Tuesday, September 27, 2016

When your sleep schedule is dictated by headaches, you know it's a bad day.

Yesterday was a very bad day. It was good in that it wasn't too stressful, but it was bad because I didn't feel good, cut my finger up, and my throat and head ended up hurting far more than I was prepared for. I ended up sleeping an additional five hours in the afternoon, causing my sleep schedule to fall back into the category of 'FUBAR'. I had to call out of work, Hubby had to make dinner, I had to pick up the childling from school (she was 'sick' too), and I had to listen to the neighbors across the street arguing for a while over stupid shit.

Honestly I'm just blogging because I feel guilty that Hubby has blogged three times since my last post. He has me beat.... for now. Mwahahahahahaha.

Lately I've been considering our finances, especially in light of my sisters' requests for money over the last couple of months. I spoke with Jail!Sis, and she knows her 'box of goodies' is her Christmas. Honestly, maybe I should feel more generous towards her, but jail is supposed to be a punishment, and giving her things/money to buy non-essentials strikes me as counter productive. But my other sis and mom are super sympathetic, and say how bad jail is, and I'm just following their lead here, because they would certainly know better than I.

When we were talking last night, she offhandedly mentioned how some girls there cut each other and then drink the blood. It was part of a conversation about my cut finger and MJ nearly using bloody water to make her soup yesterday. She didn't want to get into it, but that was the first comment she's made in a while that actually made me pause and really think 'Oh yeah, jail is for the fucked up or fucked over.' Her current 'release date' is April 8th. She's supposed to take time off her sentence by getting her GED, and by working while she's in there, so it's not a firm release date, but it's a good estimate for now. Also, I accidentally hung up on her when I tried to hold the phone to my ear with my shoulder. Apparently smart phones don't like that. It wasn't like I could call her back, either.

I need to pick up MJ's immunization records and submit them to her school, and get a haircut. I also need a new pedicure. I've been limping since the family went to the museum of life and science (yes, where our prom was) on Sunday. Near the end of it, I realized I could play Pokemon Go there, and caught a couple new pokemon, earned some eggs, and got some pokeballs, but I wish I'd remembered to play it sooner, because we walked all over the damn place, and there were tons of things to hit and find. I caught an Eevee!!! That was singularly exciting.

I've been hearing things lately. I'm sitting here new, hearing phantom alarm clocks going off, and I know it's not real because it got quieter. When I'm going to bed I often hear music under the sound of the fan, and it drives me bonkers. Last night that song 'Starving' was stuck in my head ALL NIGHT AND DAY and now I officially hate it.

The Asian Store near my house has a lot of stuff that I hadn't realized it had before (aisles I'd never gone down- This is why you should at least go down each aisle once when getting acquainted with a new place), and I now like it a ridiculous amount more than I did before. Yay for YuzuLemon Drinks! They give me the Vitamin C without the burn!

Anyway. It's been nice, but MJ's off to school now, so I'm gonna take a shower and head to bed. I really need to get my hair cut. It's getting to the point of making me murderous. Love ya!


college kid said...

Heh. The museum was fun, although I had a headache too, I think from lack of sleep.

Kinda worried that you are hearing things that aren't there. Maybe that is contributing to lack of sleep?

Runa said...

It certainly makes it harder for me to go to sleep......

Caitlin said...

Yeah the hearing things thing is very scary. :/ Talk to your doctor about it the next time you go.