Friday, December 14, 2012

Root canal....Cold sore..... gingivitis....


I went in to tell my boss that I was going to start looking for another job, and he asked me what was wrong. I looked at him, weighed my morals, and told the truth. "I've been falling asleep on the job, sitting in a car for ten hours a night has been terrible on my body, and the late hours are making daily life really hard for me." I expected that after I admitted to falling asleep, he would fire me right then. Instead, he offered me a job from 4-midnight where I could walk the post instead of drive, and if I'm not stuck in a car, there's little danger of me falling asleep. So I offered to try it, and so far it's been great! Only drawbacks: It's five days a week (eight hour shifts), it started the same week (he moved a lot of people around to get me moved so quickly), and I had both a root canal and a baby shower the same week he scheduled me to start. I couldn't make the baby shower (so we had a mini-one with just two couples celebrating the third couple's impending freedom from parasite-inside-womb syndrome), but I didn't want to reschedule the root canal, or take time off work. So I did both! I got a root canal at 7 in the morning, and went to work at 4 pm. Wait, let me go into greater detail:
I signed up for laughing gas on my dentist's recommendation (because she found me squeamish), paid 1600 total (she estimated 800. I'm still trying to figure that one out), and cried my eyes out for hours later. I wasn't crying from pain. I was crying from the horror that is laughing gas. It felt like my body wasn't my own anymore. My arms and legs weren't connected to me, but I could still feel sensations on them. If I kept my eyes closed, I couldn't orient myself. But if I left my eyes open, they hurt, and I felt dizzy and I couldn't make sense of what I was hearing. On top of this terrible mental strain, I got the wonderful sensation of nausea that comes commonly. Then my lovely dentist told me "Wow, you are a lightweight!" because she did the dose at 25%. It was my first time! And if I have any say in the matter, the last time!
So anyway, for hours afterward, hubby carted me around while I cried for this and that "I want coffee...! I want boooooooks! ....*sniffle cry sniffle* I want this painting!" If he left my side I worried I would disappear, or that he would disappear, or that I would lose him or he would lose me, which all amounts to the same thing: I was clingy as hell. I'm embarrassed just thinking about it. IF he didn't grip my hand tight enough, I whimpered. IF he let go of my hand (for example, to pay for something), I started to cry. Even I was sick of myself, but I couldn't help it. .....I have the sneaking suspicion that he enjoyed seeing me so dependent and clingy. ;__; I'm just glad he was there. That stuff was terrible. N.e.v.e.r. A.g.a.i.n.
To give you more news of my oral condition: I was fine at work. It barely ached. But low and behold me three days later: The gum beneath where they did a root canal is swollen, blood-shot, tender, seems to have a bit of pus, and aching like a I think it's gingivitis. Hubby thinks it's an infection. Either way, I need to go to the dentist again. I was there today (to pick out the color of my new crown), and when I mentioned the problem, they said to give it a few days. I could scream, except, you know, my mouth hurts (even my jaw). Oh, and I have a cold sore on the same side of my mouth as all of the other problems. Joy. At least I know how to treat a cold sore to get it to go away super fast. (Mine is already on the third stage. There's only one or two more stages after it, and it only started forming last night.)

That's my current problems as I know it. I'm enjoying my job now. I can read! I can walk! I'm hating my mouth now: I can't talk, I can't chew, I can't brush or floss because the pain's too intense. Beyond that, and my endless water works, life is peachy. Especially the sex life. :3 But that's private, and I'm just stating it to gloat. *YAYYYY*

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I'm writing this between bouts of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. It's a really good series. I have less than ten episodes left, and I'm both excited and apprehensive about what's going to happen.

So first I guess I'll start off with what should make me love my job (Even though I don't, and don't think I can....)
-I get to sleep all day, and stay up all night
-I get to drive around aimlessly for hours on end
-People show me respect,
-and also often mistake me for police
-I can do what I want, to a certain degree
-I get to watch people as much as I want without being seen as strange
-I can (apparently) get off work rather easily
-It pays so-so

*guohhh.... Two really good men just died (apparently) in FMAB I wanna cry! But I won't! I'm strong! *

-I get to be left alone for hours at a time, so I can think quietly by myself.
-It's not particularly physically taxing (except for the extreme stress and tension that I can't help accumulating by sitting for hours on end)
-It frees my days up, so I can spend them with my husband (though I end up sleeping most of the time)
-I can wake up hubby when I go to bed, which provides good cuddle time
-If we had kids, I would be able to get them off to school, and hang out with them during the morning before hubby woke up, so we would have pretty damn good coverage over their hi-jinks.
-If I were so inclined, I could make breakfast every morning (I'm not.) and dinner every night (If I could get to sleep at a decent time)
-I never have to think about what to make for lunch anymore.
-I can have breakfast food for my 'dinner' all the time
-I don't have to listen to hubby snore anymore. :P

....You know, the more I write, the more flip-sides I keep seeing to my job. It's amusingly similar to the theory constantly repeated in FMAB. "To get something, you have to give something up" essentially. I'm not at all sure that the body health, and stress I'm going through is equal to the amount of money (minimum wage) and benefits I get from my job. But until I'm pushed too far, I'll stick to it and keep my eyes open for a much better offer. *sigh* Feels disloyal though, and really isn't the kind of thing I normally would do. But the job is lonely and boring, so it can't be helped, right? *sigh*

I'm so glad I found a loving husband that understands me and tolerates my quirks. He's actually developing a few quirks of his own that I absolutely love. He's sweet, but firm, and everything I could have wanted from a husband. Honestly, I don't think I wanted a husband as a kid. Momma always told me to be the one that got away from needing a man, to just maintain a good job, and do what was best for me. *shrug* I think I've done what was best for me by choosing Rebikins, to follow her wishes. He keeps me stable, and makes me happy. ^.^ So I try to make him happy too. And bring a little spontaneity and fun to his life as well. Yay for opposites?

I think I'm a little like pineapples. I've gotten everything I wished for as a child, but with twists. I've gotten to go to Japan, and even live there. I've gotten to major in Japanese, though it has no use in my daily life now (cry). I've been able to find someone COMPLETELY different from my family, but now deal with the stress of retaining the balance between them.  I've gotten away from my family, but now I can't really go back even when I want to (especially to the kids I didn't know they would have). So in a way, I've gotten everything I wanted out of life, but in another way, I've lost quite alot. ^.^ It's the way of the world. But I bet you, because of my choices, I'll continue to get lots of good with the bad. I think my husband plays a large role in this. Because he treats me well, I can trust him to care for me, even when I don't feel worth it. Hmmm... I'm not sure how to put it in a way that's easily understandable, but I guess you could say he's the one that I look up to. lol. Blushing yet, dear?

Whooooo~! I'm on the last episode! It's been an emotional rollercoaster, that's for sure. I really recommend Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. It IS a lot more interesting than the first one, in a different way. It's like reading fanfiction almost. All your favorite characters changing and growing together in a very palatable way. I can see why fans were discontent with the original FMA anime. I like them both, but have to admit, this makes a lot more sense, and is a lot more in-depth. I could do without some of the background music though. It tries to make an already touching scene or already tension-filled scene MORE and all it really does is detract from the situation. It's a little sad, honestly. :P Oh well. Can't win them all, right?

Lets see.... I was talking about hubby, wasn't I? So part of my 'job' is to make him happy, submit him willingly/unwillingly to fun, play with him, and keep him humble. :3 If he has a fault, its that he gets too full of himself, and what he's worth, and begins treating people and things like they matter less. >:3 I keep him from doing that. lol. Sometimes I'm mean to him, but.... I try not to be.

Actually, I'm beginning to get a better hold on my anger lately. (Watch me end up having a huge blow-out soon because I'm writing this. ;___;) I haven't completely lost my temper in days, which is a huge relief to me. The anger that comes with the birth control I'm on (well, for me it comes because my self-control isn't as strong on this BC) scares me, to be honest. It's so sudden, and so strong, that when it catches me off-guard (as it often does) I worry about hurting someone or something. Often its poor hubby that it ends up directed upon, and that's not really fair. He does pretty well with handling it, but he really shouldn't have to. *sigh* I hope my temper isn't this explosive when I'm pregnant. Hubby already calls me a scary woman daily (and means it too). The poor guy would die if I had a child inside and lost my temper. Hopefully this lack of recent 'attacks' is showing some tolerance building back up. I've always prided myself on my self-control, so this lack lately REALLY annoys me, and on that note, probably makes the anger worse. lol. It's a work in progress, I suppose.

And so now you have a super long update to make up for my lack of them lately. :P
My favorite opening:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Because I think it's something you should know.

First, read this:

Next, this is my opinion:

So what if you're bisexual? ;) I hope that doesn't offend you. I don't think it's a big deal. I think people need something to gossip about, some common belief to congregate around, and sadly, sex is a core interest. Even those that aren't truly abhorrent of homo/ bisexuals act as though they are to fit in, and have some common ground with others. Think back to that night you described with your guy friends, when you laughed along so they wouldn't suspect you. I honestly believe that at least one other man in that group was doing the same thing you were. Just trying to get along, and giving consent to an idea because they didn't want to rock the boat or worse, get thrown off that boat. 

I'm bisexual, even if I've never done anything worse than lay in bed together with another woman while thinking about doing things with her. My husband knows and accepts that. Our belief is loyalty trumps sexuality. I can be attracted to whomever I wish, so long as he's the one I touch and love. I point out all the attractive people I see to him, girl or guy, and that lets him know that I'm looking around, but his hand is the only one I'm holding. You're no different for recognizing beauty in all aspects of human appearance. It just means you're more open minded, right? lol.

I'll tell you something I've before now only told a few. My mom got me riled up once when we were having a heart-to-heart. I inadvertently admitted I was bisexual. My mom was extremely shocked (I had only dated males, and was at the time dating my now husband), and eventually managed to convey that she was worried for my soul. This brought on an even more painful topic: I don't believe in god, when all is said and done. We talked it over, and it's rarely been mentioned since, but I'll never forget her telling me that she's scared, because I'm going to hell.

Historically, homosexuality has not only been around, it's been obvious. That leads me to believe that either most of humanity is going to hell for one thing or another, according to Christian beliefs. You (hopefully) aren't in hell yet, so don't sweat it until you're in it, okay?

Anyway, you have my support, whether you find that you're really hetero, homo, or bisexual. Really, you could try to experiment sexually with an attractive male and see if you just like the view, or if you like the lifestyle. Because those are also two different things. Regardless, find beauty all around you. Look at the sky. Locate the bird you can hear. Stop and inspect a flower. Just don't concentrate solely on you, on what others think of you, and on what you may think of yourself. Good luck, and lots of love.

That's all I just wanted it to be out there. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ode to the Kitty

Because she is just a constant companion when I am at home. She cries, she throws up, she purrs, she scratches, she kisses (it's awkward), she plays tag (even when we don't want to), hell, all she needs to do is talk, and sometimes I think she only pretends she can't.

She's a sweetie, but I really wanna brag about my dumbass accomplishment. I had the bright idea that hubby and I should strip at the door one day, and have a naked sword fight. It was fun. Neither of us got hurt, amusingly enough. But then I realized kitty needed medicine shoved down her throat via a syringe (She's had worms, and this was supposed to get rid of the last of them). My intelligent thought was to not bother getting dressed, wrap her in a towel and force-feed her her medicine. So I did. ....And I succeeded. Not even her vet expected us to be able to actually give her the medicine (because she's a feral demon cat), but I did. I even made her drink water to wash the rest of the medicine down using another syringe. While naked. I'm still shocked at my audacity, and trying to figure out if I was stupid or confident or both. Hubby watched the whole time, waiting for something to go wrong. Honestly, she nearly clawed me at one point, but I have quick reflexes for a reason. SO we both escaped unscathed. Please tell me: Was that stupid? Do I deserve praise? Because I feel incredibly pleased with myself, and also incredibly shocked at myself.

I also think she must be a true masochist. After I did that to her, she has stayed by my side constantly. She doesn't fight me, and she asks me for food a lot less than she did just the week before. It's scary.

So all of this originated when we took her to the vet. I saw a worm come out of her butt, got the willies, and chose a random vet. We went in, they weighed her (ELEVEN POUNDS ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!?!?!), checked her teeth (looking good, even though she throws up a lot), guessed her age (around 6 years old), and gave her medicine (The VET gave it to her. And I didn't have to help. Last time two assistants couldn't get it down her throat, but this vet succeeded.... eventually). The only thing is that there was a required second dose that they gave us for free because they didn't expect us to be able to do it. They highly recommended we bring her in to get the medicine done when we failed. BUT I SUCCEEDED~~~~~!
Anyway.... My kitty should be worm free shortly, and I will replace her litter completely so she can 'start new'. I also am seriously thinking of getting her some canned cat food because she has taken to literally jumping and grabbing my hand if I ignore her for too long while I'm making something in the kitchen. She doesn't really use her claws, but it's still a little terrifying to feel them slide down your hand on the front AND the back. *sparkly eyes* She clasps my hand in both of hers begging for food!! It's amazing!!

Phew. Other updates that I feel pale in comparison to my adorable kitty:
I now have contacts and am getting used to putting them in and taking them out (TOUCHING EYEBALLS EYAAAAH).
Hubby and I made our Thanksgiving feast on a day when neither of us felt like eating....But the food was still good (when we eventually ate it).
Hubby got his first massage! a man. Poor hubby. The guy was skilled but he treated the two of us very differently. *tilts head* It was interesting to compare notes.
Never get a sashimi salad if you can't handle spicy food. It wasn't what I expected, though it was delicious. And surprisingly, Hubby likes green tea ice cream.

I wouldn't mind seeing "The Collection"... I think my hate of scary movies is fading.

Hmmm.... I'm sure there's other things I want to say, but I can't think of them, so I'll stop here.

This song is hilarious, and catchy. Listen for "That magic in your pants is making me blush. Fo Sho." I always die laughing.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Updates in November

Hubby is rubbing my foot for me, since it's been hurting without any reason that I can remember. He's pretty good for a beginner. ^.^

I had lots of things I wanted to blog about, but I don't have much time, and my mind goes blank when I finally sit down to write a post. Sorry.... I guess I'll do some news.

Hubby and I got a crockpot and a blender! Yay! They're not bad. :3 Me likey. I made a chicken in it on Monday, when we made dinner for my student and her husband.

I taught her today, actually. We talked about being grateful to each other (she gives me treats as payment), and when I used the white board for the first time, she said "Wow, so you really are a teacher!" I was bemused because I've been teaching for years, but it was only validated once I used a board....

We went to a haunted house on Saturday, and though we got there around 7, we didn't get in the house until 8 30. I had to be home to get ready for work by 9:15, so we kind of panicked our way through a lot of the house. It wasn't nearly as fun when we were worried about getting out in time. The monsters wouldn't help us out, which put on this added pressure, and by the end of it, hubby was in such a hurry to get out that he didn't wait for me, and pushed me forward. Of course that means I fell over, and we were pretty unhappy with each other. He was all "Why'd you fall over?" and I was all "Why'd you push me?? I obviously stopped for a reason!" (Answer: I felt a ledge and was trying to see if it was safe to just step over)

We've gotten even more lovey-dovey than we used to be, and it's a little embarrassing, but I like knowing he's loving me. He calls me cute way too often, and at really weird times. Often he says I'm cute when I'm complaining about something.

Nowadays I never wanna go to work. I think my body even protests, cause I start feeling sick when I realize I have to go to work. I get hit on a LOT more than I would expect a security officer to. I sit in a car for ten hours, and get attitude from the clients if I contact them without a good reason, but they contact me for no good reasons sometimes. Of course once I'm there I usually feel alright, unless someone's smoked in the car or something. The cars really smell wrong to me a lot, which doesn't help my stomach. The work is easy, but tedious, and I don't know that I can do my best at it. I've drifted off a few times, and that makes me feel very ashamed and unprepared to do my work. Momma said I just need to get more sleep, but that's hard when they do yard work every day through out the day, when I'm trying to sleep. My body also automatically wakes up after six hours, and I need more than that to make it through the night.

I made a chocolate swirl cheesecake for our couple-get-together on Monday. It was pretty good, but the irony amused me. The lactose-intolerant one made a dairy dessert. We both liked it, and actually finished it off last night (It's only Wednesday now).

That reminds me. Often while I'm at work, I find myself thinking about fate, karma, god, and irony. I'm not sure I believe in fate. I may believe in karma (if only to keep thoughts of revenge in check), and while I don't at all believe in god, I absolutely believe in irony. I know, you're probably thinking that irony isn't on par with the other terms and ideas, but really, I think it is. It's like Murphy's Law, except you can predict it. Well, you can predict it so long as you only think your predictions. Anything you SAY will be subject to the laws of irony. For example: "I'm not going to make a mistake with this cake! I've made it tons of times." Of course, that will be the time you make some phenomenal error, like forgetting to put in the eggs. (Actually, I've done that.) But if you say "I'm not sure how well I'm gonna do. I've only made this a few times...." it should turn out quite delicious. I say again: irony. Examine your lives, see the truth! Irony rules us! *cough cough* Anyway....

I've gotten to liking this song quite a bit. I hope you like classical music.

It makes me think I should practice my flute some time, but I don't want to bother the neighbors. I also don't want to go out of my way to practice, because it's just bothersome. Sad isn't it, for someone who was once First Chair in their band? Ah well, that's life.

I need to start getting ready for work now. Maybe I'll remember what I want to blog about some time when I have the time to spare. I never seem to get around to it on my 'days' off. :P Til then,


Monday, October 29, 2012

Public Blog

Hey Everyone!

This is HILARIOUS!!!

I seem to get a lot of comments sprinkled in by people I don't know in real life. Sometimes it's just a nice comment, and other times its people trying to promote their own blog. I don't mind either way, but I was wondering why, and I think I get it. Out of our circle of blogs, mine is the only public one. I guess I should just be interested in the types of people that view it. *smiles*

Hubby and I went on a date last night. ^v^ It was awesome! When he woke me up, he said there were two viable options, and I could pick between them. Panera Bread + Mystery Location + Movie, or Carraba's + Mystery Location + Movie, with tiny differences between the two. I chose Panera because I haven't been there in forever, and wanted their Cheddar Broccoli Soup, plus I thought that would be cheaper, and allow more time at the mystery location (which turned out to be a book store). It was pretty good, though the cashier decided my sandwich on his own, and I didn't really like what he picked (because I'm not a turkey fan). Then we passed the Container Store (I've wanted to go since we moved here, and never really knew where it was, and I knew hubby wouldn't be interested, but my OCD heart stutters when I see it. It must be like heaven.....<3 and="and" didn="didn" go="go" nbsp="nbsp" p="p" t="t" there.="there.">We went to a Bookstore! Where I found some books I wanted, but decided that if the store was closed after our movie, I wasn't meant to have them, and if it was open, I was. It was open. I got books! :3
The movie we saw was Argo. It wasn't a bad movie, but I'd like Caitikins to see it! There was so much blatant sexism that my jaw dropped! It was set in the 70s, so its understandable, but still.... Another movie we considered was Cloud Atlas, but the summary hubby read to me was boring and sounded like a historical documentary, so I said no. I regret that now, because we saw a preview for it and it looked really really good. A love story across the ages... heh.
Then we went home and cuddled together. It was so cold in the house cause we didn't turn on the heater, so as I turned it on, I ran from the bed my husband was in to the bed that's bigger and warmer. When he found me he tried to get me out of the bed, uncovering me, and tickling me, but I was adamant! And then I was asleep.... Hubby got out of bed for a while, and I think he was studying while eating pie, but I'm not sure cause I wasn't getting up without a good reason!
That good reason turned out to be the bathroom.... I thought for sure I woke him when I left, but he startled awake when I came back and asked where I'd gone. I laughed and didn't tell him. He's so cute!:3

Random thought: Everyone is an actor/actress. Even when you're acting natural, you generally make the decision to act in a way. When you act without thinking, it's considered childish, or unrefined right? I usually choose to act a certain way, so when I do something instinctively it startles me and I get embarrassed. I've caught myself pouting at stoplights, for instance and checking to make sure no one saw me. lol.

On the topic of work, I have a job now! I'm a Security Guard, and I always work the graveyard shift. (X.x);; That means my sleep schedule is constantly confused. That's why sleeping last night was such a bad idea, but I couldn't help it. It was so comfy, and hubby was so warm, and it just.... ahhhh it felt so good to lay with him, since we never get to sleep at the same time anymore. True, I spent most of it in a half-awake/half-asleep haze of dreaming, but it's bliss to be able to lay with a loved one and just BE there. Hap-py! <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
This video isn't particularly related to my life, I just think it suits the series rather well, and I like the clear storyboard. Plus, the song is sweet.

Quote of the Month:
Love isn't being unable to live without the other, it's looking at life with them and thinking "Wow, life is infinitely better with them in my life!" than without. ~Jme

Monday, October 22, 2012


is what I'm going to be, because pineapples and hubby want me to.

Pre-School: I bit a hole in my tongue and it took four adults to hold me down (including my stepdad, but not my mom because she was crying too much and waited outside) while they sewed it back together. It was rough...

Kindergarten: I was in tap dance and ballet and couldn't recognize a beat. I remember asking if I could practice some more, and being told not to worry about it. (I still think I sucked, but Mama was really proud of me at the recital) I later wore the ballet costume for Halloween

1st Grade: I joined cheerleading and tried to make my own cheers. I also wasn't popular with the girls because the guys liked to hang out with me.

2nd Grade: I met my best friend (til 7th grade) and we bonded over both liking Sailor Moon and Michael Telling. We'd boast to each other about what he did to/for us, and be 'secretly' jealous.

3rd Grade: I met my second grade teacher in the hallway and she asked me why I hadn't moved yet (my family had been talking about it and I'd told her back in second grade). I wasn't sure why not, but she gave me this condescending 'Sure, dear' reply. I remember it startled me because I had really liked her a lot. This is also the year I join AIG, and start getting taken out of class to do tests. Then, when I scored really well, another girl punched me in the stomach because she 'was supposed to be the best'.

4th Grade: (I moved in the middle of third grade to Hoke county) I refused to be mean to another girl (who ended up actually being really weird) in third grade, but in fourth grade, I made two new friends Skye and Sierra. Skye had a build like me, but Sierra was tiny, and we all got along really well.

5th Grade: I got out of class early to go fold the flag every day. This is also the year that a guy (class clown, and generally really annoying, mean guy) professed to like Sierra and wouldn't leave her alone. I remember I ended up slapping him when he started screaming in my face (literally, just screaming, because he thought it was funny), and he told the PE teacher. He took me aside and asked me why, and when I explained it, he just warned both of us. Note: It became a game among the girls to either slap him, or threaten to if he didn't leave them alone. He didn't tell on anyone else.

6th Grade: Middle school! ...I joined the volleyball team, and met up with some neighbors a year older than me. They were really cruel, and would pretend to be nice to confuse me. I never really did anything back because I couldn't understand them.

7th Grade: I remember a joke going around about a guy that I liked and me having 70 kids together when we grow up. This made my friend Amanda cry (she liked him too), and she completely blamed me, saying I had betrayed her. The other girls took her side, and it took a while for the drama to die down, even though he and I were only ever friends. I also ran for School Government, and Amanda and I shared the position because the school announced Amanda won, but the Government said that I did.

8th Grade: In volleyball I and two other girls with names that started with J became starters, and the coach called us her 'Three Js'. When we wore our uniforms one day someone took the large shorts I normally wore and I had to wear tight ones. A lot of guys noticed, and one or two girls confronted me, saying "Don't you think you need a larger pair of shorts?" but they backed off when I explained the situation. Another memory of this year that tends to make me cringe: I made friends with a REALLY unpopular girl, and when the school called her up at an awards ceremony, people actually booed at her. When we got back to the classroom, I threw a Harry Potter Book (I think it was the third one) at one of the guys I KNEW started the booing. It hit his upper thigh, and when he told the teacher, without missing a beat, she said that if I had done it, then he probably deserved it. I think that shocked him and me equally (I was prepared to get sent to ISS). I also took High School level Math, got confessed to by a guy that I pity-dated for a few days before him giving me gifts made me call it off, and was in Battle of the Books (all through middle school, actually).

9th Grade: I'm not sure if this was ninth or tenth grade, but I remember writing a story where I admitted my mother was originally white trash, and read it out loud. It completely stunned the entire class, including the teacher (I was her best student) and there was silence before a really amazed round of applause. That got me a lot of respect from everyone though. This is also the year I made a LOT of friends in pretty much EVERY social circle, and joined marching band (I had been in band throughout middle school) as well as the volleyball team. I also broke my ankles (I only knew I broke the one in the cast) in a bomb threat.

10th Grade: I joined the Females Weightlifting Class and overheated everyday. It became normal for everyone in Band to see me practicing flute or the Pit instruments with a bag of ice balanced on my head. My mom tried to help me become fashionable, but actually ended up getting me clothes that were too big (because of my chest), and didn't help at all. I became too embarrassed to wear them.

11th Grade: NCSSM! I stopped practicing flute, I learned how stupid I could be, and I stopped getting adequate sleep. I remember this year as drama-filled, and I was incredibly glad to have my three best friends with me while people blamed me for things that had to be done because lives were involved. I still think if I had been sleeping properly, I could have done so much better there.

12th Grade: This was the year that I refused to be involved in drama. When I felt my boyfriend was taking too much of my time, and worried me with how devoted he was (I had never seen such devotion in someone our age, let alone directed at me!), I broke up with him. I remember taking my sister to prom with me, and getting back together with my now hubby right after prom. He influenced my decision to go to NC State (because he would be there), when I got rejected from my first choice.

.....It's amazing how if you focus, the memories start flooding back. Now I rather wish I hadn't done this. I like letting the past be. There's a ton of things I now want to add to each year, but it's only supposed to be one memory (and I've already broken that). I think its interesting how I focused on the people around me, instead of anything else. heh. ....

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Being a Mother

Because apparently once you're married, you seem to constantly have the specter of "Next is kids...." like in that old chant. You know, "First comes love, next comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" O__O I'm on a birth control nearly guaranteed to keep me from having kids for the next three years. (It has also slightly altered my personality and moods...but that'll be fixed once I'm off of it.... And that's not to say these changes are what will happen once I *am* pregnant....RIGHT?!?!?!) I sincerely wish I could stop thinking about children.
I miss my family, the kids crawling all over me, the constant weird hugs, and (I don't miss this....) the drama. I'm used to seeing my family more often than this, at the very least. It's weird to realize that I actually miss those brats (my siblings).
But yeah, I think that contributes to my wish for kids. Because I don't have little ones running around reminding me of why I don't want them.
Something else: I'm frickin' motherly. It even stands out to me. I just asked my husband "Have you finished your homework?" in an interrogating voice, like saying you can't have dessert before dinner. It made me stop and think for a minute. 'Damnit! I sound like a mom!' Hubby's response didn't really help: You'll be a good mother. *smirk* Of course my response was great: Of course I will. They will equally fear and love me, as it should be!

....I'm not sure why I'm so tired, but I'm going to stop this post here. Comments are appreciated, even though I can't damn respond to anyone else's blog.....

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why must it be so late at night?

Just a little excerpt from our daily lives in the K household:

Husband: Runa~
Me: Hm?
Husband: I love you forever~
Me: You'd better. *smirk*
Husband: Or else what? *curious look*
Me: *pouts* Or else I'll be sad....
Husband: *pouts sadly* I don't wanna make you sad....
Me: *bright smile* Then love me forever!
Husband: *also smiles* Un! (yes)

In other news, we have begun having game nights every Wednesday with another married couple whose husband is also going to school with hubbie, and a wife that is also job-hunting like me. We played The NewlyWed Game (its a weird board/question game) and lost by a few points.... mostly hubbie's fault. *poutpoutpout* We also played a card game called Contention...I lost every round, and hubbie won once. *super pout*

I'm still job hunting, but I'm trying to be hopeful. I'm beginning to lower my standards, honestly. *sigh* It's a good thing hubbie makes enough to support us. But I wanna contribute!!! Graaaar! I also have a bit of pride warring with practicality. I want to do something either unique or somewhat prestigious, so that people I have been to school with will be like "Ooh. That's so cool!" and not be like "Psh. I worked there in high school. You got a college degree and still ended up there? Man, you're a loser!" ;__; Sadly, my pride looks like its going to take a few blows.

I'm volunteering at a place called Learning Ally. I really like it. I get to listen to people read books for hours, and get to meet a lot of cool (older) people on top of that! ...One strange point though: When I was getting a piece of paper to mark our place, I noticed that it said "Remember Learning Ally in your will!" and I was like (O__O);; 'Is this a place for old people to THAT extent??' I also happened to meet a Japanese woman there, and I'm considering asking her to help me practice my Japanese if/when she's free sometimes. There's no one else for me to talk to here! At least, not in Japanese.

Maya's been a really good kitty lately, though she really needs to see a vet so she can get her nails cut. They won't fully retract anymore. It's so sad. She scratches without meaning to.

I think I'm gonna go to a beauty school tomorrow to get my hair cut for really cheap. It's a risk, but I'm desperate to get my hair out of my bangs and I have quite a few dead ends in the back.... I'm considering turning on the charm to ensure I get a good cut, but I hate deliberately being charming. It makes me feel cheap somehow. :/ I also hate deliberately lying in most cases because it makes me feel like a coward (who runs from telling the ghastly truth).... Actually, I think I lie because I'm hesitant to tell the ghastly truth maybe once a year. All my other lies are either to give someone a self-esteem boost "No, ____, You're absolutely beautiful!" (maybe they're just pretty. And some people ARE physically ugly to me. I can admit that here, even if I refuse to admit it elsewhere. (I always strive to find something beautiful about them if that's the case)), or to help someone else out of a difficulty "Nope, Mom. I have NO idea who ate your cookies at 2:32 am last night. They didn't wake me, nope!" lol. And even those cases are pretty rare. Maybe once a month. I feel like I should be ashamed that I lie at all, but logically thinking, in almost all matters I am scrupulously honest. I feel like that's probably the best I can strive for. Is telling a lie a sin in the Christian religion? I honestly can't remember, but if it is, man are there a lot of people that must loathe themselves for what they feel they can't help.

Also. I have reconstructed the drink of my childhood: Shirley Temples. Club Soda + Rose's Grenadine + Cherries = Heaven in your mouth! Yum!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Nightly Rituals


If intentions were carried out, I'd have written this at least a week ago. My bad. V.V Oh well. Anyway!

I figured I would celebrate our 1 month moving by writing a blog! And incidentally I'm writing about our nightly rituals on a night when I'm breaking them. :3 I do so appreciate irony.

Also, hubby beat me to blogging. :( Not that its a competition or anything... >.> .....<.< ....>.<

So, our nights have begun to share a pattern. First, we usually have some sort of dessert (sometimes it comes after the shower), shower together (preferably after doing something vigorous), and put on deodorant while brushing teeth and hair, etc. 

Then *grin* we climb in bed, one of us either opens our arms or asks/states "Cuddle!" and we curl up together for a while. Eventually one of us relaxes our grip or opens our arms/legs a bit, and we separate (because it is HARD to sleep cuddled up to someone else your size). 

We move to our own sides of the bed, usually. Actually, we've already switched sides twice. Heh. We like to mix it up? Then sometimes we'll talk for a bit (i.e. I won't be able to sleep so I'll bug him for a bit) before one of us says "Oyasumi" (Good night in Japanese). 

Then, in general..... =_=;; Well, in general he falls asleep and starts snoring. When I get too annoyed I kick his foot and he stops for a while. Then I desperately try to get to sleep before he starts snoring again. ....It rarely works. Lately though, he's started twitching his foot. Just thinking about that damn foot that twitches every couple of minutes makes me angry!!! I got so mad last night that I seriously considered switching rooms (we have a guest room because we weren't sure we'd be able to sleep together). I think I kicked him twice last night, trying desperately not to hold it against him, but even thinking about it now makes the anger burn deep in my chest and thoughts of cutting off those damn feet run through my head...... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

As you can see, I at least have found something that deeply irritates me. I'm sure I irritate him too..... ^.^; It's not something to maim him over, just something I will fantasize about maiming him over. Does it have to be his foot? Does it have to be every couple of minutes, right when I stop listening for it??? WHHHHYYYYYYY?!?!?!

Lately he and my kitty of love have been getting along. He feeds her, and she sleeps holding onto him. He's even started admitting she's cute! He still swipes at her when she tries to climb on the bed with us though.... It always wakes me up... :( But it's still a lot better than it used to be! 

When I emerged from my lair earlier tonight and straddled him for a hug, I noticed blood on his ear. I immediately thought it was my cat that did it to him, but he said he did it to himself. That was a bit of a relief. Then! It was so cute!! I started to massage his shoulder a little bit, just to see how tense he was, and we both heard this loud CRACK! I looked down at him, shocked because I wasn't even sure I'd caused it, and he looked up at me. He looked up at me with his big, doe-brown eyes and said in a plaintive voice "You broke me." SO CUTE!!!! AUGH!!! WHY MUST HE BE SO CUTE!?!?!?!? ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

It wasn't fair....:( He was uber adorable and looked like a kid that had his favorite toy taken away, and I wasn't even sure if it was my fault!! 

Anyway, that's where I'll leave my update. I'm uber tired and wanna go to bed, but my stomachache hasn't gone away. I think it's because I had so much popcorn and soda today. :( I hate when I do that. Whelp, lots of love! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Quickie (heehee)

I got engaged!
….I got married!
I have graduated from College (Bachelor of Arts)!!
I’m moved out of my apartment!
I rented a storage facility for the first time! (And I like it. :P)
I’ve moved to Texas with my husband!
I never knew how much ticks freak me out until today, when everyone had one, it seemed. Now that I’ve had one climb up my leg, I’m a little better. I shooed it off and gave it to someone else to kill. ….I couldn’t do it once it wasn’t an imminent threat.  
Actually a lot of this is outdated, as I wrote it months ago and never posted it. Camp was terrible in coworkers, lovely in students, and a relief in the language. That’s all I really have to say about it.
I’m Texas now with my dear husband, and he’s posted about our harrowing journey to arrive safely. I won’t add anything, though I smirked and laughed at a lot of his understatements and glossing over.
Quick Tip: If you don’t have a GPS, don’t come to Texas, Chicago, or California, apparently. I can’t make head nor tales of most of these roads. But I love the architecture of them.
We’ve settled in nicely, and I’m fishing for jobs. I’ve had a few people offer for me, but I’m honestly waiting to hear back from other places I’m more interested in working at. I’ve been here a week, and talked to seven different possible employers. Two focused on my Japanese skills. *shrug* I think it’s a little impressive. I’ll be more impressed when I finally land a job.
Dinner is always a treat with us. I think it’s amazing and wonderful that hubby helps me cook. I think it’s hilarious that while I taste the subtleties of vegetables, he tastes such blandness that he adds Creole to give whatever it is flavor. And I think it warms my heart that we eat possibly all of our meals together that we can.
Grocery-shopping… is harrowing. I’m gonna start combing their coupon offers to try and whittle down the prices. Because honestly, it’s a little too high for my comfort, regardless of the buffer hubby wrote for our expected expenses.
I like it here. I like the dry heat, the amazing roads, the low cost of meat and milk (haha), the extra room that I’ve taken over since I started reading (just finished) books on my computer that Alekins so nicely lent me, and even the fights hubby and my cat have. They’re hilarious, btw. My cat loves to fuck with him, and he loves to contemplate hurting her. Especially when she’s being loving, because he doesn’t understand kitty love.
Now that I’ve written more than a single page (double spaced, but damn I’m tired), I’m going to bed. I read a 1414 page novel in a day and half, without giving up food or sleep. I feel damn accomplished. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Rant/Confused Fuck it story

So I had signed up from the start to do a cooking club at the beginning of the camp time here. I looked forward to it, cause I loved to cook, and wanted to inspire some kids to feel the same way I do.
My first round with it was a rush of trying to get everything done in time, and not have too much food wasted. It was alright, but not something I really wanted to repeat.
Then came a whole new batch of kids, who didn't get the chance to do the bento club.... And the guilt that they should get a chance too. So when I was switched back to club from teaching lessons (because we lost a staff member), I figured I should do that club again. Hopefully with less time constraints. ......Haaaaaaaa....
So I talked with the head cook and asked if he still had my previous recipe. He didn't. So I needed to rewrite it, in my limited time, when everyone was keeping me from getting the work I needed to do done (I'm pretty sure that's grammatically correct).
So I got it in a little late, by a day according to the head cook I had always worked with's standards. I was worried about it, and asked if it was okay when I turned in my list the day before. The future head cook (but apparently not current head cook) said it was fine, that he would have it all ready for me in time for my class today.
.....Today arrives.
No one other than the future head cook got the memo. So none of the things I'd requested were prepared. And he wasn't working until later that day. So I had a mad scramble to cut the veggies, measure out the water and ingredients, get the kids cleaned and prepared for making bread (I pretty much abandoned my partner teacher, and felt awful about it), and figure out what I was able to do with the options I was given.
I cut the veggies myself, once I was told where the knife and board were, and that wasn't a problem. Except time-consuming. *shrug* No biggie.
I put the bread in the oven, and took it out of the oven (unfortunately I burned it) myself. THAT was scary. Anyone who knows me knows that I can't handle heat. I didn't mind that.
I was told "We can't do this for you." as though I were sitting around doing nothing. I minded that. I minded it a lot. I'm not a lazy princess sitting around ordering them to do things for me. I'm totally willing to follow their rules and do the work myself, since I signed up for the club.
So of course it bothered me up until I finally said "I'm not asking you to do things for me. Just give me the ingredients and I can do it myself."
Said person (who had been telling me no, and there wasn't time, and they couldn't do it the. whole. time.) followed me around, watched me struggle with the bread I had burned and didn't say anything. So finally I turned to him and said "What is it?"
And he said "I'll give you the ingredients. But you're not to set foot in this kitchen again. You're not going to disrespect this kitchen. You're banned from this kitchen." ....I didn't do any disrespecting. I asked for guidance and materials to do my job. I was disrespected and therefore responded with the annoyance I felt at being treated as an incompetent ninny. So my response was to sigh, and say "Can you ban me after I cut up the veggies for my club for the next two days?" At which he nodded, and then went around informing his coworkers that I was banned for having disrespected the kitchen.
I have two days left of working with the kitchen. I have maybe four days left with these people. Honestly, I don't really care. What I care about is them depriving the kids of this opportunity because of a jerkwad.
But since I had the ingredients prepared for the WEEK not just a day, I should be fine.
Yay dinner. Bye bye!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Start of a New Adventure!

Heyla Everyone!

I’m in Minnesota! Holy cow! I kind of have the feeling of ‘how did I get here…?’ except that I vividly remember the plane rides, the book I read during them, and the gross breakfast I subjected myself to in the airport. (Burger King: Fruit & Maple Oatmeal, apple juice, and water)
Now I’m sitting around at the airport, waiting for 2 p.m. to roll around (I have three more hours) so I can leave and see the new place I’ve assigned myself to for the next month and a half. I suspect that the other young adults in my vicinity are here for camp as well, but I would be deathly embarrassed if I were wrong, so I’m not going to ask! ….Until I get too bored. I see one of the other girls looking at the site, so I rather think she’s also one, but still….I can’t just up and say “I was glancing in your business, and noticed we’re here for the same business! How do you do?”
Speaking of speaking: They talk so different! I’m really excited. I want to hear them talk a lot more, so I can listen more and make mental notes on exactly what’s different. :3 It’s so cool! I feel like I’m back in Canada, when there was just a slight flavor difference, but this is still the U.S. so it’s even more interesting.
I have already spent 15 dollars on food (airport=sucks your money away) and it’s not even noon yet here.
Waaaaah…. The girl that was sitting behind me walked off without her bag, and I got asked if it was mine. >.< I tried to explain that she had literally just walked away, so the lady waited for a minute, but she ended up calling it in. Then the girl came back, so I felt even more awkward. Admittedly it could have been a bomb, so I understand the edginess and the caution, but it’s still very awkward. Especially since I have four bags and would love to be free of them for a little while. I’m actually quite worried that I’m gonna have to tote all of them around, like across the entire camp site or something. It’s a huge strain on my abdomen and my back.
So, I woke up around 3:30 or 4 a.m. today, woke up my husband (yeah, I really need to post on that, don’t I?) and we got ready and went to the airport. It was one of the least romantic drop-offs you can imagine, minus a small kiss and a hug. I was a little disappointed because I always admired the touching departures I’ve seen in movies, and even in real life. But it was super early, and we were both tired from all the moving and driving and lack of sleep we’ve had lately.
So being online costs money here…. So I’m writing this in a document, and then will post it when I have free Wi-fi.
An interesting note: Two girls (that I suspect are comrades) have taken up posts at one end of the seats. Three guys were on the opposite side (that I also suspect) and they have now gone off to explore. Interestingly, a new guy, by himself, that I suspect, has taken the exact same spot the guys had. Where did I choose to sit? Completely by accident, I’m in the direct middle. Does this threaten my status as a girl? Solidarity and all that. :x Hopefully no one will blame me for my caution. The urge to talk to ppl has substantially increased!
I gave in to the urge to talk to someone, and I was right! :3 On all counts! We all chatted with each other, then silently grouped ourselves off into our villages as we found each other. It turned into a big higgly mess of people, and then my group got lost when our ‘leader’ didn’t come up with us/didn’t wait for us. :/ But we got things sorted out.
Then we had a five hour trip, with thirty minutes at a McDonalds for dinner, and we all tried to sleep. Except for some Portuguese councelors that didn’t understand that some people can’t handle loud noises while sleeping (i.e. me). So I woke up annoyed, and stayed annoyed until a random guy helped me carry my bags to the dorm, and chatted with us the whole way. He’s a Japanese teacher here, and I want his knowledge!! X:
I met up with Alekins! We hugged and chatted, and talked, and separated so he could call Caitikins, and basically hung out. I felt a little bad that I didn’t get to incorporate my new friends with the conversation with Alekins very much, though we both tried to include others. *tilts head* Just one of them things, I guess.
I had some cup ramen, and some cookies, and then got told to go to bed by a blue-eyed guy whose name I still don’t know. It threw me off balance. Now I kind of wish I had just answered “Yes sir!” and gone…. Cause I don’t think he would have known how to answer that. But instead I floundered through arguments about how I don’t need sleep and just now asked about him. Apparently he’s an “equal opportunity mean….something.” That tells me how to respond. Flippantly. =.=;;; Duly noted…
Eventually I was really itchy, and so I suggested to my new friends that we make our way back to the cabin we’re staying at. Then we came back, unpacked, talked with our senpais, and took a shower.
I tried to talk to my husband, but he didn’t answer, so I think he must be watching a movie. I bet its battleship. So now I’m going to bed. G’night!

Monday, May 7, 2012

I'm kinda sorta back!

Welcome back, everyone!
....So I say, but I'm the one that's come back. Sort of. So, news!
-I'm engaged, and getting married in about a week! (more on that in a different post)
-I have one final exam left, and one final paper. Then I graduate!
-I got a job teaching Japanese over the summer! *squeeeee*
-My sister has finally been kicked out of my Mother's house.
-She and my other sister are now butting heads. It's ridiculous.
-My brother has retracted his approval of my marriage. Because my fiance is Catholic. It pleases me a little bit to have some disapproval of bf from my family, considering how much his family has disapproved of me, apparently.
     Actually, let me expound upon that statement a little bit. In two ways. First, the bf's family side: His father thinks I will be an unfaithful, two-timing, quick to abandon wanton so he doesn't want us to marry. OR else he just doesn't want us to live together before marriage, but if that's what he wanted, I really don't see why he had to malign my character like that. And he has yet to apologize, at least to me, and I'm not the quick-to-forgive sort. Hence, our hasty engagement, and why when we get married, neither of our families are going to be present.
Second, my brother's side. My brother, for as long as I have known him (there's a history to the way I phrased that, but I'm not explaining it), has been convinced our family is made up of witches and warlocks. He is without a doubt convinced I am a witch (The way black cats seem to bond to me does not help my case). He is also convinced he is a warlock, and that he caused my terrible accident years ago with a misfired spell. Since that makes him act nicer to me than anyone else in our family, I haven't disabused him of the notion. Now why does he disapprove of Catholics? Because they were the main instigators of the Witch Hunts! While I find this argument utterly ridiculous, and he admits if bf weren't catholic, he would have nothing against him, I can't convince him to change his mind. I'm not all that inclined to, actually. It gives me something to enjoy in this stressful (and sometimes joyful) time of change. Yes, yes, I'm a terrible person. Back to my list of events!
-bf keeps raising his arms and singing out "Marriage!"
-My roommate has sold almost all of her furniture, so I now do my studying/playing/working on a comfy little pallet on the floor. It's silly to move in furniture of mine when I'm moving out shortly myself.
-I get free Bread stuff! I have this awesome friend who gives me bread and stuff for free because they'll just throw it out if he doesn't take it home. ....I can't eat the amount he gives me though, so I usually end up giving it to my sister, who is jobless and can't afford food most of the time.
-I have sprained my ankle, and am in the midst of doing PT for it. Story short: I fell in a hole.
-Because of said ankle, I don't like standing for very long. Hence, I do not cook.
-Since I do not cook, I have not been eating healthy. Woe is me (and my waistline).

Yeah, I think that's good enough. I should get to bed if I plan to help mom take her car in to the shop tomorrow/today. Good night duckies!

Aw, poor chick:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Just so you know....

I noticed this on a comic I read, and found myself reading it:

I think my politically aware friends will be happy to know. And to connect that link, and my blog title, a song for your enjoyment:

That's all, folks.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bullet Updates for an easy read

Life is tough right now. There's a lot of things going on. I'll start with the exciting stuff, and move down to the dreaded stuff.

-My birthday is on Friday (yay, 22!)
-My birthday party is on Saturday. My sisters are driving up, and there's at least eight friends that are supposed to be coming~ I want my friends to bring food, instead of gifts, but that didn't work when I was in Japan, so I'm curious to see how it'll work this time.
-Bf and I are going to live together in Texas! Yay new experiences?
-I may have a job as a Japanese Counselor this summer, but I haven't gotten an answer yet. My recommendation for one person also hasn't been posted. I wonder if I could do a third person.... It'd make it a little easier...
-My cat seems to have gotten nicer. I don't know if she's faking it though, but she's been rather loving.
-Assuming I pass my classes, I will be graduating on May 12th.
-It's Spring! It's been raining every couple of days, so I'm super happy.
-I'm volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club on Fridays.
-I don't have allergies, and I'm not pregnant! *knocks on wood*
-I get to play with Pineapples! ..the person, not the fruit.

....Okay, now I'll go into the not so great stuff:
-Cat keeps throwing up randomly
-I may not get the job and end up jobless during the summer when I really need to save money
-The lease runs out on our apartment in June. This is a good thing except for the above concern.
-If I don't pass my classes, I'm more than screwed.
-My history class is kicking my ass.
-I'm meeting my stepdad's family for the first time in my life... O.o
-I'm interning at two places for a month. I'm scared and excited.
-I've regained almost all the weight I lost while in Japan.... and it's because I stress eat whenever I go to my Mom's house..... It doesn't help that American snacks are almost always bad for you....
-I haven't been cooking lately.... I need to fix that
-I seem eternally damned with technology. Let me expound: I applied to be a counselor, but I couldn't get the reference pages or the second part of the
application to work, so I had to completely restart from scratch. Then, I just found out my recommendor didn't get the email to recommend me (sent from the site). So now I've called, they're resending it, and since I don't know what caused either of these malfunctions, I'm terrified it won't work AGAIN.
-I seem to be having shoulder issues. This is bad because we're currently testing for archery, so I can't exactly not participate.
-My insomnia has returned. I really don't understand it, since I wear myself out pretty often, but it also seems like when I work myself over too hard, I get unable to sleep. It's a no-win.
- My advisor recommended I take the Weather class because it's easy. She opposed the class I wanted to take. I really wish she'd have kept that suggestion to herself. 'Easy' classes always seem to be hard for me. They're boring and/or so large/mainstream that I can't do well.
-I have to attend Leadership classes. I usually don't get through with my classes and such until 5:45 or 7:30, so my opinions for signing up are so limited, it's not even funny. (they're from 6:30 to 8:30 and you can't be late)

I'm probably missing some things, but I've noticed that as I'm going through a list of bad things, I get reminded of a lot of positive "At least ...." type good things, so I add it to the good list. That's a little funny.

Okay, this is about all I have for an update right now. But I have one in the works, so look forward to it!

I like this song:

Monday, February 6, 2012

How to Know if You Have a Runa in Your Home.

(this post is a little nonsensical, but play along?)

~ If books of varying sizes, genres, and authors make their way into your bathroom, you may have a Runa in your home.

~ If you feel alternating 'affectionate pats' and 'aggressive pats' anywhere along your body, you may have a Runa.

~ If sometimes dinner appears healthy and fresh on the table, you might have a Runa.

~ If breakfast usually consists of oatmeal and/or miso soup: you might have a Runa.

~ If your bed is spontaneously made on occasion, you might have a Runa.

~ If all shoes are migrated to the front door, you might have a Runa.

~ If your internet is randomly being taken, you might have a Runa.

~ If strange music and/or videos find their way onto your computer and/or playlist, you might have a Runa.

~ If you find yourself pounced on, used as a blanket, or used as a mattress: you might have a Runa.

~ If sometimes you go to bed with the house dirty, and wake up with the house clean, you may have a Runa infestation.

If you think you have a Runa infestation, fear not! You can draw her out with crackers, soup, and grape juice (not necessarily at the same time). If you treat her carefully, she will eventually begin to shower you with affection and treats. When you have had enough, just call her owner/bf to come and retrieve her. If you attempt to get rid of her on your own, or (*gasp*) yell at her, the repercussions may include: juvenile pranks, waking with a knife hovering over you or laying beside you, abrupt loss of hot water, and/or an eerie silence throughout the area that makes you feel very cornered.

So remember: If you find yourself with a Runa infestation, treat her with care, and she will eventually find her way home. And if you can't wait for that, simply call her beloved 'owner' to recover her.

Now on a more serious note:

I am doing well, but I have bad/good news. I was rejected by JET, so I will not likely be going to Japan this year. I am however, being encouraged to look for other routes, so I may make my way there via other routes.
I'm sore and tired all the time thanks to my PE classes. Water Aerobics really takes it out of you~!
I'm considering changing all of my classes to Pass/Fail so that I won't be stressed about getting a good letter grade.  I have to check with my adviser first before I attempt to change any of them though.

That's all for now.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

I've found this day to be off-putting

I woke up an hour after my first alarm went off (I set three). It was an hour before I had to leave for class, so I decided to make breakfast, and maybe talk to my roomie while we ate....

I ended up cooking until the last minute (since I had to make my own lunch as well) and wolfed down some cereal and a sandwich instead of the rice, miso soup, salmon, and tofu+bacon mixture I'd tried to create.

I was squeezed onto a bus, after being skipped by a jerk (honestly, all he did was skip me, but it was enough to make me dislike him) and subjected to three girls talking inanely about what they were going to do tonight. When the middle girl got up, I took her seat, and thought that would be the end of their conversation....Wrong..... The two girls talked over me until the second girl got off the bus. So rude!!

I stopped to buy a drink from the vending machine before class because I actually managed to make it before class started and I was incredibly thirsty.... I was given the wrong drink, but the flavor isn't too bad. Still, it's not what I asked for.

The librarian couldn't find my textbooks, so I had to get out my syllabus and she looked them up.

I found a nice seat, (without an outlet) and settled down to read my homework for History. Put in headphones, started up youtube, and this song came on.

It actually made me feel a lot better.

In other news, I gave blood on Tuesday, Got beat down by my PE classes, Bf accompanied me to my Weather Class, and then we went to a Sex Ed. program that was not as popular as we'd have thought, though we thought it was good.

Went back to my place, played, cuddled, showered, and I set up my salmon to be properly salted. :3 Roomie came back, we finished off our cake, and after I fought with my cat about where she was allowed to be, we all eventually got to sleep.

My dreams lately have been incredibly vivid, disturbing, and unhappy. One night (I think it was Sunday night), I went to bed at 12:20, and didn't get to sleep until 6:30-7 am. And had to be up at 9....but I snoozed until 10.

I've noticed that when I ask something of my roommate, she gets defensive and uncomfortable. But she regularly makes request/demands of me. "Don't buy ____ litter" or "____ Toilet Paper" or "Clean your stuff out of the shower" and such.
Lately, she's been using my ingredients without checking with me, for her and her boyfriend to eat. For example, I got two onions for two recipes that I was planning to make. I used half an onion for the first, and planned to use all the rest of it for the other one. My roommate, who doesn't even like onions, used up the other half of the onion. She never said a word to me about it, just used it. I was a little short on the onion I needed, consequently. She offered to go buy me another, but I didn't need a whole other onion, I just needed the half, and going to the store for an onion is just silly, anyway. So I made do, but a few days later, she used the Chicken broth that I'd had left over from that second recipe. She has tons of cans in the closet, but decided that since mine needed to be used in the next two weeks, she'd go ahead and use it. I had been planning to make some soup with that broth, and she, once again, didn't say a word to me about it!
Honestly, I think my irritation stems from two things. 1. She doesn't tell me when she's used something, so I don't know that I now have less or none of that material. I plan things based on my memory, so when something isn't there, I'm understandably confused/upset. and 2. She's using it for meals with a guy I don't really like. He really irritates me. He's annoying, attempts to cool by being random, and is an ass to everyone (Even roomie. He ignores her to talk to his friends, and it's more like he's showing her off, than dating her. But that's personal opinion). So the food that I bought, and made plans to use, is instead going into his ungrateful, irritating mouth, and I think that's at least half of my irritation.

Phew. Okay, I really need to get to my homework now. I hate not being prepared for his class, because he's a perv and I like to be prepared for any slips. Jyaa~

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I seem to be getting SPAMMED

I don't see why someone would want to advertise (illegally, I might add) on my little old blog posts, but bring on the war. So far as I know, though, none of my readers are amenable to smoking.

So, if you've been keeping up with bf's blog, you'll know I stayed at his house for almost a week (when he said it'd be three days....*glaaaaare*), and had lots of fun watching movies, and reading books, and chatting late into the night with his mom, and looking at his baby pictures, and going around his town a little bit. We even took a walk in freezing weather and played games with his mom. It was nice. It was 'normal', which is something I'm not used to.

I think it's funny that my family asks when I'll be back before I've ever left. They do it often, too. I'll be getting ready to leave, and they'll just "So when are you coming back?" me, and I'm kinda blind-sided, because I just spent X number of days here, and they all kinda ignored me/ spent a little time with me, but nothing to say they were eager to have me home. Oh well, that's my family, right?

My classes this semester are geared toward driving me crazy. There's a weather class (hello? Runa + Weather = @.@), 3 PE classes (oh yeah, I had a hurt knee +ankle....This could be awkward), World Population and Food Prospects (Bleeding hearts class. I have yet to attend and not nearly be moved to tears from one of his stories), History (with a perverted teacher, which is actually kinda fun), and Senior Design (with a paper due pretty much every time we meet). It's nothing I can't handle, but I don't have all of the textbooks, so doing the homework is tricky. I wonder how much I can BS through....

I took my kitty to the vet on Friday, and she got 2 vaccines, a rabies shot, and half a pill designed to kill any worms she may have. It was supposed to be a whole pill, but true to demon-kitty-form, she didn't allow them to get the rest of it down her throat. The foaming, hissing, spitting kitty I got to see nearly broke my heart.

I've been making Japanese-style food for my roomie and boyfriend lately. We have miso for breakfast most days, and oatmeal on days we don't have miso. I wanted both this morning, but time was short and Kei-chan only wanted miso anyway, so I contented myself with toast and cereal in addition to miso.

I am a little sad I didn't get to see Rozy after Christmas. I hope she had a good time on vacation with her family. :)

If I think of any other updates, I'll just make a new blog post. Talk to ya'll later!