Wednesday, May 23, 2018

MJ's coming out!

She's finally completed enough therapies, and dealt with enough traumas, and finally decided she wants to get better, so she's coming home! We're going to pick her up tomorrow. I was thinking of taking her to a really interesting ramen place in Charlotte for lunch, but after browsing their menu (I enjoyed their food), there's not much that she's not allergic to on it. So I think not.

Maybe we'll get another smoothie. She enjoyed the last one. She'll basically have to live off of the keto diet from now on. And not for asthetics, but due to allergies. Fun stuff. She looked like she would willingly shank my husband for his bread last week.

So, she gets out tomorrow, and Animazement starts tomorrow! i'm super excited!! This year my little brother is also going to come with us, but he'll arrive on Friday, and we'll return him on Monday, have a welcome back party/Memorial Day celebration.

At Animazement, I'm basically gonna look like this:


Also? Never ever search for that. Holy shit. I'm a little disconcerted. I wasn't prepared for that.

So, this weekend is hopefully going to be amazing. We've just finished the intake for future therapy for MJ, so yaaaay for that.

I'm bored now, so I'm stopping. Sorry for the five month delay?