Sunday, October 27, 2013

The second essay

The second one is an essay explaining your current situation and why you are in need of scholarship funds.

At the end of April, my contract as a security guard ended, and my husband encouraged me to get knee surgery while I wasn't otherwise occupied. So near the end of May, I had ACL reconstruction surgery and have been recovering slowly but steadily. My leg isn't as strong or as durable as it used to be, but that will get better with time and proper care. I attend physical therapy every week and work my leg to its limits often, trying to increase my recovery speed. While I am recovering, working a full time job or even a part time job that won't cause damage to my leg is very difficult, especially while also attending massage school. Just the squats and lunges we perform daily wears me out completely and I know working a job at the same time would be a difficult and possibly dangerous decision until my leg is much better than it currently is. 
On top of my current difficulty with working, my husband's student grants have been revoked because he changed from a Ph D. student to a Masters'. He's working a few additional jobs to bring in as much extra income as possible. In a single day he may be a TA for two different classes, tutor two students for an hour and a half, and work at a facility to help children learn mathematics in more efficient and logical ways. My husband really works hard for us, and any way I can lighten his load is a relief for both of us. 
The money we used to pay for my school tuition came out of our savings. We know it is a good investment, so it was worth every penny, but being able to put some money back in would be a wonderful thing for us. In February, my niece will be offered up for adoption, and we are hoping to get custody of her and bring her to live with us until either she is grown, or her mother becomes able to care for her. It's more likely that we will be caring for her until she's an adult, but there's always the hope that my sister will get her act together. In any event, we're saving as much as possible in order to both sustain ourselves, and care for our niece. I hope to be able to start working part time sometime in January to help with the household budget and to help save up for when she comes to live with us. 
A scholarship would be money saved for when events take a turn for the worse, or for when we find ourselves overwhelmed by the cost of living. We don't depend on our families for help with income, both because we want to be independent adults, and because it isn't fair to depend on people that are already struggling to make ends meet.  So far we have managed to live on our own, and it's our sincere hope to continue to be independent, capable adults. Incidentally, by the time I graduate, I should have recovered from the surgery almost completely and be able to work as though I were never injured. After I graduate, I'm sure I'll be able to find work and begin recouping the cost of education but until then, some assistance would be very helpful. Thank you for your time and your patience in hearing my story. 

Yeaaaaah..... I never know how to end an essay or a story. All comments and suggestions will be listened to (even if I'm cringing at the idea at the moment) and I really would appreciate your help everyone. Thanks, and I hope to hear from all of you soon!


Caitlin said...

Hi Runa.

I'm sorry I didn't get to this until it was already due. But I do think it's really good. It shows how you need money now and how that will actually help in the long term. You described your situation really well, too.

april said...

Definitely shows you have good reasons for needing the scholarship!