Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yay for fevers

So, I finally kicked someone out of my room for the first time.....RB's freinds had been there for three hours, and they were all basically just playing, and I really was tired, so I kicked them out. V__V I got maybe 2-3 hours of sleep, and then I had to get up and go to work. When I got up, I was STARVED but I had neither time nor convenient food, so I packed some crackers and vienna sausages and went on my merry way. When I got to work, I realized that not only was I cold, I was rather nauseous. In a "Let me go locate a bathroom...JUST IN CASE" kind of way. So after a while, I can say that my tummy has settled down now. So I ate some crackers and sausage...and now I'm fighting nausea again. I don't understand my least it still likes Ramen. I haven't done much work, but honestly, I can FEEL my forehead burning, my tummy is UNhappy, and I think my eyes are getting bruised from such little sleep. If only the CAC of Wood hadn't been so desperate for someone to cover this shift tonight.... I could actually FEEL the relief she radiated when I finally said yes. I like to be helpful, but I'm so tired....>.< At least I have 20 hours of work for this week! I'll like my Halloween paycheck, oh yes I will.
Speaking of paychecks...I don't get paid til Friday. I have two dollars on me. I have very little else. I'm soooooo screwed. Maybe screwed is a bit of a strong way to put it. Bf buys me food and stuff when we're out, but I feel so BAAAAAAD about it. I mean, in some ways I don't mind, cause I was raised where the sign of a good man is one that takes care of you and doesn't allow you to pay. In other ways I mind quite a bit, cause....well, cause I don't want to be dependent on him. I want things to be at least somewhat even. If he pays for me this time, I want to pay for him next time. If it's not a date. ^_^; It might be hypocritical, but I feel like dates should more or less be paid for by the guy. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's just my view, nurtured from early years. But casually meeting to eat together and be able to spend a little time together...I feel like that should be even, if possible. V_V Which, right now, if we're eating out together, is not possible. *siiiigh* Oh well.
My nose is sore...waaaaahhhhh....another sign that I'm sick. I feel so sick and gross...But I only have two classes tomorrow, and I really can't afford to be missing them. I should go to the clinic to see what's up, but 1. I don't feel up to that walk, 2. I really don't LIKE the clinic, 3. Damn....who's to say they can help me?. AUGH! I'm actually SNIFFLING! I'm disgusted with myself. I should do homework.

I should be the title of this song.


college kid said...

...You gave in. Sweetheart, its nice that you're helping people, but I say you should have held your ground and not gone to work. You are sick, and the last thing you need is to not get sleep. Lecture over.

Runa said...

I did NOT give in. *frown* I couldn't have. If you work too many hours in a week, you get terminated. You're the meanie that didn't believe I would hold my ground. I just about always hold to my word.