Thursday, October 13, 2016

After the flood

Good evening Everyone, Welcome to a new episode of 'Talk loudly outside the restroom about Runa using it to stress her out!' In this episode, we face talk of needing to brush teeth, wanting to go to bed, and some mumbled nonsense that is supposedly important for Runa to know. When? Of course, only when she's in the bathroom!On a serious note, I recognize we're the only parents of the group right now. I realize it obviously can be tiresome to read about our hellion and her antics. I do try to think of other topics to talk about, and actually come up with some fairly philosophical ideas, but generally have two reasons not to post them: 1. My computer keyboard isn't working, so I need Hubby's whenever I want to post, and 2. I rarely get comments on my posts, and even more rarely do they address any questions I ask, so I end up feeling frustrated and my serious queries ignored.If you would like an example of things I've been thinking heavily on lately: 1. The racism and hopefully anti-LGBT mindset that is currently tearing at our country are very much temporary. 2. Social development is essential, but does it harm a child more to raise them in approving isolation with few associates, or to send them to a large pool of various beliefs and risk not only public ridicule but possible bullying development in themselves and others. 3. Where does the bullying mindset come from? Is it something we need to stamp out of children, or is it something to be redirected into more positive uses? 4. How does the mental and psychological health of a person show in the body, and can you use that to provide mental and physical therapy at the same time, or would it be counter-productive? 5. How do I get in touch with a psychologist that could pursue future research into the effects of massage on the mental and psychological self with me?These are thoughts that I have been thinking of for weeks, and I feel mentally stopped up because I can't type them out. It requires taking my poor Hubby's computer, and that makes me feel really guilty. Which isn't very conducive to good writing in the first place, but I also feel these serious topics that I genuinely want to have discussions regarding will either be ignored, or given a sweet message/comment showing it was read, but not providing the reader's thoughts to help me further develop my own. Those discussions were what I thought blogging was about, in the beginning. Well, that and basically creating a public diary. It's why I named my blog 'Epiphanies and Quotes'. I haven't done much quoting lately, but I do try to tell about my epiphanies before I lose them. 


college kid said...

Feel free to use my computer any time. I will just watch Dexter on Netflix on your computer. Or find something else to entertain myself.

I don't think Mia was intentionally trying to make you feel bad about using the restroom. She was just using you as an excuse for why she couldn't finish her chores (and therefore trying to indirectly make the case that it wasn't fair for me to withhold her going to bed because I couldn't check her chores). I do think that you may have overreacted, but I honestly didn't hear the whole conversation so I don't know what happened or what was said. But I also think its important for Mia to learn patience and managing her time better. Like she could have brushed her teeth before the last minute. But this is Mia we are talking about, so its unlikely her habits are going to change that quickly unless its pointed out to her.

Blogs are for getting your thoughts out. It is really nice to get comments, but I think its setting yourself up for disappointment if you expect them. I comment when I feel I have something to contribute or something I find interesting to say. I guess I write more for myself than for others, although I admit that I would like more comments too. But sometimes its hard to write a response to certain types of posts, like ones that have content that you and I have already talked about, or posts purely about your day and not much else. Sometimes I think readers just don't have a comment because its more of a factual thing. I'm not saying you do this in particular, but there are posts I've read from all of us that are pretty much matter of fact and I struggle to come up with something to say.

Caitlin said...

I'll try to comment on your questions. It's hard sometimes because when epiphanies don't line up (which I think is generally the case when you're not spending all your time with the person), it's harder to have many thoughts on those topics.

First, I love reading about your baby. I think it's so cool that I get to learn what it's like to be adoptive parents to a teenage daughter, and experience I will probably never have.

1. I think it's temporary in that I think things generally get better over time. Not that it's monotonically increasing, more that it's like the stock market, it generally goes up but not without having huge downswings.
2. Depends. I'm not really sure what to make of this question. But I do think a lot of experiences that people say toughen a kid up are actually very harmful.
3. I've read that kids of average popularity are the biggest bullies. Popular kids don't need to bully to get more social rank, and unpopular kids won't gain any by bullying.
4. There are plenty of ill physical health effects caused by stress. Ulcers, insomnia. It's not counterproductive to treat both at the same time, whole body and mind wellness is important.
5. Use Psychology Today and read their bios. There are plenty of therapists who like to incorporate yoga and healthy eating and stuff into their mental health therapy.