Then bf and went back to my place, ended up in a wrestle/tickle fight and he left after less than an hour. *cry* I'm sad that hardly anyone has updated their blogs.... But my lovely Rozfire is here for me so I won't be sad! ^_^ I hope everyone is having a good day, and has a wonderful weekend.

Quote of the Day: "....And so that's what I believe happens after you die." ... "I....I pray that you can see the benefit and love that God has for you." -Okay, I basically screwed this up, but my theory on death totally floored the poor man. He looked at me with sorta "Wow....interesting person" eyes though when he talked with me. Heehee. I will have you know though, I was completely serious in my discussion with these gentlemen. I did not play with their beliefs in an effort to overset them. They were too earnest for that.

Crying while the milk still spills

Does nothing helpful, I swear. I'm more the kinda girl that would pick it up before much more spilled, and THEN panic. lol. I don't really have much to say about today. It was .... interesting. I woke up more zombified than I have in over two months. I went to class, was late, got bubble tea (because i thought bf was in class), came back, talked to teacher, bf picked me up, we ate at a different place from normal, so we didn't eat with C, then we went a meeting where most things were really more of a headache than a help, then returned my movies, and picked up the box my mommy sent me. I have new jeans, YAY~! I also have new books.....damn...the I should really get to bed, and I can't seem to find new AMVs of one of my favorite sad.... Funny how bf's thoughts reversed after he had a day to think it over. ^_^. I found it a little amazing. I think I really am too tired now for anything else, I'm sorry this is all I can offer, since I had alot of great thoughts I wanted to share before. G'niiiiight.

A fun video to watch:

Quote of the Day: "In the end, it's just you and me, to die or be free." ~I made it up.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So, apparently I'm pregnant. Ask bf for details.

Okay, so I said I'd post that on AIM. But even I don't have the balls to face over 50 curious people about it. It's a temperary thing, take that as you like. (Yes, this just sounds worse and worse) So, today, I got to see bf for breakie, lunch, after lunch, and after my last class, all the way until midnight. I talked with my Spanish teacher about finding a tutor, and I did really well in Japanese. At least, the speaking portion. I apparently have a Sakuban due Friday. Bllleeeeeeh. In Badminton my scores aren't that great, but they aren't bad, and I'm good at actual PLAYING. I won against my opponent today. Then in English, I nearly got stuck writing the whole thing myself, but I got ....frustrated, and gave them tasks to do, basically telling them that if they didn't do it, it would not be done. I did half the work myself. After that, I went to Japan Club, and found out about some really cute Pikachu-looking animals that are common to Japan. I was enthralled. Then I went with bf and freinds to the W. D. where we all got food, met back up, and ate together. Then I played M. at air hockey, and lost by five points. Then bf stopped studying and we played together, and I lost two games out of three, but it was very very very close in the end. Then we walked home in the freezing cold, and played together. Then I took a shower and had him lotion me up, because my skin has become so dry in this weather. After that he left, and he's just called me to let me know he made it home. I'm going to bed, then I'm going to watch some anime when I get up, and then I'm going to return my anime and movie combo. I have one class tomorrow at four thirty, and no work until Saturday, so I'm happy. I also got an email from rozfire, saying she's made her own blog, so I'm super happy. (YES! Now I'm calling YOU out~!) I hope everyone will welcome her full-heartedly. Heeheehee. G'nighties

Quote of the Day: "He's not allowed to stick anything down my back anymore." "That's what she said."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"A Father doesn't love his son just every now and then..."

I'm listening to that song right now, that's all.
Today was....interesting. I read bf's blog, and it got me in trouble. ^_^ I was in a meeting, and I remembered it and could hardly help grinning, and my 'boss' noticed. She asked what I was smiling about, so....
"Oh! It's nothing to do with the meeting! Sorry, my mind was wandering."
"Yes, I could tell, you do that quite often, don't you?" (lol. It'd hurt if it was anyone else saying it)
"Yup, I just can't seem to get it to come home nowadays."

So, today up early, called work, and found that they only wanted me during the weekend now. I may indeed have to find another job. Then I went back to 'sleep', which means I slept, but it was mostly a doze, and then I went to class. Japanese, yay! In Japanese, my friend was sick, and he informed me I am sick as well. (It's true, I just didn't want to admit it, or care.) We grouped up as the only set of three with a girl whose name I didn't originally know. She called me -san, and it made me sad. I wanted to tell her to call me chan, but it seems rude when I don't know her that insisting she touch me or something. Then we followed the teacher to her office because my freind was in Shining Knight mode and the teacher's bag was heavy. Then we went to the Atrium, where they all humored me and ate with me. (Another group of three, but the girl was different) Then I went to my next class, where I was scolded rather heavily for missing class yesterday. eheheh.... We all scolded the teacher for making it impossible to do our assignment AGAIN. During role call, I spilled water all over the girl in front of me and my huge desk. We both sorta stared for a bit, and then were like "Bwahahaha" and I went and got some towels. I'm such a disruption for that class, and I can't seem to help it. A nice change though was that the teacher actually called on me today. Normally I volunteer my thoughts so much that he never calls on me. But I had my head down, and I was waiting for the people talking to work through their thoughts to the meaning they were trying to convey, and I was bored. I was not sleeping however, and I was awesome when I answered! I felt happiness. Then I called bf, who was in a lab (I'd no idea he had lab at that time) and he sounded exasperated with me. *cries* We decided to eat seperately, because of our meetings and tests not working well together. So then I went to my 6'o'clock meeting. I ended up being a secretary of sorts for it. We assigned things, and I didn't get an assignment because all the ones I wanted ended up being taken by someone that wasn't even there....*cries* After that meeting (which took forever) I went and got food with my freind Ash, and we talked for a bit. Ash then informed me that we had another meeting at 8 15, and I was like O.O "oh." So at that meeting, our head was late, and then when he showed, he told us he was resigning. So Ash stepped up and took his place, but now she has to find someone to replace her place. If that makes sense. During that meeting, bf called, and I >.< Hung up on him....I felt awful about it, and he called again. I called him back as soon as I could without making my group frustrated, and then worked on various things while waiting for him to pick me up. It was snowing. I played in the falling snow for a minute or two, and then went back in, got ready, and we walked back to my place in the snow. Once there, we took out my trash and recycling, washed a blankie, hung it up, and then watched "What happens in Vegas" which turned out TONS better than I thought it would. Though bf got bored with it and started messing with It was still fun. Then his mom called a little after the movie ended, and he went home. He looked really tired, and he didn't even let me know he'd made it.....I got worried, so I IMed him after an hour. He replied and told me g'night, but I'm worried if he's okay. He seems....distracted, or ...pressured? I'm not sure, but I wish he would vent to me like I do to him. I also haven't heard from pineapples or shodor's baby daddy at all lately, and I'm wondering what Pineapple's first day was like. That's all. G'night ya'll~!

Monday, February 2, 2009

I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life....But maybe not....

This is what I was repeating as a mantra as I hop skipped up the steps on my way back to my room in my silky, way-too-long nightclothes. I only had a jacket, and thank goodness, because I was in no way decent, and I'd just spent the better part of 20 minutes sitting on some steps with boys and girls that I do not know. It was horrifying. One guy didn't even have a shirt on in this weather! It's warm, but it's not THAT warm. My hair is still matted and tangled from sleep. I absolutely HATE fire alarms.
On another note, I've been so tired lately that I skipped all my morning classes, and even my beautiful badminton. I wish I could make use of it to sleep more, but that damn alarm was so loud.....
I got an email from a chancellor, asking me to take a survey so that "more students like yourself" will enroll.

*Phew* so, cute moment, though you don't need to understand who these peeps are:

"Dear Mamoru,

Which was abruptly followed by,

Can’t escape you even in America, can I, Odango?

Just writing to say that if there were a Nobel Prize for Jerkness, you would be a shoe-in.

Sweet of you to say that. Of course, as you bring out the best in me, I would be forced to share the honor with the World’s Biggest Ditz.

Funny thing. I was at the zoo the other day and I could have sworn I saw you there! But then I looked again, and saw it was just a komodo dragon. Do you think you guys could be distant relatives?

Perhaps—I’ll have to look into my genealogical records. That reminds me. My American “family” took me to a circus yesterday and they had a real 400-pound bearded lady on the show. She could have been your sister! It made me miss you something fierce.

So my English teacher is having us choose a work of classic literature to read for the semester and I was leaning toward Dracula, but I wanted to get your opinion on it. I figured the whole blood-sucking monster thing would be right up your aisle.

Dracula’s a good choice—though I’ve always felt that I related more to the count’s irresistible charmer side, wouldn’t you agree? Nevertheless, you probably shouldn’t bother reading it. The old English will go way over your head. If you want, we can rent the movie when I get back so I can help translate all the big words for you.



P.S. Come home soon.

The devil himself couldn’t keep me away."

Isn't it cute? Today was crappy until near the end. Then it was special. Very, very special. For a special reason. But dear, for the life of me, I can't remember how we came to the conclusion we did. Care to reply and tell me what I said and you said to lead to it? I think I was too flummoxed.