Monday, May 18, 2009

Watched Robot Chicken. NEVER AGAIN!!!!

Rozy: Love the quote. Your week sounds packed. Hopefully you're more responsible than I am and have begun preparations where possible. ^_^ You have my support the whole way, and it's never a waste of time for me to read about you. I'll get to editing....soon. I have a few writers asking now, and honestly, I'm just lazy right now. ^_^;

Today you ever get into fights with other ppl, then a little while later you interact and it's like nothing happened, but you're both still rather pissed so the convo is short? That was mom and i today. She called me a bitch when she didn't come and see what my diagnostic was for the game equipment. I obviously worked on it. It's her own damn fault for spouting her mouth off about useless assholes that didn't do a damn thing when I obviously did shit. There's usually a REASON when I don't finish something. grrrrr. Lots of cussing. I know.

Thunder cake. Don't ever try it. Mom and Chay made it today. Ugh.

Yesterday I fell out and missed bf's call. It was amazing. Apparently mom came in my room yelling and I didn't even wake up. Then everyone (children included) came over this morning for a long time and I still didn't even wake up. I slept til 3. All-nighters are NOT to be taken lightly. Pheeeeew.

I have a headache from one of two things. Lack of sleep again (not all that likely) or staring at my compie screen from 6 pm til 2 am. Wow. Didn't realize I'd been in my room that long. Speaking of, I should clean. I have to jump from one place to another in here. That's pretty bad.

I'm wondering if I should go visit S&M. My junies seem rather depressed lately. It's awkward though. So is that word. Why is it "aw-k-ward" and not "ack-ward". Two 'w's in one word is weird.

Yeah, my mind is jumping around. Sorry.

Bf'll be back in the state in a few days. I sorta look forward to it, but it seems like there's some pressure to meet up with him when he's finally so close.

I keep tensing up. I need to chill.

I want a job. I REALLY want a job. *sigh* I honestly need some serious money.

I wanna watch anime, but at the same time, I never do. It's weird.

I'm going to bed.


Hongy Boi said...

HAHAHHA! Thats so lol man. I wonder where you get these crack up stories. Keep up the good work. I'll always enjoy reading!

Runa said...

;_; These stories are my daily life events....