Wednesday, February 18, 2009


*blank stare*
-I was supposed to be able to relax in the morning, but that didn't happen. I woke up oddly zombied. Then I went (early) to Japanese class, where hw was due, and I realized I'd left my hw notebook in my room. whoops. Then I got out, and looked for bf, but he didn't come, so I left with some freinds. We went to eat, and bf caught up with us there. I bought a TON of bars that were yummy. (I only ate three though, and that was throughout the entire day) I then went to class where I tried to behave myself. We talked about being in the zone, or as I call it "Zoning out". It reminded me of when I play chess, and I now have a nearly overwhelming desire to play my teacher. After that, I had to run to my next meeting where I then spent an hour fiddling with Photoshop for a small result. After that, Publicity meeting had us go over a few things, and set up our date and such for our retreat this Sunday. After that, I messed with Photoshop a little more before going to a Free Talk thing, where I listened to alot of people and their opinions about things that have been bothering them about living here. Accidentally, I mentioned something about not knowing all the RAs in response to a question, and they all introduced themselves to me! >.< I just meant, that if I were a resident, I might not be comfortable taking orders when I don't know if they're really who they say they are. I didn't mean myself specifically. But I'm so bad at communicating myself....*sigh* Then we went over my Constitution with the rest of the Hall council (A total of four, including myself) and we made changes galore. My secretary is rather.....unhappy with me. She challenges me alot. I don't mind, might have to be addressed. *sigh* Then after that, it was 11 pm, and I was finally through! I went back to my room, took a shower after filling out a bit of an application to be a Japanese camp councelor with kk, and then got sick! It was out of the blue. Well, maybe not. You see, I ate an old taco, and then I felt sick. So I think I got food poisoning. But then I went to bed after trying something to stop the kibungawarui-feeling. I didn't even do my hw!

So, I feel I should address my lengthy posts. I'm sorry they're so long. I get into this 'place' where I just want to tell everything, spill it all, sorta like, I think of this as my diary. So it gets a little long, and I apologize for it. I try to keep it interesting, but ....My days are filled with meetings lately, so it's not very interesting. *shrug* Sorry...

Incident of the Day: -I mention not knowing everyone- They then begin introducing themselves. "No, I didn't mean...nice to meet you too...." >.< I felt like I was at Alcoholics Anonymous ^///^


college kid said...


Me: Hi, my name is college kid.

Group: Hi college kid.

Me: I am here today because I am addicted to Runa.

Runa said...

There's no Runas Anonymous. ^///^

college kid said...

Yes there is. I just formed it. Total members: 1

Runa said...

No there is not! You cannot form a thingamabobby with only one member! >.<

college kid said...

Psh. I just did. :-)

How else am I supposed to deal with this issue?

rozfire said...

I'll join too! That way Runa's Anonymous will have 2 members! (though we are addicted in different ways) :P

Runa said...

-_-; Am I the only one protesting the formation of this thingamabobby?