Monday, February 23, 2009

Signs of a Romantic Love's progression

It's some chewy words, but totally funny and typically accurate:

Romantic love begins as an individual starts to
regard another individual as special and unique. The
lover then focuses his/her attention on the beloved,
aggrandizing the beloved’s worthy traits and overlooking
or minimizing his/her flaws. The lover
expresses increased energy, ecstasy when the love affair
is going well and mood swings into despair during times
of adversity. Adversity and barriers heighten romantic
passion, what has been referred to as ‘frustration
attraction’ (Fisher 2004). The lover suffers ‘separation
anxiety’ when apart from the beloved and a host of
sympathetic nervous system reactions when with the
beloved, including sweating and a pounding heart.
Lovers are emotionally dependent; they change their
priorities and daily habits to remain in contact with
and/or impress the beloved. Smitten humans also
exhibit empathy for the beloved; many are willing to
sacrifice, even die for this ‘special’ other. The lover
expresses sexual desire for the beloved, as well as
intense sexual possessiveness, mate guarding. Yet the
lover’s craving for emotional union supersedes his/her
craving for sexual union with the beloved. Most
characteristic, the lover thinks obsessively about the
beloved, ‘intrusive thinking’. Rejected lovers first
experience a phase of protest, during which they try
to win back the beloved and often feel abandonment
rage; then they move into the second stage of rejection,
associated with resignation and despair. Romantic love
is also involuntary, difficult to control and generally

So did you understand it? ^_^

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