Friday, March 25, 2011

Addictions and Complaints

My title is kinda epic, if I do say so myself.

First off,

My ankle is swollen. Walking hurts. I have reached my 'silent staring ahead and daydreaming in order to make it where I'm going' stage of pain. What am I daydreaming of? It's best you don't know. They aren't meant for anyone that's not middle aged, on the verge of death, or extremely deranged. Yes, they're THAT strange. And awkward to explain. I have overworked my ankle a little too much, apparently. I would apologize to it, but a small part of my brain is still thinking "Quit being a sissy and man up already you damn appendage!" And trying to sincerely apologize when you're not sorry isn't one of the things I do. I just don't.

 Now, on to things that aren't me bitching.

I have new addictions. One day I WILL take revenge on this woman for always finding things that interest me on fb. Until then, like an addict I will keep looking at what she posts. My recommendations? and
They're really interesting. I really like them. I would recommend '' but it makes me cry. I don't like things that make me cry. ....Apparently they don't make rozfire cry though! I've made my voice hoarse trying to make her cry with them. Grar!!!!

My birthday is coming up on Wednesday. I'm having a party. :) We will play games and eat snacks and I'm going to the Aquarium that day. The day before, we'll be going for a flower-viewing party.

Reading things out loud with a British Accent makes story-time SO much more fun. And reading out loud is actually easier, as well. I begin to understand why I chose a British accent when I was so little. My teachers thought I was from England or something. They were wrong, but hey, it's amusing, right? ^.^

Alright, I'm out of juice. Enjoy the song I was humming in the shower this morning. :D


Caitlin said...


-Caitlin & Alec

Runa said...

Thank you~! ^.^

college kid said...

Winter Semester post: Ehhhhhhhh? When you say "feels like middle school all over again," does that mean alot of guys had a crush on you during then?

Hanami: Heehee. Reading this reminds me of you saying you were tipsy over skype. *shrug* i didn't really see it.

college kid said...

Ankle/Fall Classes post:
You need to irritate the heck out of your IDS advisor. In other words, you need to send him an email EVERY day until he responds. Don't wait a month for him to get back to you. He may be busy, but he is NOT that busy. Don't accept shitty service from anyone, especially people whose job it is to help you out. I generally give people three days to respond. And I think that's being generous.

So did your mom say why she wasn't online for two days?