Friday, October 14, 2016

I'm an adult! Hear me roar!

TJ came to visit us today. We haven't seen each other in years, and his voice has gotten deeper and softer, so he has to be fairly close to hear him speak. But he's still just as engaging and ready to help as ever, and his sense of humor is still similar to mine, which is a relief, because Hubby and MJ don't share my humor much. Originally I thought he was coming at 3, but Hubby needed more time at his experiment before he could go to lunch with me, so I pushed TJ back to 4, then he texted and said he'd be about 4:30. Turns out he didn't anticipate traffic, so he didn't show until after 5, and while I was waiting for him to get here, I did nervous cleaning, including putting up the Halloween Door Cover I bought, putting a plastic cover on the table in the back porch (no chairs yet, except one I bought for Mummsy who didn't show), stacking boxes, sweeping the front porch, putting out the recycling, and clearing up all the stuff that's been set on my desk. I also had time to put Maya's cat collar (flea and tick protection yay!) on her, and give her a catnip toy for my amusement. While I waited I was thinking with amusement about our nosy neighbors, and how they always have their blinds open, their little boy is staring out the window, and they seem to watch our house whenever we leave or come home. I imagined them having a heart attack seeing me invite an unknown man into the house while my husband isn't home, and entertained the idea they would automatically assume I was having an affair. Realistically though, Hubby was home within 20 minutes of TJ getting here, and I don't know about you, but I would be PISSED if my sex time was limited to 20 minutes of fun, plus shower (shower obviously needed). So I don't think they would think of that. Oh well, it was amusing to imagine what they would do. We made chicken curry for dinner, and of course TJ joined us. I felt bad about making him help us cook, but he says he's been cooking a lot lately, and offered to help. So I put him and Hubby to work in the kitchen with me, and the cooking went by a lot faster because of the entertaining conversation. MJ is intimidated by TJ, but also I think, a little attracted, because she tried hard to impress him during the conversations, and I think it's funny. At one point we were talking about farts, and I mentioned hers, and she shot me such a look that I nearly laughed out loud. She's fun to tease. I ended up showing TJ my Sailor Moon Drops game on my phone, because it's addicting and I wanted to whine about how Hubby (who even now could be on my computer, but has instead chosen to play on my phone) keeps stealing my phone to play it, and draining the battery so it has to be charged every day. I changed the blanket in our bedroom with Hubby's help because he stole the blankets last night, and I genuinely didn't get warm until he got up for work because of it. Now we have a warm, King sized fluffy duvet covering our bed, and I'm surprised by how pretty it looks and how it matches the walls (this is an old blanket we haven't used since TX because it's so thick and warm and we just didn't need it last year). I think that's it for now. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

After the flood

Good evening Everyone, Welcome to a new episode of 'Talk loudly outside the restroom about Runa using it to stress her out!' In this episode, we face talk of needing to brush teeth, wanting to go to bed, and some mumbled nonsense that is supposedly important for Runa to know. When? Of course, only when she's in the bathroom!On a serious note, I recognize we're the only parents of the group right now. I realize it obviously can be tiresome to read about our hellion and her antics. I do try to think of other topics to talk about, and actually come up with some fairly philosophical ideas, but generally have two reasons not to post them: 1. My computer keyboard isn't working, so I need Hubby's whenever I want to post, and 2. I rarely get comments on my posts, and even more rarely do they address any questions I ask, so I end up feeling frustrated and my serious queries ignored.If you would like an example of things I've been thinking heavily on lately: 1. The racism and hopefully anti-LGBT mindset that is currently tearing at our country are very much temporary. 2. Social development is essential, but does it harm a child more to raise them in approving isolation with few associates, or to send them to a large pool of various beliefs and risk not only public ridicule but possible bullying development in themselves and others. 3. Where does the bullying mindset come from? Is it something we need to stamp out of children, or is it something to be redirected into more positive uses? 4. How does the mental and psychological health of a person show in the body, and can you use that to provide mental and physical therapy at the same time, or would it be counter-productive? 5. How do I get in touch with a psychologist that could pursue future research into the effects of massage on the mental and psychological self with me?These are thoughts that I have been thinking of for weeks, and I feel mentally stopped up because I can't type them out. It requires taking my poor Hubby's computer, and that makes me feel really guilty. Which isn't very conducive to good writing in the first place, but I also feel these serious topics that I genuinely want to have discussions regarding will either be ignored, or given a sweet message/comment showing it was read, but not providing the reader's thoughts to help me further develop my own. Those discussions were what I thought blogging was about, in the beginning. Well, that and basically creating a public diary. It's why I named my blog 'Epiphanies and Quotes'. I haven't done much quoting lately, but I do try to tell about my epiphanies before I lose them.