Saturday, February 14, 2009


Okay, so first off, sorry Rozfire. lol. Props to you, since you're the reason I'm posting now. Okay, so things that have happened.....
Yesterday, I watched Twilight, and played tag in a field late at night with bf, but I lost my ID in said field. When I went today to retrieve it, the gates were locked and soccer and baseball peeps were playing on it. I wasn't sure I lost my card there, so we checked all over, but when we came back from searching, I had an email from a nice guy that drove all the way to Blockbuster(where we were when he called me) to return my ID to me. We rented Definitely, Maybe for our Valentine's movie. It was a great pick. Very...suitable, and funny. Oh, before that, went to a dining hall that was special for the evening, and basically had an AMAZING meal, where I got stuffed beyond imagining. Bf got me a pillow with our names on it for Valentines and I got him some cute love quote cards. Open one a day for happiness or some such. He's laying here watching me type and sorta trying to distract me when he gets bored.
Also, yesterday we also went out to Japanese food for dinner with some of my freinds, (bf didn't like it much) (YAAAAY, I got his miso soup) and after that we went to TWO used book stores. WHOOOO~! I also went for bubble tea with E before that, and I took two tests. (Both in languages) I got an email today suggesting I go to the tutorial center for help with Spanish, because my grade is currently a 69 there. I'm rather worried about it, but there's not much I can do about it right now, right? I'll work on that class more, and spend less time reading manga. (If I can make myself) If that doesn't help, I'll go to the tutorial center. But I'd rather not. They SAY things are straight-forward about alot of the programs here, but then you find out that you have to attend this workshop first, or that program, or you have to do this and that before they can help you. It makes me angry, so I'd rather not knowingly put myself in a position where I know I'll become upset. I also ran into J, a guy I went to Japan with. It was nice, except he was visiting our school with his father, and we didn't talk much. I've got alot of new books I need to read. Or not. They'll be there when I get to them eventually, right? >.<

I get the feeling I've put this one up for ya'll before....oh well.

Quote of the Day: "You've got to blow on it alot before you put it into your mouth." ......."Yeah, that's what he said." --Dinner conversation. Awesome, right?

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Yay, happy Valentine's day. Cute gifts and woo for bookstores! :)