Thursday, May 5, 2011

I realized how little I post on here lately

I also just realized that on Sunday, not only do I get a movie day with my lust crush, but he will be helping me practice my self defense which means lots of physical I'm suddenly seriously looking forward to the weekend. And I'm dreading it now for the exact same reason.....That sucks.

So today I took a day off. :) Or so I say. What I actually did was:

-Wake up around 10.
-Eat a piece of toast,
-Hang up Ikuchin's laundry and start my own (starting with my bed sheets)
-Take a shower
-Hang some laundry up
-Eat some orange slices and something else
-Get dressed, put make up on
-Go out to Tsutayas ( a rental store) where I rented 5 movies: Mamma Mia, Public Enemies, Juno, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and My neighbor Totoro
-Pick up a set of donuts from Mister Donuts
-Come home and cry over the state of my feet ( a few cuts that I really hate getting)
-Cut the donuts in half and essentially scarf them down since I was really hungry by then
-Turn on my computer and hang more laundry
-Check for anyone online, check bf's schedule to see what his plans/etc were
-Ikuchin came home, so we ate various breads and donuts for lunch
-Watched Juno and had a discussion on adoption in the US. We also discussed my family tree which looks so much more complicated on paper than in my head
-Watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. We both enjoyed that.
-She made dinner while I finished up the laundry
-We ate. ....She made this really bitter dish that I didn't really like, but I could eat, so she was really impressed. ....It honestly turned my stomach just a little. But I didn't want to make her eat it all by herself.
-I got online again and started sending out emails etc.
-Ikuchin offered me ice cream. Of course I said yes, so I then was sick to my stomach from it....
-Took a scented bath
-Sang in the bath (embarrassing, but fun)
-Talked to bf

...hopefully soon I will sleep.

This song has not left my mind completely in days: (And it describes what I've done today fairly well)


college kid said...

Heh. Just don't look too forward to it, k?

I haven't seen Totoro...not sure if I've seen Public Enemies.

Heehee. What songs did you sing in the bath? Was this one included?

college kid said...

"My emotionally exhausting day" comment:

Kinda sexually harassed? How is this amusing?!

Runa said...

Awwww...but sexy man attacking me....How can I not look forward to it??

...If it makes you feel better, my host family will be increasing by 4 more people at least for the next....few days....or there'll be plenty of other people to keep me from getting carried away. V.V

I was singing "Simple and clean" and "Somewhere only we know"

Sexual harassment:...Because it didn't bother me. I was impressed that someone shorter than me had the balls (pun intended) to rub up against me like that, but I'm still not sure it was even his intent, so I'm not worrying about it.

Runa said...

Actually I ended up going out on a 'date' with him, where he treated me to just about everything. I was supremely uncomfortable with that, since I don't think anyone you're not incredibly close to should be treating you to anything, but he wouldn't take the money, and actually managed to dodge when I tried to put it in his pocket. *pout* Turns out my host mom told him to, so I feel less awkward, but it was still interesting. >.O