Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I'm writing this between bouts of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. It's a really good series. I have less than ten episodes left, and I'm both excited and apprehensive about what's going to happen.

So first I guess I'll start off with what should make me love my job (Even though I don't, and don't think I can....)
-I get to sleep all day, and stay up all night
-I get to drive around aimlessly for hours on end
-People show me respect,
-and also often mistake me for police
-I can do what I want, to a certain degree
-I get to watch people as much as I want without being seen as strange
-I can (apparently) get off work rather easily
-It pays so-so

*guohhh.... Two really good men just died (apparently) in FMAB I wanna cry! But I won't! I'm strong! *

-I get to be left alone for hours at a time, so I can think quietly by myself.
-It's not particularly physically taxing (except for the extreme stress and tension that I can't help accumulating by sitting for hours on end)
-It frees my days up, so I can spend them with my husband (though I end up sleeping most of the time)
-I can wake up hubby when I go to bed, which provides good cuddle time
-If we had kids, I would be able to get them off to school, and hang out with them during the morning before hubby woke up, so we would have pretty damn good coverage over their hi-jinks.
-If I were so inclined, I could make breakfast every morning (I'm not.) and dinner every night (If I could get to sleep at a decent time)
-I never have to think about what to make for lunch anymore.
-I can have breakfast food for my 'dinner' all the time
-I don't have to listen to hubby snore anymore. :P

....You know, the more I write, the more flip-sides I keep seeing to my job. It's amusingly similar to the theory constantly repeated in FMAB. "To get something, you have to give something up" essentially. I'm not at all sure that the body health, and stress I'm going through is equal to the amount of money (minimum wage) and benefits I get from my job. But until I'm pushed too far, I'll stick to it and keep my eyes open for a much better offer. *sigh* Feels disloyal though, and really isn't the kind of thing I normally would do. But the job is lonely and boring, so it can't be helped, right? *sigh*

I'm so glad I found a loving husband that understands me and tolerates my quirks. He's actually developing a few quirks of his own that I absolutely love. He's sweet, but firm, and everything I could have wanted from a husband. Honestly, I don't think I wanted a husband as a kid. Momma always told me to be the one that got away from needing a man, to just maintain a good job, and do what was best for me. *shrug* I think I've done what was best for me by choosing Rebikins, to follow her wishes. He keeps me stable, and makes me happy. ^.^ So I try to make him happy too. And bring a little spontaneity and fun to his life as well. Yay for opposites?

I think I'm a little like pineapples. I've gotten everything I wished for as a child, but with twists. I've gotten to go to Japan, and even live there. I've gotten to major in Japanese, though it has no use in my daily life now (cry). I've been able to find someone COMPLETELY different from my family, but now deal with the stress of retaining the balance between them.  I've gotten away from my family, but now I can't really go back even when I want to (especially to the kids I didn't know they would have). So in a way, I've gotten everything I wanted out of life, but in another way, I've lost quite alot. ^.^ It's the way of the world. But I bet you, because of my choices, I'll continue to get lots of good with the bad. I think my husband plays a large role in this. Because he treats me well, I can trust him to care for me, even when I don't feel worth it. Hmmm... I'm not sure how to put it in a way that's easily understandable, but I guess you could say he's the one that I look up to. lol. Blushing yet, dear?

Whooooo~! I'm on the last episode! It's been an emotional rollercoaster, that's for sure. I really recommend Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. It IS a lot more interesting than the first one, in a different way. It's like reading fanfiction almost. All your favorite characters changing and growing together in a very palatable way. I can see why fans were discontent with the original FMA anime. I like them both, but have to admit, this makes a lot more sense, and is a lot more in-depth. I could do without some of the background music though. It tries to make an already touching scene or already tension-filled scene MORE and all it really does is detract from the situation. It's a little sad, honestly. :P Oh well. Can't win them all, right?

Lets see.... I was talking about hubby, wasn't I? So part of my 'job' is to make him happy, submit him willingly/unwillingly to fun, play with him, and keep him humble. :3 If he has a fault, its that he gets too full of himself, and what he's worth, and begins treating people and things like they matter less. >:3 I keep him from doing that. lol. Sometimes I'm mean to him, but.... I try not to be.

Actually, I'm beginning to get a better hold on my anger lately. (Watch me end up having a huge blow-out soon because I'm writing this. ;___;) I haven't completely lost my temper in days, which is a huge relief to me. The anger that comes with the birth control I'm on (well, for me it comes because my self-control isn't as strong on this BC) scares me, to be honest. It's so sudden, and so strong, that when it catches me off-guard (as it often does) I worry about hurting someone or something. Often its poor hubby that it ends up directed upon, and that's not really fair. He does pretty well with handling it, but he really shouldn't have to. *sigh* I hope my temper isn't this explosive when I'm pregnant. Hubby already calls me a scary woman daily (and means it too). The poor guy would die if I had a child inside and lost my temper. Hopefully this lack of recent 'attacks' is showing some tolerance building back up. I've always prided myself on my self-control, so this lack lately REALLY annoys me, and on that note, probably makes the anger worse. lol. It's a work in progress, I suppose.

And so now you have a super long update to make up for my lack of them lately. :P
My favorite opening:


college kid said...

Awwww. You're so sweet. Aishiteru!

Caitlin said...

This is the best, thanks for writing it!! I am sorry about your job. It may be disloyal but they don't deserve your loyalty.