Thursday, January 26, 2012

I've found this day to be off-putting

I woke up an hour after my first alarm went off (I set three). It was an hour before I had to leave for class, so I decided to make breakfast, and maybe talk to my roomie while we ate....

I ended up cooking until the last minute (since I had to make my own lunch as well) and wolfed down some cereal and a sandwich instead of the rice, miso soup, salmon, and tofu+bacon mixture I'd tried to create.

I was squeezed onto a bus, after being skipped by a jerk (honestly, all he did was skip me, but it was enough to make me dislike him) and subjected to three girls talking inanely about what they were going to do tonight. When the middle girl got up, I took her seat, and thought that would be the end of their conversation....Wrong..... The two girls talked over me until the second girl got off the bus. So rude!!

I stopped to buy a drink from the vending machine before class because I actually managed to make it before class started and I was incredibly thirsty.... I was given the wrong drink, but the flavor isn't too bad. Still, it's not what I asked for.

The librarian couldn't find my textbooks, so I had to get out my syllabus and she looked them up.

I found a nice seat, (without an outlet) and settled down to read my homework for History. Put in headphones, started up youtube, and this song came on.

It actually made me feel a lot better.

In other news, I gave blood on Tuesday, Got beat down by my PE classes, Bf accompanied me to my Weather Class, and then we went to a Sex Ed. program that was not as popular as we'd have thought, though we thought it was good.

Went back to my place, played, cuddled, showered, and I set up my salmon to be properly salted. :3 Roomie came back, we finished off our cake, and after I fought with my cat about where she was allowed to be, we all eventually got to sleep.

My dreams lately have been incredibly vivid, disturbing, and unhappy. One night (I think it was Sunday night), I went to bed at 12:20, and didn't get to sleep until 6:30-7 am. And had to be up at 9....but I snoozed until 10.

I've noticed that when I ask something of my roommate, she gets defensive and uncomfortable. But she regularly makes request/demands of me. "Don't buy ____ litter" or "____ Toilet Paper" or "Clean your stuff out of the shower" and such.
Lately, she's been using my ingredients without checking with me, for her and her boyfriend to eat. For example, I got two onions for two recipes that I was planning to make. I used half an onion for the first, and planned to use all the rest of it for the other one. My roommate, who doesn't even like onions, used up the other half of the onion. She never said a word to me about it, just used it. I was a little short on the onion I needed, consequently. She offered to go buy me another, but I didn't need a whole other onion, I just needed the half, and going to the store for an onion is just silly, anyway. So I made do, but a few days later, she used the Chicken broth that I'd had left over from that second recipe. She has tons of cans in the closet, but decided that since mine needed to be used in the next two weeks, she'd go ahead and use it. I had been planning to make some soup with that broth, and she, once again, didn't say a word to me about it!
Honestly, I think my irritation stems from two things. 1. She doesn't tell me when she's used something, so I don't know that I now have less or none of that material. I plan things based on my memory, so when something isn't there, I'm understandably confused/upset. and 2. She's using it for meals with a guy I don't really like. He really irritates me. He's annoying, attempts to cool by being random, and is an ass to everyone (Even roomie. He ignores her to talk to his friends, and it's more like he's showing her off, than dating her. But that's personal opinion). So the food that I bought, and made plans to use, is instead going into his ungrateful, irritating mouth, and I think that's at least half of my irritation.

Phew. Okay, I really need to get to my homework now. I hate not being prepared for his class, because he's a perv and I like to be prepared for any slips. Jyaa~

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I seem to be getting SPAMMED

I don't see why someone would want to advertise (illegally, I might add) on my little old blog posts, but bring on the war. So far as I know, though, none of my readers are amenable to smoking.

So, if you've been keeping up with bf's blog, you'll know I stayed at his house for almost a week (when he said it'd be three days....*glaaaaare*), and had lots of fun watching movies, and reading books, and chatting late into the night with his mom, and looking at his baby pictures, and going around his town a little bit. We even took a walk in freezing weather and played games with his mom. It was nice. It was 'normal', which is something I'm not used to.

I think it's funny that my family asks when I'll be back before I've ever left. They do it often, too. I'll be getting ready to leave, and they'll just "So when are you coming back?" me, and I'm kinda blind-sided, because I just spent X number of days here, and they all kinda ignored me/ spent a little time with me, but nothing to say they were eager to have me home. Oh well, that's my family, right?

My classes this semester are geared toward driving me crazy. There's a weather class (hello? Runa + Weather = @.@), 3 PE classes (oh yeah, I had a hurt knee +ankle....This could be awkward), World Population and Food Prospects (Bleeding hearts class. I have yet to attend and not nearly be moved to tears from one of his stories), History (with a perverted teacher, which is actually kinda fun), and Senior Design (with a paper due pretty much every time we meet). It's nothing I can't handle, but I don't have all of the textbooks, so doing the homework is tricky. I wonder how much I can BS through....

I took my kitty to the vet on Friday, and she got 2 vaccines, a rabies shot, and half a pill designed to kill any worms she may have. It was supposed to be a whole pill, but true to demon-kitty-form, she didn't allow them to get the rest of it down her throat. The foaming, hissing, spitting kitty I got to see nearly broke my heart.

I've been making Japanese-style food for my roomie and boyfriend lately. We have miso for breakfast most days, and oatmeal on days we don't have miso. I wanted both this morning, but time was short and Kei-chan only wanted miso anyway, so I contented myself with toast and cereal in addition to miso.

I am a little sad I didn't get to see Rozy after Christmas. I hope she had a good time on vacation with her family. :)

If I think of any other updates, I'll just make a new blog post. Talk to ya'll later!