Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Because I think it's something you should know.

First, read this:


Next, this is my opinion:

So what if you're bisexual? ;) I hope that doesn't offend you. I don't think it's a big deal. I think people need something to gossip about, some common belief to congregate around, and sadly, sex is a core interest. Even those that aren't truly abhorrent of homo/ bisexuals act as though they are to fit in, and have some common ground with others. Think back to that night you described with your guy friends, when you laughed along so they wouldn't suspect you. I honestly believe that at least one other man in that group was doing the same thing you were. Just trying to get along, and giving consent to an idea because they didn't want to rock the boat or worse, get thrown off that boat. 

I'm bisexual, even if I've never done anything worse than lay in bed together with another woman while thinking about doing things with her. My husband knows and accepts that. Our belief is loyalty trumps sexuality. I can be attracted to whomever I wish, so long as he's the one I touch and love. I point out all the attractive people I see to him, girl or guy, and that lets him know that I'm looking around, but his hand is the only one I'm holding. You're no different for recognizing beauty in all aspects of human appearance. It just means you're more open minded, right? lol.

I'll tell you something I've before now only told a few. My mom got me riled up once when we were having a heart-to-heart. I inadvertently admitted I was bisexual. My mom was extremely shocked (I had only dated males, and was at the time dating my now husband), and eventually managed to convey that she was worried for my soul. This brought on an even more painful topic: I don't believe in god, when all is said and done. We talked it over, and it's rarely been mentioned since, but I'll never forget her telling me that she's scared, because I'm going to hell.

Historically, homosexuality has not only been around, it's been obvious. That leads me to believe that either most of humanity is going to hell for one thing or another, according to Christian beliefs. You (hopefully) aren't in hell yet, so don't sweat it until you're in it, okay?

Anyway, you have my support, whether you find that you're really hetero, homo, or bisexual. Really, you could try to experiment sexually with an attractive male and see if you just like the view, or if you like the lifestyle. Because those are also two different things. Regardless, find beauty all around you. Look at the sky. Locate the bird you can hear. Stop and inspect a flower. Just don't concentrate solely on you, on what others think of you, and on what you may think of yourself. Good luck, and lots of love.

That's all I just wanted it to be out there. 


Caitlin said...

I recently found another post of his linked from another site. It's about why he got divorced:


I think he has some big issues with his sense of self-worth, and that is why he is/was so ashamed of his sexuality and also why he was such a shitty husband.

Runa said...

Yeah, I follow him, and I read that blog. He has an add-on to it as well. I never really realized he had self-worth issues, though I knew he was working things through using his blog as an expression outlet.
He's really interesting, both humour-wise and serious thoughts.
He also had a gay-support blog post that I don't fully recall right now, but it was really good, and what got me into him in the first place.
I was mostly admitting to everyone that I'm bisexual. I think bisexuality is rather natural. Who better to notice and 'judge' a woman's beauty than a woman? Who better to appreciate the differences between a man and a woman, than a man and a woman? *shrug* Not sure if that makes sense, but basically: Women notice each other because we're similar. Women notice men because they're different. There's nothing wrong with being attracted to both sides of the coin. It's how you choose to live that makes it a moral issue. *Shrug* Just my opinion. :)