Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Woman I want to be

I've been thinking about it, but since I don't know what I want, taking steps in the right direction to become that person is really hard. I could use some input. Here's where I stand now:

-I'm capable of anything and everything. My morals, preferences, and choices are my limiting factors. I can be a goddess, a wrestler, or a murderer if I so choose, and honestly, I'm the only one that can decide it. I realize that.
-I also realize that I don't know what I want to choose. There's no limit, so there's no problem will asking for input to help me decide what to keep and work out. For example: -I'm shy, but I act confident. I'm fine with this. Friends that know I'm actually quite shy are the ones that are the 'keepers' for me. If you can't figure out when I'm nervous, you might want to work on getting to know me.
-I want Japanese to be involved in my future. Preferably Japan itself being involved in my future, but I haven't decided how badly I want that yet.
-I'd like a job that doesn't have normal hours. To do that, I have to be really awesome at whatever I choose to do. I can do that.
-Whoever I am, has to be able to show they care.
-They also have to be kick-ass and able to protect those I care about.
-I'd kind of appreciate having a 'fuck off' part of myself. I'm usually a little more mellow than I should be (on the outside).

....Yeah, that's about where I stand right now. What things about me do you love/hate/love to hate? Remember, if you don't mention it, I might think it's a bad thing and decide to twist it around. ;)


Caitlin said...

I think you are pretty good at judging character, and I love that. You are really kind. You also love children a lot, and I think that's cute.

Runa said...

<3<3<3 Thanks Caitlin! ^.^ I appreciate it. *tilts head* I used to be terrible at judging characters....I wonder if I've actually gotten better? :3 Thanks so much! *huggles* <3<3<3

college kid said...

I like your unshakable integrity/honesty. Sure its inconvenient at times, and puts you at a perceived disadvantage compared to most people who are perfectly able and willing to lie. But its this quality about you that I find admirable and unique. Its rare if not impossible to find someone as honest as you are, and is one of the reasons I'm not worried about you cheating on me while being away for such a long time.

college kid said...

Spring Classes post:
I am not a strange taste! *pout*

Not surprised people are hating on Americans.