Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Yoga and losing weight...

The other day my sister called and told me my mom is losing weight. She's been trying to lose weight to help her diabetes, but by ignoring her medicine. So of course the doctor railed at her and got her back on her medication, but she's really depressed and sick from the meds. We talked for a while and I told her about hubby's awesome offer to buy me a book per pound lost and kept off. She was duly impressed. We hung up and I went on patrol.
She called me back a few minutes later with an idea. Why not make our weight loss attempts into a competition? See who could lose weight the fastest. I agreed, because really, I can't back down from a challenge issued by my mother, and we hung up again. So now I have the "I really don't want to lose!!" attitude.... But apparently terrible karma.
My coworker decided to come to work an hour and a half early and bring pizza to share. Not twenty minutes after I finished eating my chicken noodle soup (home made, from scratch. Be impressed, be very impressed). *cries* I couldn't say no, because the poor man apparently buys pizza once a year, and got a large because he wanted to share with me and hubby. But oh, how I lamented. It's not fair.... I just got my determination, and someone gives me a social situation I'm not churlish enough to refuse. So I ate one piece, and immediately felt very full, and a little sick. (I don't ever eat pizza. I eat the breadsticks.) Then we went on walking patrol, where I had to slow my pace to a crawl because the poor guy has a lot of trouble walking, but didn't want to be left behind.
Then I get home.... where hubby has been making cookies. What I thought would be a huge temptation (because his cookies are amazing) turned out to be not much of a temptation because they really weren't his best. Maybe I just don't like chocolate chips in my peanut butter cookies. But I was glad for it.
Then we took a shower, and I finally got a look at my aching, crying legs. There were red dots all the way around at the tops of my thighs, and I had pure redness down the insides of my thighs. I knew they were hurting, but I didn't know they were that bad. Touching them hurt. Cleaning them was nearly hellish. And later I decided to play scientist and experiment. I put lotion on one leg but not the other. Turns out lotion helps, though it makes them colder quicker. But they both still hurt, and I still have work again today, and yoga every day. But I'm not giving up!! I want those books! I mean, I want to be healthier and lose weight despite my crippling weakness for sweets.... yeah..... that reason..... >.> <.< >.<
New topic. My cat! I love talking about her though I'm sure a lot of people get sick of hearing about it. She keeps climbing on top of me when she gets cold and then she won't budge until I get ruthless about removing her. She also crawls in bed with me and once she's in the bed, I find it incredibly hard to get out of the same area. Same with hubby. When one of them is in the bed, providing a lovely warmth and incredible level of comfyness, getting out of the bed is ridiculously hard. But! Hubby makes it even harder.
This meanie head actually comes crawling out of the bed (on the days I manage to get out of it) rubbing his eyes, squinting at the light, and pouting at me, saying "Don't go.... Why did you go?...I don't want you to go...." and he's so damn cute that I can hardly resist!! I would do it to him, but it doesn't seem to bother him when I come zombie-ing out the bed going "Haaaaauu? Nnnnnnmmm!!!" like I did this morning.Oh well. I'll get revenge eventually. Maybe my revenge will be kids that wrap him so completely when they look up at him, he's unable to go against what they want.... Evil? yes. Effective? Hell yes.

Since hubby already blogged about our date, I'll leave that one. My birthday is in a few days! We're having a dinner party with some friends, and going out just the two of us tomorrow to a meat house that I wanted to take hubby to on his birthday but it was too late. I also bought myself some new bras for my birthday, cause mine are getting old, and I haven't gotten any in over a year and a half (More, I think, but I'm not sure). Need to go pick out a cake that's big enough for six people. I'm still trying to decide between chocolate and vanilla. Oh well.


What I was looking for

Friday, March 1, 2013

Food, sleep, and preferences.

Today we had a birthday dinner for our Korean couple. J&J (another couple) made sweet and sour chicken and brown rice, while J&M (the korean couple) made a kind of BBQ pork and sushi rice. I made cheesecake. Hubby really liked the cheesecake and all the meat. He was the last one eating.
We also got J&M gifts. M wanted a tea cup set, and couldn't find one, so I found one at Rosses that was cheap and cute. It was a black and white set with roses on the cups and saucers. She looked like she was so happy she would cry, and I got really embarrassed. I'm so glad she liked them. J likes to meditate, so we got him a little water fountain that sprinkles water over some rocks and all six of us spent a while trying to get it to work. Eventually J managed to get it working, and then he dismantled it and put it away. Then we all played Bohnanza.
When we left, I felt like shopping (ironic) so we went to Walmart and spent an hour or so just going around looking at things. We ended up getting a few random things, and it wasn't bad. I got a little ladybug pillow thing for my niece. Hubby got toothbrushes, and was looking at water guns. I vetoed them. lol. They generally break and soak things you didn't want soaked. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Then we came home and I finally bribed hubby into watching 'Vampires Suck'. I bribed him with more cheesecake, ice cream, and hot fudge on top. Hefty bribe, isn't it? He laughed at a lot of the jokes in the movie, but still said it was a horrible movie. Admittedly even I was annoyed at the awkward nature of the main chick, but it's still a terribly funny spoof.

I snickered just watching the trailer. Admittedly, this one is funnier than the first two Twilight movies (which it makes fun of). Unfortunately, that doesn't make it a good movie. I don't regret buying it though.

Recently I've been having trouble with my sleep. I find myself sleeping anywhere from nine hours to thirteen. I really only need seven or so, and think it might be my birth control cycle kicking in. I remember sleeping a lot more after it activated the first time. I think the BC has a nine month cycle, and repeats. Hopefully this will be very temporary. I wanna get up early and do yoga damnit!!!
On the plus side, I don't seem to be gaining weight anymore. On the minus side, I'm not losing either, and my BMI is 32.2. BMI really is a more interesting way to keep track of your health. I wish I had always kept track this way. I think it eliminates the embarrassment of what a person's weight is, and focuses on what percentage of fat the person has instead. When I was tall for my age and my weight reflected that, I felt ugly and now I know I didn't need to. Oh well. I should work on getting to a more healthy BMI. ^.^; Which is easier said than done, I know. If I could just sleep less!!!
Tomorrow we're going out for Sushi. Well, I am. Hubby's gonna get Hibachi something, since he doesn't like raw fish. .....Darn. There's a really good sushi place, but it doesn't have hibachi. Then there's another place that's decent, and has hibachi. I guess we're going to the decent place. I don't think hubby can eat sushi alone and still be okay. I'll have to try the other place with my girl friends sometime instead.
I feel my japanese skills slipping away!!! It isn't fair!!! >__< Now I'm gonna listen to Japanese music a lot to try to reclaim a bit!

At about 24:00, they sing a song about Vegetable Juice..... so weird....