Thursday, August 1, 2013

Interesting imgur things.

I don't think this is nearly as accurate as I thought it would be. It's weird and strange in some parts, but the essential message, I believe is the same. Yes, Hubby is my best friend. Unless I have a surprise for him, and then he's my worst enemy because there's no one (except maybe my mom) that I want to tell the secret to more.

I like this blogger in general, but this post is pretty good. It's just pictures of bumper stickers. I remember when I got in my crash, mom said I was sitting underneath my bumper sticker that said something like "Danger. Blonde driving, doesn't know about brakes" (I had two, I think I just combined them in that....). She thought it was ironically funny.

Another post of his that I tend to read and it gives me goosebumps and sometimes chills, is the stories from his readers about creepy things kids say. I've experienced some creepy kid talk, so it's not hard to imagine these things.

This had to go on my blog. Watch it! It's only a minute or so long, and it's surprisingly funny.

I was looking at a 'list' of 50 reasons they miss college, and most of the pictures are of young women (dressed or undressed), and beer. Sometimes together. I don't know about you, but those never really factored much in my college experience. Sad that they seem so important to these others.

I can't think of anything else I feel a burning need to share except: Train is performing on Sunday! <3 br="" nbsp="">

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

I like "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one." Hehe.