Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ode to the Kitty

Because she is just a constant companion when I am at home. She cries, she throws up, she purrs, she scratches, she kisses (it's awkward), she plays tag (even when we don't want to), hell, all she needs to do is talk, and sometimes I think she only pretends she can't.

She's a sweetie, but I really wanna brag about my dumbass accomplishment. I had the bright idea that hubby and I should strip at the door one day, and have a naked sword fight. It was fun. Neither of us got hurt, amusingly enough. But then I realized kitty needed medicine shoved down her throat via a syringe (She's had worms, and this was supposed to get rid of the last of them). My intelligent thought was to not bother getting dressed, wrap her in a towel and force-feed her her medicine. So I did. ....And I succeeded. Not even her vet expected us to be able to actually give her the medicine (because she's a feral demon cat), but I did. I even made her drink water to wash the rest of the medicine down using another syringe. While naked. I'm still shocked at my audacity, and trying to figure out if I was stupid or confident or both. Hubby watched the whole time, waiting for something to go wrong. Honestly, she nearly clawed me at one point, but I have quick reflexes for a reason. SO we both escaped unscathed. Please tell me: Was that stupid? Do I deserve praise? Because I feel incredibly pleased with myself, and also incredibly shocked at myself.

I also think she must be a true masochist. After I did that to her, she has stayed by my side constantly. She doesn't fight me, and she asks me for food a lot less than she did just the week before. It's scary.

So all of this originated when we took her to the vet. I saw a worm come out of her butt, got the willies, and chose a random vet. We went in, they weighed her (ELEVEN POUNDS ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!?!?!), checked her teeth (looking good, even though she throws up a lot), guessed her age (around 6 years old), and gave her medicine (The VET gave it to her. And I didn't have to help. Last time two assistants couldn't get it down her throat, but this vet succeeded.... eventually). The only thing is that there was a required second dose that they gave us for free because they didn't expect us to be able to do it. They highly recommended we bring her in to get the medicine done when we failed. BUT I SUCCEEDED~~~~~!
Anyway.... My kitty should be worm free shortly, and I will replace her litter completely so she can 'start new'. I also am seriously thinking of getting her some canned cat food because she has taken to literally jumping and grabbing my hand if I ignore her for too long while I'm making something in the kitchen. She doesn't really use her claws, but it's still a little terrifying to feel them slide down your hand on the front AND the back. *sparkly eyes* She clasps my hand in both of hers begging for food!! It's amazing!!

Phew. Other updates that I feel pale in comparison to my adorable kitty:
I now have contacts and am getting used to putting them in and taking them out (TOUCHING EYEBALLS EYAAAAH).
Hubby and I made our Thanksgiving feast on a day when neither of us felt like eating....But the food was still good (when we eventually ate it).
Hubby got his first massage! a man. Poor hubby. The guy was skilled but he treated the two of us very differently. *tilts head* It was interesting to compare notes.
Never get a sashimi salad if you can't handle spicy food. It wasn't what I expected, though it was delicious. And surprisingly, Hubby likes green tea ice cream.

I wouldn't mind seeing "The Collection"... I think my hate of scary movies is fading.

Hmmm.... I'm sure there's other things I want to say, but I can't think of them, so I'll stop here.

This song is hilarious, and catchy. Listen for "That magic in your pants is making me blush. Fo Sho." I always die laughing.


Caitlin said...

This is so cute! Thanks for sharing! :)

And about the worms... Yeah, I'm thinking I don't ever want to get pets.

april said...

To answer your question, yes, I think it was stupid to give a cat medicine naked. Me/my family always take into consideration what we’re wearing when we medicate the cat (no nice clothes! My brother usually puts on a winter coat!) I’m glad to hear that nothing went wrong, but knowing what I do about cats and medicine, it’s very likely that something could have, and you would have been in a very bad spot.

Wow!!!! – about getting contacts. I don’t think that pales at all. I don’t think I could ever get contacts, because I don’t like things coming at my eyes, and having to put in a contact means there’s no way to look away. Let me know if you have any tips!

Runa said...

-As long as you don't let the animals eat other animals, you should be fine. My mom has no qualms about that, and it's what usually caused Maya's sicknesses.
-I think Maya regards me as being above her on the food chain, and respects me thus. Hubby and I have talked about it, and he comments often on how 'brave' I am with her. I hug her even when she struggles, kiss her when she doesn't expect it, carry her around out of the blue, and rub her belly whenever I want. He can't believe it. I just have confidence in my ability to retaliate fast enough to minimize damage, so I don't worry about things. They say animals can sense fear, so maybe that's why she's cowed. I don't really feel a lot of fear anymore.
-Tips about contacts: When you start, cut OFF your nails. Cut them as low as they'll go, and use a pinching method to separate the contact from your eye. The reason you flinch from it in the first place is because you know instinctively that something that is going to touch your eye is going to hurt you. I've gotten used to it by touching my eye with the contact as a barrier while it's on my eye. That relaxes my fear and instinctive retaliation. The more you do it, the less difficult it is.
...But it looks like I might be allergic to these contacts. They burn my eyes and blur my vision. I'm getting a new type to try. *sigh* Another work in progress.