Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So, I don't care who you are, all you have to know is this: Ren is a guy in love with Kyoko, Kyoko is scared of love, and Yashiro is Ren's best freind. (Not completely accurate, but close enough)

“But she’s natural celebrity material so being herself is more appropriate. And she doesn’t have to worry about her suit falling off at any second.”

Ren looked startled. “Is yours in danger of falling off? Do you need to call wardrobe?”

“No, it’s the nature of the suit…the ties,” Kyoko explained. “It’s not a very practical outfit. If there is one little tug on any of these ends, I’ll lose half of what I’m wearing on the spot.”

Yashiro held his breath, afraid that if he didn’t he would burst out in an unmanly fit of giggles that Ren would later kill him for...but Ren’s face was such a picture, it was hard to take. He looked pained; that was the only way Yashiro could think to describe it.

Kyoko saw Ren’s expression and exclaimed “Exactly!” as though she’d found an ally. “That’s just how I feel.”

'No, it’s not, Kyoko-chan,' Yashiro thought, feeling himself turning purple with the effort of holding his laughter in. 'It’s not the same at all.'

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