Thursday, May 29, 2014


I promised I would blog when it came through. I am now officially able to work on others and make a profit. And, incidentally, my boss was fed up with waiting for the license and was going to have me start on Friday. Now I can legally do it! I was sooooo worried about it, but now I don't have to! I didn't even know how worried I was until I had the burst of joy and relief at finding out that my license came in TEN DAYS. They estimate 2-4 weeks, normally. And the first classmate to finish and complete his stuff was still waiting for his, 23 days after submitting it.
I'll admit, since he's a vicious little bastard, I am quite smug to get my license so quickly when he's been stuck waiting on his for so long. I SHOULDNT be so mean, but I am. Also? My grades were AWESOME. My lowest grade was actually an 87 in pathology; considering how ill the pathology classes made me, I'm okay with that. All others were 90 and above, and my actually internship was a flat 100. That's fifty hours of paperwork and massages that they found ZERO bit of fault with. That makes me incredibly happy.
On another note: I'm sure hubby will mention this, but he had a phone interview with someone from VA, and it sounds quite promising. A population of 24,000 sounds absolutely heavenly after this city of 800,000. I am super excited about possibly moving to a nice quiet city, but I'm equally upset at having to tell my employers that I won't be sticking around for more than a few months. This situation is exactly why I didn't want to apply to any jobs. But, we could use the money, and I could use the practice, so beyond this, I won't complain.
As for court, they did NOT receive the ICPC, and we were contacted the same day to go get fingerprinting done by the FBI. Damnit. They also rescheduled court for July 2nd, so we will NOT have a little ten year old until at least then. My sister wants to push the court to meet as soon as they get the ICPC order so we get the little one as soon as possible, but frankly, if she's happy where she is, we're happy to wait to get her until we're settled. I can't believe how pushy and demanding my sister is being about getting us to take her babe before the courts decide in our favor. In her emails she often vacillates between "I'm so sorry to put both of your lives on hold for this" (Which is nonsense ANYWAY because life goes on, we just have new circumstances) and "You're gonna get the coolest kid, sans baby diapers and potty training" (which is EQUALLY ridiculous because I changed her diapers and helped potty train her, as well as dealt with peed sheets (that I was sleeping in) when it failed). I have to say, I can definitely see signs of bipolar madness from her just by reading the emails. Not that I love her any less, simply that I feel vindicated for thinking my family is crazy.
Ah, I forgot this tidbit: my mom is hiding that she possibly has cancer from me. She's been getting testing done for cancer, and something came back positive. I have heard none of this from the person in question, damnit. She should know better than to hide things from me, and yet she does. So now I have to subtly prod it out of her without condemning my sources like a damn politician. Actually, I vaguely delight it catching people out on things like this, so I think I'll make an excellent mom.
This reminds me of the time when I admitted to my mom about trying marijuana. I was laying with my head in her lap and admitted it. She said she already knew, but she appreciate my telling her. I then proceeded to admit to three other unnamed misdeeds. She knew of one of the others already, but not the other two. She appreciated my honesty, and I didn't get punished. Life was good. That's the kind of mom I wanna be.
So why won't SHE tell ME about her cancer??? It feels good to get stuff off your chest. And she knows she can trust me. Why do I have to hear about it from other people?!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I feel like I just blogged

but apparently that was over a week ago. Time certainly flies. So for your intellectual growth, here's a video:

I think the talk is very interesting, but I also feel that it's a little too centered on males harming females. Females harm males and control them, and yes, even rape them. I have control issues, and I feel badly about it. I do my best to control myself and keep from trying to control Hubby. After the 13 and a half mark, his ideas get very, very interesting. I really think Caitlec will find it worth watching, even if Hubby wasn't interested. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on it.

Its certainly true that it takes a lot of courage and strength to stand up and say 'That's not cool.' If you're a leader, it's so much easier, because you already have power and can use that previous respect to enforce your protest, whereas the common Joe can be challenged, broken down, and if it comes to a fight: If he loses, it's automatically accepted that his protest was wrong. The winner writes history, right? Well, if all the ones protesting lose their battles, it becomes seen as 'the losers barking'.

There IS value in that though. Even if it only leaves a question simmering in the bystanders' minds later, it's done some good. It may do nothing more than give others a vague feeling of unease later when someone makes a similar derogatory comment, but that's progress. What leaves someone uneasy often doesn't continue to be popular with that person. So it's a much slower movement than say, the leaders beating it into their followers heads that ______ isn't cool. But still, it's progress.

I do wonder though, if people realize that equality is impossible. There's constant nuances to every person and every situation that leaves one person with an advantage over the other. Sure, right now ppl are focusing on race and gender. It used to be social class. Before that, it was ancestry. And before even that, prowess with a weapon. So the equality that people keep yelling for is a double-edged blade and a pipe dream. I'm a woman and yeah, I'm likely to get slammed for this but: I don't want to be treated simply equally. I have different inner workings. I go through issues no male can truly understand without a sex change and LOTS of hormonal therapy. Likewise, males have mysteries I will never understand. I'm not sure I really want to. So my personal pipe dream is this: Give respectful consideration to each person and their personal dreams/issues/problems/responsibilities. Your PMS is probably not exactly like mine. Your GBE is also not exactly like mine. So we should observe each other and give due consideration and help that is needed/appreciated. It's like, I LOVE that Hubby realized I drink extreme amounts of water right before I start my period. Even *I* didn't know that about myself. Therefor, when I start drinking a lot, he's the first to notice, refill my glass, offer me his own, and sometimes just mentioning it to me helps me to realize, oh he's right, I'm constantly thirsty. I'll grab some extra water bottles. That's helpful, observant, and something we both only do/notice BECAUSE I'm a woman. On the opposite end, I notice when Hubby is stressed and wants a cuddle, usually even before HE realizes it (This doesn't mean I always oblige, just that I usually already know before he asks). I make him delicious food, I hug him, and I play with his hair and insist he take breaks with me, BECAUSE he's mine, and it's a mystery of him that he doesn't realize how much he needs those breaks until he's taken one.

Hm. I want sushi.

This video is seriously fun. I didn't think so at first. At first, it just seemed strange. But then I watched it a few times and began to notice the expressions, the body language, and just in general, the attitude of the 'dancers'. There's also quite a lot of attractive eye candy, which doesn't hurt.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog

....I'm giving it a chance. I'm trying to...... Here, you try it too.....

..............I'm..... not too impressed. I mean, it's okay. It's a little more interesting than I anticipated. "Crazy random happenstance".....riiiiiight. It got better around 25 minutes in. Well, that was easier to watch than I thought it would be. It's only three episodes totaling 42 minutes. Wow. What a way to have 'killed' someone. I liked Penny. Too bad. I thought it was a big long series, not less than an hours worth of watching. Hm. It's a little sad.

Around the end, Maya decided to claw my foot, and got her claw stuck in my sock instead. She struggled for a while. Then she got smart, switched the direction she was tugging in, and pulled free. Then cried piteously at Hubby, like he was gonna do something to punish big bad Runa. ;) He looked at her and was just 'What? I'm not gonna do anything.'

I really need to transplant my vines. I'm growing zucchini and squash and really need to get them in a bigger container so they can let their roots grow.

Heheheh. "I will end you." I've been threatened that way before, and I've probably used it as well.

I think that's it. Thanks for posting, those who have! Also, I congratulated 'Little Lu' on FB, but I figure I may as well send out a 'Congrats' on here as well. Yaaaaay!! You made it! Your long wavy hair is soooo cute!! Good job!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Happy Mothers Day!! :) In the spirit of Mothers Day, I read about Breadwinner Mothers in this article. I think the statistics are interesting, but I seriously wonder how 'random' a random survey is.

So... we skyped with my mother in law today. There were a lot of awkward silences and times where hubby just cuddled into me and wouldn't contribute to the conversation. I don't mind when there's something to talk about, but when I'm scrambling for a topic, damnit, HELP ME. I'm NOT the most social person out there. I really struggle and stress over trying to talk to someone, especially if its not someone I would personally choose to call.

I tried to skype my mom twice, but I didn't call. I really should have, but she's moving everyone this weekend, and I don't really wanna distract from that. I also don't want to piss her off by calling too much. Oh, to explain the moving: She's moving my brother into her trailer (that she owns, including the land it's on), and moving her sister from said trailer to my brother's trailer/apartment. She can't continue to pay both family's bills, so she's choosing her son over her sister, who she's supported for at least the last four years. He's always been meant to move into that trailer anyway. It's in her will and everything.

I read a book today. It's called 'Carrier of the Mark' and it was interesting. Not at all what I was expecting, but totally surprising in its Irish/magic/Druid/betrayal stuff going on. There's a volume after it that I didn't know about, so now I have to read that one. *sigh* I picked it because I thought it was a stand-alone.

Baby showers.... I would love to have one when I get pregnant. Here's some cool baby shower ideas. I cringe at the baby poop idea though. That's just gross.

I saw this on Facebook tonight. It's pretty cute:

This is rather fascinating, and makes the bunny look like its wearing lipstick. *staaaaares*

My knee REALLY hurts. So does my butt, my lower back, my arms, and my feet. If you would like to know why: I did 20 dips facing forward and backward in the pool, I did a few laps using different styles, I dove for quarters a good number of times, and I did a dance/workout video twice to the song 'Dark horse'. I did it to the video below, but I think I like the original(?) creator's better (Her name is Jessica). The original(?) is more clear, and clean-cut. I got a little disoriented with this one. But I dare you all to do this video to the end. I was TIRED.

Friday, May 9, 2014


So I took my MBLEx last night and..... passed it! My classmate that took it right after me didn't though... I felt bad for her. After she told me, I saw our old instructor, and pulled him aside to mention it to him. I thought he might be able to do something, or make himself available for her. She's taking it again in a week or two. Poor woman. I offered to study with her before, but she chose not to. She has two kids, so she said she'd rather spend the time with them. I know they're important, but so is her passing, so *shrug*.

This song is interesting. It surprises me a little because of the singers. It's not their typical music type. Correction for the lyrics: It's 'I'll stand up WITH you forever' not 'for'. That makes the lyrics so much sweeter.

Compare it, if you will to:

Same band, different types of music. I like both, honestly. I also like the sentiments behind them. So... essentially I rather like this band. It looks like these two songs were released on the same album. Their first, and it went gold! That's impressive. It seems most of the band has been replaced over the last 11 years except for the lead singer. Hm. Ah well.

My computer is regularly overheating now (sad face). I've pulled out the good old computer fan. I should probably start looking around for a replacement. :/

I have THREE internship massages left!! I applied for my license today. I took my jurisprudence exam (it's a no-fail thing, so it was no biggie), I accepted a job offer for a Massage place that uses Thai massage (they'll teach us), hand and foot massage, and chair massage as their basics. It seems like a fun, if not particularly strenuous job. However, I have to wait at least 1 week to finish filing for my license. Then it will likely take 2-4 weeks to process, culminating in 3-5 weeks before I can start working!! I don't know if the job will wait for me that long. *cries*

Everything we could do for the Home Study is done. Now the Austin branch is assessing the report, making a recommendation, and then sending it to the Raleigh branch, who will then send it to the Cumberland branch, hopefully in time for court on the 28th. Hopefully.

So all of this means that I am, for all intents and purposes, FREEEEEE!! I'm free for the next little while (weeks?) because I'm just waiting for paperwork and decisions to be made. Yaaaaaay!!

Today is my sister's birthday. Monday was my other sister's birthday. My sister should have gotten her card today, because Momma got hers (her Mother's Day card) today as well. In my sissie's card, I included a shit ton of photos that I facebook-stalked out of my family's albums. I think there were 28 photos. It's all she's consistently asked for, so I did my best. I told her she better be grateful. :3 It took 3 hours!! And Hubby had to cut them out. *nods* But now she's got what she's asked for, and we also sent her a book she asked for. I don't know if they'll let her have it though. It wasn't very clear, but we got it off of Amazon like she said was okay..... *shrug* Oh well. I did my part.

I wonder if I haven't let Hubby spoil me too much. I say things so bluntly sometimes that it comes off as very mean. It's difficult to stay honest without being mean occasionally though. Hmph. 

:P Teehee? I went swimming tonight and did a lot of exercises for 30 minutes! Then I swam around, got cold, and then got into the hot tub to chill. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately, so I'm super, super tired. Soon I shall convince Hubby to go to bed.... soooooooon~!

I can't decide if I like this song or hate it. The message behind it isn't that great (in my opinion), and I know I hate the video. I think the singer's a narcissistic prick, but that's just my impression from the combined song/video. Make your own conclusion and then tell me! Good night! :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Interracial Dating....

huh. I have a few friends on facebook that post about how they're in a relationship with someone that's a different race, and I just don't really get it. I mean, I marvel at the different skin tones between Hubby and my hands, but I don't think 'oh, we're different races. Celebrate!' or anything like that. Maybe I should, but really, our race doesn't seem to be important to our relationship. Hell, as long as he was still him, I'd love Hubby if he were blue.
So to me, all those posts screaming 'Lookit us, we're different but we love each other so much! Yeah!' sound insincere. Maybe I'm wrong, and if I am, I don't mind apologizing, but it sounds like there's a lot of 'Why can't you understand me? It must be because you're not the same race as me' in that person's relationship. Or maybe they're not whole-heartedly approved of by their families or something. But really, it just sounds like they're out to prove something.
Most of the time I don't even think about race anymore. Especially not in consideration to my marriage. It just kinda seems like judging a cat by their fur. Yeah, her fur is black, but it doesn't change the fact that she's a cat. Yet some people think she's unlucky, or cursed, or blah blah blah. She's a cat. That's all. That relationship? You're just a man and a woman. Or a man and a man. Or a woman and a woman. If you're gonna comment on skin color, be a little more creative please. Like, Hubby's got caramel skin that makes me wanna eat him up! And I have milky skin that is all creamy and soft, until I get sun-burnt. Not, oh, he's a HIS-panic, and she's a whitey. *rolls eyes* Make it delicious, damn it.

By the way, I'm really enjoying Fall out Boys' videos all over again. Example:

I have another interview on Thursday, a few hours before my Licensing Exam. I think I'll definitely pass my exam. But I don't wanna just pass it. I wanna ACE that sucker so bad they send a frickin' signal up that I might have cheated to get such an awesome score. That's my goal.

This song's video is pretty funny in a terrible way....

I know I've shared those songs before, but it was years ago. Its funny how you can go back to old music and still enjoy it. Ah, right the interview. I'm not sure if I'll get this one. They offer specialties I haven't been trained in, so I'm not sure if they'll want me. I certainly don't mind learning them, and they seem to be 'pampering' without much elbow grease necessary for the massages, but still decently high costs. I'm glad I have an extra day to look over what they offer. Thai massage seems interesting and similar to Shiatsu, so it would be fun to learn.

Did I already share this song? It's surprisingly catchy and moving. And I think it's a sibling-song, so it would be difficult for only children to be moved by it, but that could just be my own bias. If it is, say so!

Tonight I made sauteed zucchini and eggplant with the bacon grease from yesterday's bacon-pizza, boiled broccolette, and buttery garlic bread. The bread took longer to cook, so at first all we had were the vegetables. Hubby was like "Siiiiigh. I feel like a vegetarian." and I sat there thinking, 'Well, the bread isn't meat either... at least it's a yummy meal?' I'm trying to get us out of the 'meat meat meat = meals' mindset, and I'm also trying to figure out what to do about a child that's allergic to eggs. I mean.... there's eggs in bread, in dough, in cakes, in most breakfast meals, and I'm sure it's in a ton of stuff we eat that we don't even know!! I'll have to be careful once she comes, and so I'm starting to notice the stuff we should ease ourselves off of, like bread, some pastas, quiches (though I just got started with liking those....), cookies and CAAAAAKE.
The hardest thing about it though, is that I was trying to ease off of gluten already. Easing off of both will be a very interesting experience. I think we're gonna be eating a lot more veggies and possibly meats in exchange. ....I wonder if all of us just going Paleo wouldn't solve the problem. It's healthy, even for children, but the school may have their own ideas of what the child should be eating, and that might include bread. I'm not sure. It's something worth looking into, at least.
I didn't want to go Paleo, because it requires meat the size of your hand at every meal, fruits, and veggies, and nothing processed or things like bread. My issue was the bread and the meat, but it would make Hubby happy to have that much meat, and we may not be able to have bread anyway, so..... It's becoming a more reasonable option.

This video is all kinds of funny, and I'm sorry if I already posted it. I feel like I must have, but I might not have, and that would be criminal. The song is awesome, first of all. The video is hilarious (though a little vulgar, so dont watch it at work) and ironic, which is something I always enjoy (and end up subjected to).

I think I'm done for the night. I can't really think of anything to add, and I know I already wrote a lot (sorry). Love you, g'night!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Interesting question.

Hubby watched this with me, and I turned to him. He says he didn't choose, but I know I did. I consciously made the choice to not pursue women when I talked about it with Hubby and he said it would make him unhappy. I think that's one of the joys of being bisexual and why so many people disdain the very idea of us. They can't stand that they weren't allowed to make that choice like we are. :3 It stings a bit to hear 'Bisexuality isn't real, you know' when I know perfectly well that both men and women excite me, and I identify with both (in obviously different ways). That's all the definition of bisexual is, and I definitely am.

....So HA!! I chose Hubbysexual! >:P

Also, this is my interpretation of Hubby's current mental self:
