Saturday, February 14, 2009

Response to Baby Daddy's Post

(since it won't let me post comments, even when I'm dying to)

....Um, is your dad an alcoholic? Or a lay-aholic? Seriously, that's nothing to worry about. Everytime I mention my bf to my family, their first question is "Are you being safe?" They can't believe we're not having sex. It's just the differences in people's perspectives. They can't believe that you're not just like them. lol. That's a little harsh, maybe, but I really think you should laugh it off if you can. You've got an awesome girl, and you both understand each other, so there's nothing else you need to do as far as romance goes. But I WOULD suggest....playing? Like, with your freinds, or something.....I don't know, if you told him "I'm involved in ___" and "I'm doing ____(NOT A PERSON!!!)" that maybe he'll feel less worried for the state of your relationships. He's maybe worried about your being antisocial. I say maybe.

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