Thursday, August 16, 2012

Quickie (heehee)

I got engaged!
….I got married!
I have graduated from College (Bachelor of Arts)!!
I’m moved out of my apartment!
I rented a storage facility for the first time! (And I like it. :P)
I’ve moved to Texas with my husband!
I never knew how much ticks freak me out until today, when everyone had one, it seemed. Now that I’ve had one climb up my leg, I’m a little better. I shooed it off and gave it to someone else to kill. ….I couldn’t do it once it wasn’t an imminent threat.  
Actually a lot of this is outdated, as I wrote it months ago and never posted it. Camp was terrible in coworkers, lovely in students, and a relief in the language. That’s all I really have to say about it.
I’m Texas now with my dear husband, and he’s posted about our harrowing journey to arrive safely. I won’t add anything, though I smirked and laughed at a lot of his understatements and glossing over.
Quick Tip: If you don’t have a GPS, don’t come to Texas, Chicago, or California, apparently. I can’t make head nor tales of most of these roads. But I love the architecture of them.
We’ve settled in nicely, and I’m fishing for jobs. I’ve had a few people offer for me, but I’m honestly waiting to hear back from other places I’m more interested in working at. I’ve been here a week, and talked to seven different possible employers. Two focused on my Japanese skills. *shrug* I think it’s a little impressive. I’ll be more impressed when I finally land a job.
Dinner is always a treat with us. I think it’s amazing and wonderful that hubby helps me cook. I think it’s hilarious that while I taste the subtleties of vegetables, he tastes such blandness that he adds Creole to give whatever it is flavor. And I think it warms my heart that we eat possibly all of our meals together that we can.
Grocery-shopping… is harrowing. I’m gonna start combing their coupon offers to try and whittle down the prices. Because honestly, it’s a little too high for my comfort, regardless of the buffer hubby wrote for our expected expenses.
I like it here. I like the dry heat, the amazing roads, the low cost of meat and milk (haha), the extra room that I’ve taken over since I started reading (just finished) books on my computer that Alekins so nicely lent me, and even the fights hubby and my cat have. They’re hilarious, btw. My cat loves to fuck with him, and he loves to contemplate hurting her. Especially when she’s being loving, because he doesn’t understand kitty love.
Now that I’ve written more than a single page (double spaced, but damn I’m tired), I’m going to bed. I read a 1414 page novel in a day and half, without giving up food or sleep. I feel damn accomplished. 


Caitlin said...

So cute! I'm sorry you didn't like your coworkers, I didn't like the majority of them either when I was there. But the kids are great!!! As are the kitchen staff, which is the main reason I pushed Alec to go. :D

Yay for your marriage! My first night of almost marriage was yesterday.

Unknown said...

lovely family. best wishes,~ ^-^ ~~Guild Wars 2 Gold for sale