Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Massage is guuuuuud.

So I turned in my scholarship essays and stuff today. I hate leaving things til the last minute, but at least I got it in. >.< Thanks to hubby for looking it over for me.

Today we put together Swedish massage of the front legs, feet, and abdomen. Tomorrow we learn arms and legs. :) Also tomorrow, I'll be meeting people for some out of class study on practical draping and such. I really need the practice, and the more you do outside of class, the better you ultimately become.

:X My last two partners loved my massage. They said it was the best they had had yet. ^////^ It made me happy, but I also want to know what to improve. It looks like right now I need to focus on improving my body awareness so I don't strain anything because I'm not doing it right. My hips and wrists tend to hurt, for example. So I end up sore most days. It's probably because I'm leaning forward, so I need to watch that.

I'm pretty sure two of my partners have fallen asleep on me.... One did for sure, because when I started tapoting her legs, she gasped and told me she had dozed off. I panicked, thinking I'd hurt her, so she had to explain. I guess she was tired. ^.^ The other just.... stopped responding. I check in frequently, making sure the pressure is good and the feeling is right, but they just stop responding and I'm never sure if that's because they're tired of answering my questions or if they're dozing and don't hear me. Tonight's partner also stopped responding for a while, but when I went to do the abdomen she started responding again. I don't mind the doze and snooze, but I want recommendations! One partner said "Oh, you're definitely going to be successful!" I was very flattered.

Doing a good massage leaves me feeling a little energized, a little happy, and very satisfied. If I can keep feeling this way about my choice, I think I'll be quite happy in life.

That's all. Oh wait. I also joined a scanlation group to translate a manga I love. Now I'm their Japanese to English translator, though honestly I was just volunteering to help until they found someone else! =.=;; Oh well. I have to keep up with my Japanese somehow, right? It's not bad at all.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The second essay

The second one is an essay explaining your current situation and why you are in need of scholarship funds.

At the end of April, my contract as a security guard ended, and my husband encouraged me to get knee surgery while I wasn't otherwise occupied. So near the end of May, I had ACL reconstruction surgery and have been recovering slowly but steadily. My leg isn't as strong or as durable as it used to be, but that will get better with time and proper care. I attend physical therapy every week and work my leg to its limits often, trying to increase my recovery speed. While I am recovering, working a full time job or even a part time job that won't cause damage to my leg is very difficult, especially while also attending massage school. Just the squats and lunges we perform daily wears me out completely and I know working a job at the same time would be a difficult and possibly dangerous decision until my leg is much better than it currently is. 
On top of my current difficulty with working, my husband's student grants have been revoked because he changed from a Ph D. student to a Masters'. He's working a few additional jobs to bring in as much extra income as possible. In a single day he may be a TA for two different classes, tutor two students for an hour and a half, and work at a facility to help children learn mathematics in more efficient and logical ways. My husband really works hard for us, and any way I can lighten his load is a relief for both of us. 
The money we used to pay for my school tuition came out of our savings. We know it is a good investment, so it was worth every penny, but being able to put some money back in would be a wonderful thing for us. In February, my niece will be offered up for adoption, and we are hoping to get custody of her and bring her to live with us until either she is grown, or her mother becomes able to care for her. It's more likely that we will be caring for her until she's an adult, but there's always the hope that my sister will get her act together. In any event, we're saving as much as possible in order to both sustain ourselves, and care for our niece. I hope to be able to start working part time sometime in January to help with the household budget and to help save up for when she comes to live with us. 
A scholarship would be money saved for when events take a turn for the worse, or for when we find ourselves overwhelmed by the cost of living. We don't depend on our families for help with income, both because we want to be independent adults, and because it isn't fair to depend on people that are already struggling to make ends meet.  So far we have managed to live on our own, and it's our sincere hope to continue to be independent, capable adults. Incidentally, by the time I graduate, I should have recovered from the surgery almost completely and be able to work as though I were never injured. After I graduate, I'm sure I'll be able to find work and begin recouping the cost of education but until then, some assistance would be very helpful. Thank you for your time and your patience in hearing my story. 

Yeaaaaah..... I never know how to end an essay or a story. All comments and suggestions will be listened to (even if I'm cringing at the idea at the moment) and I really would appreciate your help everyone. Thanks, and I hope to hear from all of you soon!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Alrighty, scholarship crunch!

So I have the essay requirements now, and I have drafted essays meeting their requirements. I hope you all will provide me with some instructive criticism and helpful advice so I can turn this in on Monday with a clear conscience.

The first one says to write: a 250 to 400-word statement regarding why you wish to become a massage therapist. What I've written is 397 words long. Here you are:

When I was a child, I would often see my siblings rubbing my Mom's shoulders, legs, and back. It was such a common sight that I soon joined in, and as I got older, I began receiving the same treatment after a rough day at whatever sport's practice I did that year. I also practiced my massage in order to make my Mom and sisters say 'Ahh' or 'Oh' or 'Yeah, that's the spot' more often to me than anyone else. Their pleasure and inability to restrain their satisfaction was the ultimate victory to me. When I reached my teenage years, I often supplemented my paltry allowance by giving massages to my Mom. The price steadily increased with my skill, because when she asked me how much I wanted for it, I would say 'Pay me what you think the massage is worth.' I could make up to twenty dollars a week, just for being able to ease her aches. I thought there couldn't be a better job in the world.
When I was sixteen, I discussed becoming a massage therapist with my Mom and was surprised at her adamant refusal to consider it. She was a nail technician herself, and swore that massage would wear my hands out within five years and I would be useless in the field after that. Scared and willing to trust my Mom, I dropped the issue.
Years passed, and I was always reminded of how massage could connect you to someone with just a simple touch. When I got married and we moved here to Austin, despite being happily married, I was very lonely. My husband isn't the best masseuse I've ever had, and he doesn't enjoy doing it, so the pleasure I can get from it isn't like with my family at all. Aching, lonely, and confused by the magnitude of my loneliness, my husband and I searched for professional massage establishments. I found relief for my body and soul in those places, and realized it was integral to my happiness. I asked the therapists about their hand shelf-life, and they assured me it was long. With that fear eased, I began looking into massage school for myself.
I want to connect with others, ease their pain, and provide an essential stress reliever. Being paid for it is a bonus. Getting certified and learning is what I'm here for.

The second one is an essay explaining your current situation and why you are in need of scholarship funds.

Its too late at night for me to draft this one up satisfactorily, so I'll sleep on it and write it tomorrow. I hope you will check in and give me good advice on both. Thank you all!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

See what happens when I get up at decent hours.....

I'm tired. I'm energy-less. All because I couldn't get back to sleep this morning after saying bye to hubby. That was around 9. I HAVE BEEN UP SINCE NINE?? WHAT IS THIS!??!?!

I laid in bed til 10 30 or so, then I played on the computer til I decided I should eat something (because hunger just hasn't existed lately) and discovered the last of the milk carton's milk has gone bad. When I took a bite. Uuuuugh. So I tossed it and tried again with the milk I picked up last night. It was okay.

Then I read some more, and finally felt like I was waking up until I got up. Then I realized how tired and sleepy I am. It's not like I had any grand plans or anything, but I did want to finish applying for scholarships, make dinner, read a book perhaps, and prepare for massage school tonight.

Last night we worked on backs! They ran us through the process of how to do it, then we faced the real challenge: Dressing and undressing under the blankets. It's ridiculously difficult. Especially putting on your bra under the sheets. It just doesn't work well on a massage table.

I was the receiver first, and it didn't feel like a professional massage at all. I kept struggling to give good feedback that she could use, but I was rather limited, (half)naked on a table. Then I was the giver, and she gave pretty good feedback, though she kept saying 'more pressure'. =.=

Maya is getting more bold about wanting to be petted and cuddled. When her stomach hurts she comes to me to rub it for her. ...When she's bored she comes to me. When she's hungry, she comes to me. When she sees me, she comes to me. When I use the restroom, she tries to get in, and if she can't, she waits outside the door for me. When I eat, she watches me. When I sleep, she sleeps near me. Or else hops up and meows to see if I'm getting up... until I get up. I would set up play-dates for her if I thought she might not tear any other animal a new tail. So scary. I have a Stalker!Cat.

Waaaah! They really used a lot of the material of Sailor Moon! I'm impressed!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Massage School: SO INTERESTING!!

They have worked the logistics out over a 20 year period. The classes are: 1 hour lecture on homework material, including 'fill-in-the-blanks' study sheets passed out on the first day, followed by 3 hours of practical 'learning by doing' with a fifteen minute break every hour, or whenever the students call for one.

The material is so interesting. The teachers are incredibly competent. And the location is so convenient! I'm loving it!

My only problem: The key to succeeding is practice. Constantly. Hubby has his own homework to do. I can't make him lay on a table for an hour while I practice on him over and over! >.< I think there's an easy enough solution: Find a classmate with time on their hands, and practice on each other. Troublesome, but effective. I'll worry about it a bit more when I have more to practice than simply draping the sheet over a body.

I was a little worried about my body and this school. I had good reason. My leg won't do the squats and lunges we're supposed to do for very long. I can do it at first, but it soon gets too painful. This is my reason (excuse) for not going jogging tonight. Technically I have every reason to, and none not to, but I can't get myself out the door. Go figure.

My classmates are all very interesting, and very sincere (or else searching for their own place to belong). We went around the circle tonight and shared our reasons for coming to this massage school, and a little about our lives. It was very interesting and helps you remember each person, even if the name escapes you.

My cat is apparently desperate for attention. Yesterday I picked her up with the intention of holding her too close, rubbing her too energetically, and scratching her too hard. I amuse myself by torturing her sometimes. It backfired. She leaned in, laid down on me, and soaked it all up. This means I need to give her some bonafide kitty-loving sessions. I haven't done it in a while, she probably needs grooming, and it'll be a good de-stressor. Maybe I can even practice some massage methods on her.

Japanese TV in one hour. Pretty funny and interesting, but long. Take breaks. :P

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Can I throw the cat out into the rain? Please?

She keeps meowing from like 7:30 in the morning until I actually get up (12-1 p.m.). It is not a pleasant experience, especially when I have some awesome mystery/adventure dreams like I've been having lately. And then there's the fact that I'm generally cold in the morning, so I don't ever want to get out from under the covers. And she doesn't need food, water, or litter! That's the most frustrating thing!

Today, except for that, I was actually in a pretty good mood. I wanted to look cute for when hubby came home, so I put on a short skirt (that I would almost never wear outside), a black tank top, and got to preparing dinner. Then when he put the key in the lock, I hopped up, ready to greet him at the door. When he walked in though, I realized he was on the phone (Again), so I just pouted and didn't hug or cuddle like I had planned. I don't like competing with phones. It isn't fair to either of us. So he hung up and then I huggled him. He seemed very amused by my pouting. Poopyhead....

Then we had a pot roast for dinner, with some parmesan cheese garlic toast (that was really really salty) while Pineapples told us the good news! And then we watched Whose Line, which we haven't actually seen in weeks. For some reason we just started watching other stuff and didn't remember it.

After dinner we went to our separate interests (Read: Runa demanded manga time, and hubby found something else to do) until I realized how much I wanted cheesecake. When I mentioned it to Hubby, he suggested Cheesecake Factory. I had been ready for some Walmart Cheesecake, but I will never balk at getting better food, so off to the Factory we went! I picked out the Oreo Extreme Cheesecake, and Hubby got the Chocolate Mousse one. Then we watched an episode of cupcake wars while we ate half of our cheesecakes (while sharing with each other). I didn't really like the top half of mine, and actually ended up offering it to hubby because I just couldn't get excited over it and felt it was wasteful to eat something I didn't really want. Hubby's mousse was really good, but the bottom chocolate half and top frosting on my own tasted better, so even though he preferred mine as well, we didn't switch. I was stingy.

Lol. Hubby was hugging and cuddling me at the restaurant, saying how much he spoils me. I just happily agreed, saying that he makes me happy. Then he wondered how happy I would be when he spoils our kids. I thought about it, and finally answered simply enough: I'll counterbalance his spoiling. No problem. We're opposites. We rock that way.

I'll end with a funny video. There's no subs, but essentially it's a show and the skit is: Grandma and Grandpa are stuck in a burning house where the 'firemen' can only reach them by soap stairs. Once you get wet, (as you'll see) the options for getting to the top greatly decrease. It's pretty good.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Big Decisions!

Yesterday I picked up my massage table and my books for classes next week. I'm really excited, but I'm also nervous. I always get nervous, but it's still troubling. I want to do well, make friends, and learn a lot. But I don't know how well I'll do, since I've only ever been home-trained.

I also talked to hubby yesterday about something important that I've been putting off. I put it off because there's still plenty of time, but my niece is going up for adoption in February if my sister doesn't get her act together. I can't fully imagine my sister getting her act together, but I hope she does, because otherwise my mom will be making a 'bid' for Mimi. She's not sure she'll get her though, so I also want to make a 'bid' for her. She's an older child, so if she' isn't adopted by one of us, she will likely go to an orphanage. An older child in an orphanage is not likely get adopted, or even to have much success, and we don't want to be separated from her for the next seven years.

The reason I don't think my mom will get her is this: She just adopted Chay (after years of threatening to). Next month (November) Cin's baby boy, Max, will be up for adoption if she isn't doing well enough to take him back (and I don't think she'll ever be ready). Mom is going to make a strong bid for him, because as a little six month old half white/black baby boy, he is very likely to be adopted if he goes to an orphanage and we don't want that to happen (but really, my only real reason against it (since I've never met the babe) is because I don't think my sister would ever recover from losing her SECOND little boy. She's still stuck on her first that she gave up willingly. They took him from her without any warning, before they ever left the hospital. She will never recover from losing him, especially since her tubes are tied now.). That was a long (). Sorry. So if Mom gets him, which is totally possible, she'll have adopted two of her daughters' boys within six months. And then three months later, she'll be making another bid for one of her daughters' girls? I just don't think the courts are going to keep deciding in her favor, especially with the drama about Mimi and Chay and their difficulty living together.

So last night I talked to hubby about our taking Mimi on. She'll be eleven in December, and going to a therapist really seems to have had a good effect on her (though I haven't met her in over a year). She loves singing and dancing, and there's a bus that picks up elementary students in front of the office and drops them off (I just checked a few minutes ago) so we wont have to take her to school ourselves. There's the additional money for food, and the additional person on the water bill. The occasional new clothes (Goodwill is our friend), and maybe (but I doubt it) some school supplies (we have tons). We already have an extra room, with an extra bed, and a dresser drawers. The most difficulty I see is actually physically getting her here. She's halfway across the states, but a plane ticket for her is possible. The airfare for one adult and one child from there to here at the end of Feb is about 200 dollars total, so that isn't too bad either. The problem is getting someone to escort her here. I may have to go myself to get her. I just don't know.

I need to find a lawyer to talk to about the procedures for putting in a bid, how much that may cost, if they need to do a home study of our place, and how to get all that paperwork to the court in NC where they'll be conducting this.

I also want to talk to my mom and see if she can't persuade the court to delay Mimi's adoption until the end of the school year so she won't be switching school so much (and so hubby and I will be out of school and able to be there ourselves). If they will do that, I am MUCH more confident that we'll be able to do something to get her ourselves. Hopefully hubby will start looking and applying to good locations in December or January for his own line of work, saying he'll be able to start at the end of May after he graduates. I'll be finished with massage school at the end of April, which will give us time to pick out our new location (or decide to stay here), select an apartment, and give me a little time to find a job myself in the same area. Then we will both have potentially stable jobs, in a new area, during the summer so she can adjust to a new location (and maybe make some friends, but also giving us time to get to know her and her needs/habits/requirements), we can get paperwork filled out for her to start at a new school, and we'll all get a new start as a family.

Another plus point I mentioned to hubby is, in two years we'll be looking to have our own baby. Mimi is familiar with little ones, and she likes them. She'll be very helpful to have around when hubby is panicking or working, while I'm cleaning or cooking, etc. She's half-grown! Sure she's gonna want all this technology that she's used to, but she also respects us, so if we don't give in to her demands for them (and I'm not sure she would really demand them, since she also likes books like me) and maintain our stance, we'll all be able to adjust. Hubby suggested we could get her her own little TV for Christmas or something, and I know she has her own game systems. Just because we don't want a TV doesn't mean she has to do without one. I'm not sure of the price difference, but I would rather get her a simple little computer for herself, and maybe resume our Netflix account so she'll have Hulu and Netflix for entertainment, and not tons of mind-numbing shows that she'll just leave on for hours. Because that adds up on the electricity bill, and I also don't really like that high-pitched screetch that TVs make when they're on. With a computer we can enforce a time-limit better than a TV (maybe by turning it off, or having it password protected and only us knowing the password, so when it's time to get off, she no longer has access to it).

Well, anyway, I'm getting really ahead of myself. These are just things I've considered and some things I've discussed with Hubby. He's really not keen on sharing me, but he'll have to do it sometime, and I think it'll be a little better on him to start with a kid that can at least be logical. Babies aren't logical. You can't reason with them. You can only cave into the demands and beg for clemency before you lose your mind.

I'm also considering going to the Goodwill Community Foundation near our home that helps you find jobs. Well, I'm more than considering it. I'm pretty determined to look into it and see what they can do for me. My job requirements and my experience are so varied, that it makes even looking for a job difficult. I'm also still waiting to hear back from Apple, but I think it means they've been trying other people and still think I'm possible, just not their first choice. They're probably seeing if their first choices work out, and just keeping me on the line. Which is sad, but kinda always my experience when applying to places.

I will also get in contact with my old boss MM, and see if he's willing to help me out with interview tips (since he interviews so many people) and do some mock interviews with me when he has some time. And I'll contact R and see if she'll do the same, and maybe have some advice on interview clothing, and what to wear to what type of job interview. They're both friends, so I'm very hopeful that they will be willing to help. It's just asking for assistance that I have so much trouble with. But I will try. I want to improve and make good impressions so I can get good jobs and have a good time with a company of my choice.

Oops. This got a lot longer than I meant for it to, but it's thoughts that have been in my head for the last few days. Perhaps that's why I've had so much trouble sleeping.

I haven't even told you about the poopy-incident with the toilet flooding our apartment twice when we hadn't even used the restroom! ....And you know what? I don't think I'm going to. Suffice to say, I cleaned the damned floors twice, we're considering throwing out our rugs, and the apartment still smells funny. It's good that it's cooling down here. Today's high is 84, so I've left the windows open to let some fresh air get in.

I'll stop now. Really. Just one last thing. I actually had a bit of trouble understanding the announcer guy, but I understood the people that got tricked, so it was still funny. Watch it:

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Well. Most of MY drafts end in the middle of a sentence....

I'm not sure how all of you did yours, but I used a word document and then deleted it all. I only had seven, but I was still surprised at the contents sometimes. So I joined the bandwagon. :) 


Urgh, I'm tired, but I have to do this homework....
I almost regret going to see Milk. Actually, I'm not particularly happy I saw it. I was curious about it, but by no means did it fulfill me in any particular way. His fight is still ongoing: there is still prejudice, and there seems to be no end to dissatisfied people who feel they are unfairly treated, but do not wish to work hard to be acknowledged. That is not to say that all who complain are lazy, or that those that complain are


I broke my diet TOO much.....ugh
So now I'm feeling sick. Bleh.

Rozy: Keep trying to keep to your goal! Once you slip up, it's hard to get back on track! =_= My diet is proving that.... I hope you don't


I'm not really awake right now. You see, I'm pretending. I have to be 'awake' in order to be at work, but really, I'm just sleeping while waking. Or having a waking-sleep. Or a sleep-wake. *nods* Yup yup. And now I have to be awake until .....9 or so pm?
I haven't done any homework for today, and I have two assignments for my psych class due. I really wanna drop that class, but the only real assignment I have left in there is an analytic paper. And those really aren't difficult if you know what you're focusing on.
My cold sore is retreating! WAhahahaha....ow...It's begun to hurt. =.=
I was looking at BF's blog posts a year ago. I kinda wanna see mine from a year ago now....Hm. BBL.
This is interesting. Last year, I took a Passionate Love Scale test, and for kicks, I redid it. My score was lower now, but I still scored in the Passionate Love range. ^_^ Heh.

Argh. I referenced a story on my blog a year ago, and suddenly had to backtrack. I'd been trying to figure out why bf said that I was going through a tough time, but since his blog design is wacky and unhelpful right now, I had to just scan through, and I got so distracted! Darn it!

Anyway, about my weekend. Siblings Day was pretty cool. Chay got really obnoxious when he was hungry, so we never even got to finish making our quilt and had to leave, and it was 20 minutes before he did anything but grunt. He really liked the lunch though. We ate at Fountain Dining Hall. Then we went to the IRC office, where we used their restroom, since I couldn't think of a way for us both to use the bathroom without leaving him alone, which I REALLY didn't think was a good idea. Then we went to the bookstore, where he wanted a Naruto novel. I think for his birthday I'll get him the first volume and most recent volume of Naruto, as well as a postcard booklet for him to keep postcards in. I'll send him postcards from Japan, so he won't forget me. Then we went to a Bee-keeping class, where I fell asleep. The brat tattled on me! They apparently did an experiment, where you had to look in your partner's eyes, and he raises his hand and says "Teacher, I can't do the experiment because my Aunt fell asleep!" I IMMEDIATELY wake up and say "I'm not asleep!" which of course sends a round of laughter through the class. Even the teacher looked amused. V_V So embarrassing. Then we started the scavenger hunt. Chay wasn't all that interested until we started vandalizing property. We were painting in the tunnel, and he ADORED that.....Makes me a little worried, honestly. Then we went and did an obstacle race with each other. He's adorable, even if he's rude and not very conscientious. V_V I'm really bossy with him too, so I was a little embarrassed in front of my IRC friends. I felt very motherly. *sigh* I should stop being so self-conscious about it. Then we went to the library, where I treated him to coffee and a cookie, while we waited for the Creamery to open. Turns out it isn't open on those days, so we'd wasted our time. But Chay and I got to sit there and talk for a while. Then he had to use the bathroom. It was all the coffee and soda, I just know it. We then walked to Talley and waited for Nana to pick us up. Then we went to Cook-Out and got food. Bf didn't want to join us. *tear* jk. Then I forced her to fill out the FAFSA stuff. It ended up making us both a little late, but I had awesome timing when I called K-chan to see if she'd drive me, since I was so sleep-deprived. She was literally walking out the door, so it was great timing. Except that I had to rush my mom and nephew out of my room then, so we wouldn't be late. V_V I felt bad about that. Then I went Contra Dancing. I always managed to have a partner when I danced, but it was a close call once or twice. I don't really like asking the men to dance, but I dislike sitting out a dance even more. It's so fun, though I've noticed I laughed rather less than I did the first time I went. I like to think I danced better though.

Interesting song that pandora just played for me:


Miyazaki Mood (that’s all)


Which translates roughly to "Troublesome things".

*sigh* I have something to admit. I hate to admit it, and I hate to think of anyone knowing, but .....*dundundun* I'm out of money. I can say I'm 'running low' but that translates to "I've been eating 1 dollar's worth of food each day for lunch in order to still have something to buy food with the next day. I have less than a hundred yen to my name that belongs to me here. I had to borrow money from Ikuchin just to buy a ticket for the train ride home.

See, I thought I would be paid tonight but I wasn't. So I am in some real trouble. I must pay Ikuchin back. And then there's the bank's fee which I was never aware of until I received an email about it when I got here, and a few other 'bills' waiting to be paid. Beyond that, I'm on my own for lunch every day, so it's really troublesome. I'm attempting to find scholarships, grants, jobs, or anything I can do to bring in the money, but I'm not certain what is available. If you know of anything I can do, or where I could go, I'd be extremely happy to hear it. My parents aren't an option.

Beyond that, I'm super tired, and on the verge of making myself sick from the worry. There was this sick moment when I realized tonight that I wasn't being paid tonight, and that I didn't even have the 210 yen necessary to buy a ticket home. (BTW, 1 yen roughly translates to 1 cent) My stomach kind of curdled and I felt like I might throw up if I opened my mouth too much. I refuse to cry, because that won't help anything. Instead, I'm going to look at my options, and figure out what I can do. Any suggestions are appreciated.

*sigh* My class really isn't hard at's just alot of work....I get about 3-6 pages of homework a day. I can do all of that homework within 45-60 minutes, depending on the content. I would say within half an hour, but kanji is infinitely more difficult, so I can't make that claim. I think I'm gonna take a shower and try to relax. Stress makes me so ill, and I really can't afford to be sick right now either. I'm rather mortified that people are going to know I'm broke, so please don't rub it in if you can help it. When I have to admit it to my mom, I can already hear the "See? What was that 'I can make it on my own' talk about? Come home! That's the only money I'll give you!" or something of that nature. How depressing. There's the slight chance she'd react with "My poor baby. We'll send you money, but make a budget, and we'll work something out when you come home next year" but honestly? That's like a 3% chance. So depressing. AUGH! No more depression! I really wanna talk to bf though!!! He's never online when I'm bursting to consult him....whether I'm in America or Japan. ARGH! That's depressing too! That's it! Shower time! Then I'll blog about my week in more political ways on the other blog. :P


I realized how little I post on here lately
I also just realized that on Sunday, not only do I get a movie day with my lust crush, but he will be helping me practice my self defense which means lots of physical I'm suddenly seriously looking forward to the weekend. And I'm dreading it now for the exact same reason.....That sucks.

So today I took a day off. :) Or so I say. What I actually did was:

-Wake up around 10.
-Eat a piece of toast,
-Hang up Ikuchin's laundry and start my own (starting with my bed sheets)
-Take a shower
-Hang some laundry up
-Eat some orange slices and something else
-Get dressed, put make up on
-Try out my new socks and my new heels by going out
-Went to the rental store and picked out 5 movies (Mamma Mia, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Juno, My neighbor Totoro, and Public Enemy)


We didn't do this in order, but this is how it went down: