Tuesday, January 31, 2017

As Mr Frosty once said

Happy Birthday!

Its the Hubby's birthday once again, and like in recent years, he's impossible to shop for. He buys whatever he needs, and I distinctly worry about buying the wrong thing and wasting money. One thing that never turns out badly however is sweets.

On that note, he's getting a cute little pudge in his belly. I love it, but it seems to stress him a bit, and blood pressure is something to keep an eye on, so I'm reluctant to ply him with sweets this year. His mom does that enough for me anyway.

I'm making steaks for dinner, and just hope I do well, considering I dont actually have a grill. After all the steaks I've had lately though, I may insist on going vegetarian for a few days to get some relief from it. Meat is great, but veggies are more versatile and less heavy.

Part of his present is this post, as I've neglected to blog much. Teehee?

Hmmmmm..... Heartfelt thoughts: Holy Moly we've been together nearly ten years and are still in love. Isn't that amazing? I'm so very glad I chose you, and that you chose me. I love you. Thanks for sticking with me on this rollercoaster we call life.

1 comment:

college kid said...

Thanks sweetie. Sorry I'm so hard to shop for. I love you!