Thursday, May 14, 2009

Going over to the sibling houuuuurse, the sibling house, the sibling hooooooouse!

(Done to the tune of 'Mary had a little lamb')

So, I just thought I would say, for the past few days, I have been looking for jobs, taking my neice to parks, going to the library with my brother (and niece) and basically doing running for my mom on the side. It only costs 10 bucks to fill my tank from half empty. That is amazing. I've nearly driven 200 miles. That is also amazing.

I'm heading to my sis's for the night, so I wont have internet or anything else. I don't mind, but I thought I'd give a heads up. ^_^ Hope ya'll can find some joy in your days. I'm gonna try to work on watching the "Mythical Detective LOKI Ragnarok" that I've been dying to see but been running around too much to do. Love ya'lls, miss yalls, Bye byes~!

On a side note: I'm gonna break my diet tonight and eat some serious chocolate ice cream. >.<

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