Saturday, December 3, 2016

Yay Keyboard power!

This post isn't likely to have much depth to it. I made advent calendars for MJ and Hubby this year. The suckers took me all night to make, and they're not quite MJ-proof yet. I'm still waiting for her to come in '.....It broke, Can I have a new one?' and I'll have to tell her there's no replacing it, because my brain was fried by the end of the making, and I don't remember half the shit I wrote, only that I tried very hard to be sweet and loving and not 'Get off your ass and do jumping jacks for 20 minutes, and then I'll give you a prize.' We just watched Don't Breathe, and I have to say, by the end of the movie, I hated the female lead, and hoped she would be kidnapped and raped. Don't get it? You gotta see it to believe it. Otherwise, I do recommend the movie, it was well done, and you don't feel the movie is too unrealistic, and there's a hell of a lot of 'Oh shit' moments. I have a cold sore on my mouth again. It only happens when my immune system drops a significant amount. I've been fighting off viruses for three weeks, and yesterday I fell at the end of my interview/lesson, and hurt my ankle and wrist. I'm actually not going to type too much more, because it's straining my wrist. Hubby is reading Angel Densetsu (I told him to), and he's loving it. I think it's a great story, and I'm glad he likes it. Everyone should read it. There's been a lot of songs coming out lately that I think are catchy and nice, though Maroon 5's don't want to know is absolutely hated by Hubby. It's pretty funny, really. Work is going okay, though I'm conflicted about whether I should ask to have my hours shortened until my ankle heals or not. I've begun tutoring ESL with Japanese immigrants who are usually here for their husband/father's work transfers. My Japanese is so rusty!! Ok, wrist is hurting, stopping now. Sorry loves! I really like this one song:

1 comment:

college kid said...

Teehee. I liked "Don't Breathe" too. Everyone in that movie was on some level a bad person though. I'm not sure still if its a good thing that the movie makes you root for the demise of all characters or if that is a weak point (normally you want at least one character to "win"). But you could also argue that it makes this movie unique since there is no hero or villain in it. And thats closer to what real life is.

Angel Densetsu is good and it has a nice lesson of not judging based on appearances/rumors. Sometimes the situations in the manga are really out there though. I had to suspend my disbelief a few times at how bad the misunderstandings were.

The wrist and the ankle both hurt? If they don't get better soon, you may have to reduce the hours. We need the money, but not that much. It won't do any good to ruin your body so you can't work in the future.