Friday, May 29, 2009

Bullets cause I'm tired

-Congrats Rozy!! If you want a break, give me a call. =_=...During the day on Saturday please....I don't know when is safe on Sunday....I'll blog and see.
-I got a job. I start Saturday at 5 pm. Kyoto Express. Best part? They are ACTUALLY run by JAPANESE peeps. It's a rarity. Really, it is. Apparently it's a fast food version of Miyabi's. Amazing. Delicious AND affordable. Sorry. That wasn't a plug. Just a thought.
-I'm going to field day tomorrow. My nephew's. I'm prolly taking my sister with me when I do. I don't know what we're gonna do about the possible rain and baby, but we'll figure it out.
-I might take the kids to a park as well.
-The kids switch houses tomorrow. Mimi is coming here, Chay is going there. I'll prolly be the one doing the switch.
-Mom paid for my gad tank to get filled. Yay.
-I had an iced coffee. CARAMEL iced coffee. Yeeeeeeeeees.
-Learned I get seriously annoyed when people talk on the phone while I'm driving.
-Took a LONG and HOT bath.
-At the end of said bath, poured freezing water over my head, which trickled down.
-Defeated the purpose of my bath.
-Hated myself for a while.
-Started on the pile of books from the library.
-Bought anime.
-Made Chay a bagged lunch.
-Played Wii with Chay. He can't beat me yet. *snicker*
-Love ya'll
-Wanna hear from pineapples. Seriously. I do.
-Wanna hear from babydaddy too. <.< You know...that feels wrong somehow....Maybe cause I watched Jerry Springer and Maury today....

Yeps. That's all I can think of for now.

Song that's been stuck in my head recently and I've found myself liking more:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Snake in the Bush

So....yeah. We had a snake in the bush. I found it when I passed by it on my way in. Told my mom, my nephew freaked out, and my mom sent me over to various neighbors, made me call the police, and still insisted a man handle it. I hate this. I'm female. That does not make me INCOMPETENT! I talked to the policeman, I went around in a dress without shorts on (a VERY rare occurance for me) I talked to men I didn't really know, and she still didn't want to listen to me! She didn't do ANY of those things and still insisted that her idea was better. We ended up using a neighbor's snake-away. Yes, it exists. So, my day:

I got ONE hour of sleep. Yes, There is no mistake. ONE! Then Mom woke me up, asking me to take chance to school. Hellz no. So then she asked me to go and sign him in. Damn. I went, I was mistaken for his mother, I met his assistant teacher, I walked him to class because he wanted me to, and I came back. I was craving a steak biscuit, so mom took us to get gas and biscuits, during which we saw a random dog frolicking in a field dangerously close to the highway. When we went to go home we checked to see if he was still there, but I didn't see him. Mom bitched the whole time about useless checking for useless creatures, but she did it. We came home, I dressed nice, she cleaned up, and we set off to a book store. We went to the book store, a guy tried to pick me up, mom bought me two books, and I turned in a pretty necklace I found on the ground that wasn't broken. When I told mom about the guy, she was like, "Get used to it. It's gonna happen a lot from now on. If you don't want it to happen, you should make bf buy you a promise ring or something." I was like O.o....Hadn't thought of that. We'll discuss it. =_= Honestly, being hit on totally ruins the best places for me. It makes me never want to go back, even if it's my favorite place. ;_; It'll be okay...the guy just happened to notice that I go there alot. ;_; I just....*sob* won't go there alot. At least, not alone.
Then, after that, Mom and I head back home, and nearly home, sis calls, and asks if she can nap at our place cause she won't get any peace at her place. We tell her okay, she comes over, Mom starts a damned useless arguement about something that is totally stupid to fight about after the fact, and she napped. I went and mailed off one of mom's boxes that was 19 lbs. Then I headed to my sis's place to see my other sis. Her damned toy boy was laid up in the bed just chilling, and Mimi was playing on her own, and my sis was cleaning. My brother and my sister had gotten into an argument and my brother has sunk to a new low. He now insults my niece to get to my sister. MY NIECE DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE CALLED A WHORE YOU ASS WIPE!!!!!!! I told him as much, in a nicer way, trying to make him understand. He's fucked up. So's my sister. Hell, the majority of my family is. Sorry. Lots of cussing. My bad. Anyway, I head back home cause I wanted to be back by two so I can call about another job, but of course I didn't get to get that done. >(
So, I wake my sis and take off for the library. Where there is no limit to how much you can check out. *sparkly eyes* I checked out incredible amount of things. I had to be given a bag, basically. I was in heaven. Then I came home.....
My sis and niece and both nephews were there. *sigh* I had to scold Mimi. It was horrid. All I wanted to do was take a long bath. But Chay got that lovely chance. *grits teeth* Whereas I was commissioned to go buy food for my ass wipe brother and the niece that cried because i wouldn't stay the night with her. ALL I WANTED WAS TO EAT AND CLEAN MYSELF AND SLEEP! But nooooo. I needed to help out the family. Then of course, when I got back home the snake incident happened. Then, by the time I finished eating, it was Chay's bed time. So I got chewed out for trying to take a quick shower before he went to bed, when he had been supposed to brush his teeth 15 minutes before! So he brushed his teeth while I showered. Honestly, I'm beyond caring at this point. The amount of time I've been home? A little less than a month. What did I get chewed out for? Making it so that Chay couldn't brush his teeth three times. WHEN DID I HAVE TIME FOR A SHOWER?!?!?!?!?! >.< Argh. It bothered me. THEN mom comes in and tells me to put the food she cooked and ate up before I go to bed. *rolls eyes* It's ridiculous. So now I'm sitting here griping, and getting ready to just fall where I stand. I don't even have the energy to do the Wii like I always do. V_V Wish me luck at my interview tomorrow. I'm too tired to expound on anything else.

Yay for Rozy!

Love the idiot-universe-winning quote. And I find it interesting that most people think you're the most studious. It's prolly cause if you complain about anything, it would be your studies, and they don't see you much cause you're likely in your room watching anime/working/sleeping, so they assume you're studying non-stop. That's my theory anyway. ^_^ Congrats on being the Most Studious!

So, I reread this, and I totally laughed the whole time. All you need to know is that Naruto and Sasuke are rivals/best freinds. Except, in this fic, Naruto is in love with Sasuke....yeah....That 'bout sums it up...STOP STARING AT ME!!!!

10 ways to bag an Uchiha

Way no. 1 involves poetry

“Oh Sasuke, how beautiful are thy feet with shoes!”

“…these are sandals.”

“Yes, but the sentiment is the same. You are truly…well, if hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.”



Way no. 2 involves sharing interests

“Sasuke, do you like chocolate?”


“Me too! And err…kittens?”

“…I don’t really...have any particular feelings towards kittens…”

“Seriously? But they’re really cute and snugly and playful. Kinda like you…”


“…Yeah, I’m sorry, that’s just a lie…excuse me…”

Way no. 3 involves touching

“Phew, that was a long mission…but we got through it! C’mere!”


“…let go off me.”

“Too soon? ...I’m sorry, put the kunai away.”

Way no. 4 involves alcohol


“Thing’s not go according to plan, huh?”

“…no, Kiba…”

“Well, plans involving the Uchiha usually go wrong.”

“…I know…”

“You really should have expected him to be a broody drunk.”


“Were you hoping for Uchiha to be a slutty drunk?”




“Tough break, man”


Way no. 5 involves dancing

“Dance with me Sasuke!”


Way no. 6 involves hard-to-get

“So, Sasuke…are you going to the ramen stand tonight? Not that I care…just asking…”

“…I wasn’t planning on.”

“Oh, I see…well then, I guess I won’t see you there…not that you’ll know what you’re missing.”

“…the ramen?”

“It isdamn good ramen, I have to say. Wait, I had a point…”

Way no. 7 involves an actual bag

“Hey Sasuke, I think there’s some rare scrolls in the bottom of this bag…care to look inside and learn extremely forbidden techniques? They’re really powerful…”

“…Why don’t you look inside?”

“They’re for you! Look inside, real deep…please?”

“…I’m not gonna look inside the bag.”


Way no. 8 involves seduction

“What are all these candles doing here? I can’t sleep with this much light-”

“Sasuke, I-”

“-And what the hell’s that smell? It stinks of flowers-”


“-And why is there a condom on my pillow?”

“You know, I did see Sakura in here earlier…”

Way no. 9 involves chat-ups

“Did it hurt?”


“When you fell from heaven?”

“…does it hurt? Living with only half a brain?”

“…not as much as it hurts living with only half a heart.”

“Good luck with that.”

“Hey, Sasuke…wait! Slow down! You’ve been running through my mind all day! Are you tired? Wait, shit…”

Way no. 10 involves love (kinda)

“Sasuke, I really really like you and I think I like you more than as a friend I mean rival no friend yeah anyway would you go out with me ‘cos I like you and stuff?”


“…what, seriously? Damn Uchiha, you’re easy.”

“…okay, now my answers no.”

“Sasuke, wait! I didn’t mean it as an insult, I’m glad you’re easy; it makes things easier for me! …I’m making it worse, aren’t I?”


“Thought so.”

-Written by Quack says the T-shape

I really think this is incredibly funny.....Is my humor off?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Does being around someone Sadistic foster the creation of a Masochist? Does it run in genes? Is it something made from the mental anguish of a person? I don't know. But damn I wanna. I've started feeling slightly guilty about my niece's masochistic tendencies. Seriously. I mean, I punish her, knowing full well it might make her hate me, and instead she clings to me even more, and loves me 'even more'. I don't get it!!! I'm actually prolly gonna write more on this post tomorrow, but it's 4 am now, and I really want to get to bed.

KAY! I'm back!

Okay, with collegekid's comment, it seems that masochist tendencies are fostered by growing up difficulties (situation nurtured it) and/or genes.

I don't wanna ponder that anymore. It seems useless. She's masochistic, that's all that i can really be sure of.

On another note: I have an interview for a job on Thursday. Yay.

I've been working out on the Wii every day. I'm so sore....I just wanna keel over. Note to self: Don't go driving after punching a bag for 8 minutes. My arms huuuuurt.

Today, I got lost. I used my GPS to try to find a Used book store. Turns out, the book store is closed. I get all topsy turvy confused. Take off the GPS and just find my way to a familiar Book store. Yes, I had my GPS and I still got lost. V_V

I'm going to another book store with Mom tomorrow. YAYS! Maybe she'll buy me books...*drools* I gotsta get to bed soon so I can get up in time.

On a new note: Rozy, I'm watching Detective Loki! I'm starting the 4th volume as soon as i get back to it. (Meaning, it's too late for me tonight, but I'll prolly watch more tomorrow) Is there any romance at all? *frown* I rather feel like Pink-haired girl is in the way. Hang in there! Lemme know about any events. I may drive up. ^_^

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I don't wanna change mine. I changed this one to suit me already. But HOW did bf make his look like that? I only have like 10 templates to choose from...And I don't see a 'customize' thing.
I cringe when I read the mistakes I make in my blog sometimes.
BF's blog looks awesome now.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Which is sorta like 'welcome' for me. 'Parrantly Rozy and I have a new reader. ^_^ Nice to meet you. I looked at your blog. Thank you for reading. Feel free to keep reading. (That sounds so arrogant....*Cries*)

I forgot, so I will backtrack. YESTERDAY! I got A TATTOO! A rose heart with blue wings and my initials in between the wings. My sissie said (when I showed her) That it suited me perfectly. ^_^ It's really pretty.

So, today~! *Bends over and happily just pretends it hasn't happened and never will repeat*
-Woke up at 2:30 pm after listening to my phone ring at random times all morning. Callers? 1.My sister, 2.Blood Donors association that sounded like an eager mosquito licking its lips for my blood, 3.P.P.Peer Mentor's person calling about why my GPA isn't up to snuff. Lovely. Really. 4.....Who WAS that...? You get the point.
-I go to the bathroom. While USING said bathroom, mom comes in, "You busy?" ....KINDA!.... "Well, I need you to go pick up every child related to you that you can find at your sister's house and bring them here. The girls are fighting." The girls=My 20-something sisters. Fighting? Why, yes. And they fight DIRTY. Mainly cause they both know the entirety of each other and how to best screw each other up. This is why I get so quiet.....I don't WANNA be exploited. Them? They BEG for it. *sigh* Sorry, got side-tracked. Anyways,
-Got my tattoo all cleaned up and moisturized, then stuck a shirt on it. Bleh.
-Got dressed, left.
-Got to sibling's house, found out the mother had no idea her kid was s'posed to be kidnapped. *sigh* Was ordered to be a spy on standby, waiting for action and reporting the progress of said actions before reporting to the mothership of Mother. (really hate that, btw. If she wants to know, she needs to leave the darned house.)
-Played with the happy baby that laughs when I laugh. He's really so adorable and sweet.
-Decided to go to the bookstore.
-Got lonely, pulled over, called up a freind, picked up said freind.
-Stopped at McD's, got hot cocoa and some sorta sandwich for broke freind.
-Went to book store, couldn't find anything worthwhile.
-Ate a brownie. Oreo brownie. Yum.
-Went to BnN instead. (Another book store)
-When we pulled in, my phone rang. My sis wanted to know if I was free to take her to the hospital. She thought she may have broken her hand. From hitting the wall. In anger. Because of aforementioned fight. Yeah. REAL mature.
-Canceled my plans with freind, took her home, picked up sis, ate dinner there.
-Took Ninny home. (Did not sign up for all of that! They put my in a corner, like I'm gonna be a bad guy if I don't.)
-Took sis and niece to hospital. STILL don't know why we took a 5 yr old to a hospital for 5 hours when she could have been left with my other sister.
-Went to Waffle House (sis was sposed to work tonight. She got excused from work til Friday by medical peeps.) so sis could turn in her paper note thing. Then, we ate there. Sis had said she was starved, but I had to bully her to eat. And act more like a mother to Mimi than her own mother did. Some of the waitresses didn't even doubt that Mimi was mine. *shrug* I'm used to it by now.
-Took them home, made sister spill her side of what happened.
-Came home, called bf, spouted off about my day.
-Realized I couldn't shower since everyone else is in bed.
-Came and blogged.

Yeah, that was my day. Oh, I also bought cigarrettes for my sis. And got carded. The guy was like, "How old are you?" -19. "Do you have your I.D. with you? It's policy." *shows* "Okay, have a nice day!" *leer* booooo. I got looked at all pervertedly.

Right now I'm 'helping' bf pick out a new layout for his blog. By 'helping' I mean I am complaining about how horrible and gross it is and telling him to kill it. Being mean is SO fun. .....Now I can't post this until he picks one I can't complain about. Darn....

I can hardly believe I really got a tattoo....I can see it when I look at my shoulder, just a bit. It's really big considering I wanted like a 2inx2in one.

CONGRATS pineapples!!! ^_^ I'm sorry all your tests weren't the best, but at least you did awesome in two for sure. I'm positive you'll do great. Heehee.

Rozy: .....wuv you. Hang in there. Call me if you need to. Or want to. You know. Just sayin'. I'm here. OR at least, if I'm on the road, I WILL call you back. You know. Just in case.

BF: Thank you for coming home. Now come see me! And change that darned layout. It's bleffy.

Should I change my layout? *frown* I like mine.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Watched Robot Chicken. NEVER AGAIN!!!!

Rozy: Love the quote. Your week sounds packed. Hopefully you're more responsible than I am and have begun preparations where possible. ^_^ You have my support the whole way, and it's never a waste of time for me to read about you. I'll get to editing....soon. I have a few writers asking now, and honestly, I'm just lazy right now. ^_^;

Today you ever get into fights with other ppl, then a little while later you interact and it's like nothing happened, but you're both still rather pissed so the convo is short? That was mom and i today. She called me a bitch when she didn't come and see what my diagnostic was for the game equipment. I obviously worked on it. It's her own damn fault for spouting her mouth off about useless assholes that didn't do a damn thing when I obviously did shit. There's usually a REASON when I don't finish something. grrrrr. Lots of cussing. I know.

Thunder cake. Don't ever try it. Mom and Chay made it today. Ugh.

Yesterday I fell out and missed bf's call. It was amazing. Apparently mom came in my room yelling and I didn't even wake up. Then everyone (children included) came over this morning for a long time and I still didn't even wake up. I slept til 3. All-nighters are NOT to be taken lightly. Pheeeeew.

I have a headache from one of two things. Lack of sleep again (not all that likely) or staring at my compie screen from 6 pm til 2 am. Wow. Didn't realize I'd been in my room that long. Speaking of, I should clean. I have to jump from one place to another in here. That's pretty bad.

I'm wondering if I should go visit S&M. My junies seem rather depressed lately. It's awkward though. So is that word. Why is it "aw-k-ward" and not "ack-ward". Two 'w's in one word is weird.

Yeah, my mind is jumping around. Sorry.

Bf'll be back in the state in a few days. I sorta look forward to it, but it seems like there's some pressure to meet up with him when he's finally so close.

I keep tensing up. I need to chill.

I want a job. I REALLY want a job. *sigh* I honestly need some serious money.

I wanna watch anime, but at the same time, I never do. It's weird.

I'm going to bed.

Friday, May 15, 2009

I broke my diet TOO much.....ugh

So now I'm feeling sick. Bleh.

Rozy: Keep trying to keep to your goal! Once you slip up, it's hard to get back on track! =_= My diet is proving that.... I hope you don't get overloaded. Good for you to keep trying to get ahead~!

Okies, sorry, just read her blog, so had to comment. My compie just restarted, so I lost my train of thought. I've run around (read: driven) so much that I've reached the 300 miles mark. Yes, I have driven 300 miles. Just in my own car. But mostly to take my niece around. *sigh* OMGOSH! Is bf EVER gonna update? He's been online like 3 times since that damned Lion King post. I'm getting a little hungry, so I'm considering going to Waffle House to see my sis and get some food. But I feel sick because I've eaten mostly just sugar for the last two days....Hnnnnn....

TJ was keeping me company, but he just abandoned me. Oh, and btw, Friday (yesterday technically) was bf and my's anniversary. Happy Anniversary. He's not here.....But it's okay. I got tons of ice cream from my family....and played outside a lot....and slept a good portion as well. ^_^ To be vague and make it sound like a good day. To be honest, it's been just a bad day, one that I don't really wanna retell about. So I won't.

Also, note to pineapples: You should update too....It makes me happy. *pout* I think that'll be all for me. I'm heading to Waffle House to visit my sis. I think I need food. Love yas,

(It's old, but I feel like hearing it)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Going over to the sibling houuuuurse, the sibling house, the sibling hooooooouse!

(Done to the tune of 'Mary had a little lamb')

So, I just thought I would say, for the past few days, I have been looking for jobs, taking my neice to parks, going to the library with my brother (and niece) and basically doing running for my mom on the side. It only costs 10 bucks to fill my tank from half empty. That is amazing. I've nearly driven 200 miles. That is also amazing.

I'm heading to my sis's for the night, so I wont have internet or anything else. I don't mind, but I thought I'd give a heads up. ^_^ Hope ya'll can find some joy in your days. I'm gonna try to work on watching the "Mythical Detective LOKI Ragnarok" that I've been dying to see but been running around too much to do. Love ya'lls, miss yalls, Bye byes~!

On a side note: I'm gonna break my diet tonight and eat some serious chocolate ice cream. >.<

Monday, May 11, 2009


HELLS YES PEEPS I DID! And I went to the bookstore, and got back home in 16 minutes flat. GOING THE SPEED LIMIT AND STOPPING AT RED LIGHTS! (Takes mom around 30-45 minutes to get there and she speeds) Oh yeah, I rock! *Dances*

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Well....I really guess I should post....

So lately my mom has been sick because of her medicine, I've been sick off and on without an apparent reason, and we both want to just STOP this diet we're on. But that would be giving up, and I don't want to! (Give up, that is. Stopping the diet would be awesome) Every time I stop to write a blog post, I feel like I should clean my room, cause even I can't walk in it right now. So excuse me, I'll do that, then take a shower, then call my baby. Which I've really wanted to do all day....<.<....>.>

-Bought mom two globes. One from me, and one from the grandkids
-Pulled an all-nighter, and cleaned the entire house. It was spotless. I could count on one hand the things I missed
-Made her breakie yummy (while following diet restrictions)
-Answered Papa's call this morning and gave it to her (she was getting up)
-Burned candles so the whole house smelled good
-Cooked Italian chicken to go with a dinner that followed our rules and was still nummy --(No one ended up eating anything I made except me and mom)
-Took my cousin to get HER mother a birthday gift. It took nearly 3 hours.
-Recleaned the hoise after everyone left
-Made her tea and a salad
-Watched a good movie with her (Bad Boys. I had just wanted to see that)
*I plan to give her a bubble bath and then massage her, but I may not last that long.
*I mowed the lawn for her yesterday

Phew. I am TIRED. I'm ready to go to sleep, but I'm waiting til 10 30 so I can call bf. It'll be 7 30 there then, so I feel like that's a good time to call. What's someone doing at 7 30, y'know?

I'm supposed to get my license tomorrow. If I pass the test. I don't know. I'll do my best.


Rozy: I'm so happy that your week ended on such high notes! ^_^ Thanks for the comments on my grades. I'll try to make it to your graduation, but I'm also trying to get a job....>.> So I don't know what the hours would be.....

Pineapples: Good luck on your finals! I'm happy for your sis, but I think they took the tuition away....would she still want to go? And I'm working on that best of the year blog, but I can only think of three things that were amazing this sad....

Baby Daddy: Do you even read my blog? Just wondering. I'm sorry your parents are dumb. Honestly, that's sorta how I feel about ppl that don't use positive reinforcement, just to be clear. I'm SOOOO relieved I'm not the only one that looks at an adorable baby and wants one. AND that when looking at said babe, thinks about what developmental stage she/he's at. I've done that SOOOOO much, and it drives me crazy. lol. ^_^

college kid: you.

New Note: So, I've been thinking about my future. What can I do with this degree that I'm designing? It designed to make me a pretty clear expert in Japanese culture and language. This seems perfect if I want to live over there and teach, but I want to marry and have babies and live close to my family (as in close than a 14 hour flight). I don't know what to do. I could always just stay as a psychology major and keep an avid interest in Japan....I need a stable job and lifestyle if I want children. I mean, I don't want them immediately after college or anything. Honestly, I just....don't know what will become of my future. And that's worrisome. I think I'll go talk to my mom if she's still up. She always has good points. My beloved call to bf will....*sob* have to wait.....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oh, my, goodness.

My Grades:

ENG 101 Acad Writing Rsch B-
FLJ 202 Interm Japanese II C
FLJ 204 Interm Jap II Conv C
FLS 102 Element Spanish II U
PE 242 Badminton S
REL 334 Japanese Religions D+

Oh my gooooooooosh. I can't believe I got a D+ in Religion. My exam grades in that class were poor, true, but I participated in class, I did the homework, and I understood just about everything he taught....*cries* I can't tell my mom my grades.... I don't know what to do.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So....I prolly won't be blogging much. I've gotten myself sick. *sigh* My stomach hurts, I'm constantly nauseous, and my headache eases but does not disappear. It hurts to stand for very long, and honestly? I think I'm headed to my room to wear myself out with manga and fall asleep. *sigh* Have fun with your parents Rozy. I like that quote about he who laughs last. bf is out of town with no surety of being able to get in touch with me, so I'm gonna go charge my phone. Whoot. My GPA is like 2.34. I'm sorta pathetic. I'm waiting on one more grade. I hope it bumps it back up.

Now, he was as hard as a petrified tree.

He glowered down at his own erection, defying him with a stout jut between his legs. He rumbled a deep growl low in his throat and pointed an accusing finger at his mini-man tent. “Down!” he demanded. “Right now!”

Disobedient jerk.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Driving me.....


My mother, who wants us to start a diet for her health, gets pissy at me because others want to spend time with me, and it has been less than 24 hours, and she has already exerted her authority to threaten to take my car from me. ALREADY! Because I wanted to go to the grocery store or WALMART which is like 5 minutes away! FUC* THIS!!!!! I wanted to get my test so I can have my license so that she'll fuck off and I can have the car in my name and get her the hell away from what is supposed to be mine! My sister nearly got raped by her 'boyfreind' last night because she 'wouldn't give him any' and now she's considering staying with him? Hella naw! I've got problems up the sky from my family. Nin's running Cin around, Kris is ready to kick Cin out because of her boy, and no one is working hard to get along at all. No one takes what I SUGGEST seriously, but when it comes down to it, there's tons of things I can do to make them listen to me. I just need a little bit of this and that....

I'm not feeling well lately. My stomach hurts often, and I'm always tired. I'm really sore, and I have a ton of stuff to do. First on the list! Finding a job! BAM isn't doing interviews right now.... *cries* I really wanted that job, and I thought they wanted me... waaaaaaaaaaah

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I'll update this more later, but I wanted to put htis awesome quote I created up here. Copyright of MEEE!

"How would you feel about yourself if you just stopped trying? Would you be proud? Or regretful? BEcause the only person you can't live without is yourself. And if you don't like yourself, it's a damn hard life."

Japanese speaky Peeps, this song will interest you: