Thursday, April 11, 2013

A recent Dream I had

I wrote this right after I woke up, so forgive any mistakes.

Young woman in a strange world that is all she remembers is surrounded by friends and frenemies that are always familiar to her. Acrobatic feats, magic, and strange coincidences collide in this world where she occasionally hears her name, and can't let go of her music box, despite EVERYONE's wishes for her to. Eventually it is revealed all her friends and frenemies are actually dead, and this is the in-between world. While they assure her she is also dead, she can't quite believe them, and her horse, with the strangest and most familiar haircut, still won't talk to her. Finally, she things to talk to him in French, and as they are walking around in some woods, she sees the city. The city stirs her heart, especially a certain tower. The horse tells her she isn't dead yet, but if she doesn't hurry, she will be. They are both suddenly attacked by all the others, intent on keeping her with them, as she is the center of their world. Once more she has the strange feeling of being called to, and decides to jump off this mountain to reach the city, where she is certain her body and the mysterious voice is.
Cut to a new scene: A more mature version of the girl is laying sickly in bed, nearly emanciated from a coma, while a handsome boy resembling her horse clings to her hand and calls for her. Her parents are sitting at the end of the bed, with sorrowful and determined eyes. They explain to the boy that they have decided to let their little girl go, and he protests so violently and eloquently that they agree as long as he is beside her, they will not cut it off. In the heat of the argument, they don't notice the girl beginning to stir as inside her mind, she draws closer to the city of her consciousness.

Wouldn't that be an amazing story or movie??? At least, I think so. A song I've been liking more and more lately:

1 comment:

college kid said...

Heh. You should make a movie out of that. For reals.