Saturday, September 10, 2011

My goals from when I was 17: Then and now

Go to Japan: Accomplished.
Get straight As: Working on it
Get into UNC-CH: ....well, I ultimately ended up happy with my runner-up.
Get a job: Funny that, goal then and now. I've had a few though! Yay!
Earn buku mula: .....yeah, about that.....
Stop buying books (DAMNIT): Beyond my $20 shopping that one time since I came back from Japan, I haven't bought any. Proud of me?
Get volunteering done: ...well, yes, I not only got it done, I was invited back last time I went to the library.
Be hired where I'm most appreciated and want to be: Working on it.
Lose weight: I'm happy to say, I have accomplished this goal. :D
Learn more about myself: Considering I have two+ pages of introspections I wrote while in Japan, I'd say I've done well with this goal.
Become a wonderful, honest, upright woman: ....I don't feel qualified to judge.
Take care of the four most important people in my life: (Reading this one made me realize how naive I am. And how many more people I have to consider important now)
Become proud of myself, but not arrogant: I'm apparently leaning towards becoming arrogant, but I've definitely upped my confidence.
Stop hanging my head: Except when jogging on the track, I generally hold my head as high as I can without losing sight of the ground.
Smile at everyone: ....well see.... I did that before I went to Japan. Since coming back..... well, I'm working on it. XP
Try to be less easily discouraged: Sometimes I still am, but if I really want it, I get stubborn. Yay! (My roomie said that for me)
Make beautiful things for the truly beautiful people I love: .......I made some nice paintings for my mommy....? ......Guess this should go on a to-do list.
Help others: I try.....
Make others happy: Yay! I'm told I do, and I should trust those I love, right?
Learn better self-control: ....Nope. Hasn't happened.
Exercise more: ....I just got back from the gym, I do taijutsu weekly, water aerobics twice a week, and walk around with Ke-chan and Maya pretty regularly. I'd say I exercise more.
Stop being a germaphobe: I think I've gotten better about it.
Stop being scared to throw up: I still don't like it, but I'm willing to do it when the pain becomes intolerable.
Get a driver's license: *checks wallet* Yup, I have one. *checks for car* Ooh, I have one of those too!

Thanks to bf and Kei-chan for helping me answer some of these. I wrote this list on 3:15 May 22nd, 2007. Fun stuff, right? What do you all think of it?