Thursday, February 13, 2020


So, had knee surgery last week, easy recovery surgery. They had to remove the meniscus from where it was catching in my joint (bucketpail tear). Recovery is going good.

Now for the real reason I am updating!

Saturday night, I dreamt I talked to my older brother on the phone
He died last October
On the phone, we came to the decision he was calling from an alternate dimension,
And he called to ask me to check on the family
In my dream he had a wife and children and was laughing happily
All things he couldn’t have before
My mom hasn’t dreamed in years, a side effect of her sleep medicine.
So anytime I dream of family, she wants me to call her and tell her
Eventually on Saturday I did
And she said she dreamt of him laughing with kids around him the night before too
But that was all she could remember
I texted my oldest sister, asking if she’d dreamt of our brother
She had, surrounded by kids, laughing
The only sibling I haven’t talked to is in jail, but she likely dreamt it too
The next day, or yesterday? (My days are a little wonky) my oldest sister got into a car accident
She was a passenger, got T boned, she’ll be okay
But my mom called me
“I can’t believe she got into an accident right after Bubba (my brother) told you in a dream to check on the family!”
Because we hadn’t been talking to oldest sister because of some drama
Oh, and all of the dreams happened the very first night after mom placed the pentagrams (my brother was Wiccan) on his urn
So while I’m still sad, I’m feeling better about things

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