Monday, February 16, 2009

I can't compare to that (see video for reference)

>v< Hahaha. I love kk, she hasn't hardly changed at all. She's still so messy, it's so funny. Just think, if you did hw every Saturday, you'd always have the weeks free then, wouldn't you? But it would suck being busy on a Saturday.
Just a note: If you like my posting, comments are like my blog's air. It makes me happy to get responses, and it inspires me to write more. I really, REALLY wish I could comment on others' blogs, but my compie doesn't like that. So if you have that capability, don't take it for granted: Use it on MEEEEE~!
Okies, so today, I have actually been amazingly productive. I woke up to a freind asking how to submit a Jap paper that I had forgotten in the excitement of eating out on Friday. I turned it in late today. But we both panicked for a bit, and I nearly cried, just because it's been so damn frustrating to realize what my work load really is. I'm failing Spanish because I disregarded it for more interesting things. I refuse to drop it; I'll just work way harder on it. My jap has been a little on the bad side, since learning vocab is my worst ability. I can't do it unless I use it over, and over, and over again. (That's what he said) I've become rather sadistic towards E, but he's masochistic, so it works out.
After I got up, I went to my meeting that started at 5, but was only supposed to last an hour. After I finished that meeting, I was supposed to meet up with a freind and watch anime while doing hw. Yeah.....That meeting ran for two hours straight, and I STILL didn't get what I needed from it. So after that, I met up with three freinds, and we all ate together. Then I discovered yummy TV shows were on tonight, so we went to firecrotch's room and watched them. Around 10 30 I took bf and E back to my room with me, and we all buckled down with some hw except for E, who's compie I stole so I could write my paper. After that, bf left, and E and I settled down to watch some anime. WHOOT WHOOT! We followed the pattern of two episodes, then hw, finish that hw, then two more episodes, all the way til 4 30 am. I'm afraid I bored E out of his mind, but he swears it was relaxing, so I won't stress over it much. (I'll try) After he left, I took an awesome shower, and then buckled down for some serious English reading. It was amazingly interesting. Well, the first article was. The second article, I just read the abstract and the reader's comments. Which pretty much told me everything I wanted to know about the article. Then the third article showed it's ugly mug. That sucker....daaaaang, that sucker got me. I couldn't do it. I skimmed it (read:I scrolled down slowly and looked at the pictures) It was alot about the possible use of some cave in times long past, and how there were tons of things for turtles and phallic symbols. Why do the phallic symbols show up EVERY class almost? I mean really, how many fake penile objects do I have to look at before they'll be satisfied? Gosh.
On a new note, I'm proud of my lack of cussing today. I didn't even cuss in my head that much. Oh yeah, I called my mom, but she was ....odd, and the convo was awkward, and squirrels kept staring at me, so I hung up within 7 minutes. Then I saw a mouse/rat come out of a hole, then go in another one, then peek out of that one, stare at me, and jump into a different hole. O.O; So I promptly went inside and mentioned it to my committee members, who then all ran outside and wanted me to show them. lol. It gave me a few chills, to be honest.
Poor Rozfire, I wanna give her a huge hug! I love her quotes. ^o^ Though I think that she isn't leaning towards either end of the spectrum, that she has as much potential as a genius when she takes things seriously and puts in an amazing effort. (I might have potential as well, but you won't see me use mine like she does. I'm too lazy)
So, beyond that, today's schedule (It's 6 am here, and I haven't been to bed)
-Eat breakie with bf
-Spanish (Whose ENTIRE hw i did. FIRST TIME THIS SEMESTER)
-Japanese (Did hw for the next week already)
-Lunch with bf (I prolly won't be hungry if i eat too much for breakie)
-Badminton (Not good if i don't get some sleep)
-Meeting with P about Hall Council (Of which I am now president)
-International Food Day Committee Meeting ( I think there's 3 members)
-English Class (I did the hw, *Does the happy dance*)
-Dinner with bf, and maybe firecrotch?
-Sex In the Dark with bf (I've done it once, it makes me happy that I can do it with bf this time. I really, REALLY want him to ask questions.)
-Chalking for a program this weekend.
-Then I have to do hw hw hw so that I don't get behind. I like being ahead.
-Then I should seriously do my laundry. It's pretty bad when you're covering your laundry with like three shirts so your male freinds don't see your dirty underwear. Eeegh.

Heehee. So, now that you see my plan for today, I think we can all agree I need to be asleep now. Here's a song I keep listening to, though I don't know why: (Favorite lyric: "My reason can sometimes be misplaced,")


rozfire said...

Sex in the Dark? Is there some second meaning I'm not getting since you said you've done it once before without bf? Please tell me I'm misunderstanding cuz only dirty thoughts come to mind with that name, "Sex in the Dark." Other than that, no need to feel bad for me, it's my own fault that I have study problems & I'm glad you like my quotes! (Actually most of them are from last year's yearbook, so you'll probably be able to find them in there) :)

college kid said...

No, rozfire. You interpreted correctly. Its a program where random ppl get together and have orgies in the dark. She did it once without me and now she wants to do it again with me. Okay, now that you hopefully realize what I just said was #$#%%, the real "Sex in the Dark" is this sketchy program where you go around asking/discussing things about sex. Except in the dark. Because the dark can hide your true identity. Unless they are your friends and know your voice. Then you are screwed over anyway.

college kid said...

To Runa, do you have a planner where you keep track of all your hw? If you don't, I highly recommend it.

Runa said...

So, yeah....I don't have a planner, but I check the schedules/assignment pages of all my classes the night/a few nights before class. ^_^ If only my damned Spanish schedule was the Spring one....I would worry so damn much less.